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{~=-[/ Kregain Sephiroth's Page of Darkness... \]-=~(}

Welcome to my page, I'm Kregain; please enjoy the lil' tour I give into my rather under manned site. If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me. {)~=-[/ A little section about me.\]-=~(} Stats- Real Name: Michael Age: 25 Location: In North East Phila, Pa. Hobbies Include: Goth clubs(Others too), Billards, Bowling, Swimming, Roleplaying games, Arcades, CCGs*, PS2, Chatting online, collecting online art, etc. *(CCGs for the uninformed of you out there are Collectible Card Games, ie. Magic The Gathering.) I have little to say about myself, for most people learn from me first hand. But I shall tell you what I can come up with. I'm rather sarcastic in the best sense of the term. I'm very friendly to most people I meet, though sometimes I can start out rather shy, meaning if I want to talk to you I'll come up with a lame conversation subject. Usually it ends up well enough. I've made plenty of friends this way, yet none that I can actually say I 'know them.' The old link below for my e-mail is acting all screwy so here is my current address:

Things to know about me & my site.

My Favorite Links

Vampire Community Webring
Elfwood Fantasy & Sci-fi: Art & Stories
Ultimate DBZ (Title says it all.)