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Paddling Links


Some of these links will set you dreaming. Others will give you details you are looking for about trips you are planning.

If you, like me, feel you can't travel without at least one boat, and can't afford to join professional tours, you can find paddling buddies over the Internet through lists or by finding paddling clubs with web sites and message boards. I found a person who loaned me equipment to paddle with him in California on the Russian River and another person who lives only a few minutes from my daughter's house near Boston who will paddle with me when I visit there.

And I offer the same service in the Houston/Galveston area. I can either borrow or pick up a rental boat for for you and then guide you on one of my favorite paddles.

Our best seasons are from February to June and October to December. But I paddle year around. Night paddling is fun in summer. We are famous for our wintering birds and in January and February we often paddle with thousands of ducks and geese as well as wading birds. I paddle in many places just to enjoy them. And we have swamps, lakes, rivers, bayous and bays all within sixty miles of Houston, TX.


The site of my good friend, Natalie who has a page
of places to paddle around Houston.

She also wrote up and took the pictures for a trip report of
one of our Thanksgiving trips - this in Laguna Madre.

Ken Johnson's descriptions of paddling destinations around Corpus Christi

The destination page of the Gulf Area Sea Paddlers

Some International Trips described.

A great site for U.S. and International trip descriptions and
details for planning your trip

An informational site with trip reports from around the world.

The Atchafalaya Basin Canoe Trails Site. This is a wonderful site
with the topo maps already linked. And one of my favorite
places to canoe and kayak.

Information on paddling America's Wild and Scenic Rivers.

The Southwest Paddler Web Page gives information for paddling inseen states, including rental liveries. He goes north to Arkansas and then west.


Directions to Champion Lake in the new Trinity River NWR - gotta check this out.

Finding Launch Sites

Launch Sites on Texas Lakes

Launch Sites on Toledo Bend

Boat ramps on Lake Buchanan and Lake Travis

Texas Beach and Bay Guide - This gives information about boat ramps along the coast. Many of the National Wildlife Areas have boat launches which make for lovely wild paddling both in bays and on inland bayous.

Link to database of public boat launches in Louisiana.

Descriptions of Rivers in Texas - This site has a description of paddling conditions on the rivers as well as river milage between roads. Does not list the access points.





Stream Gage/Current/Weather Data

Texas Rivers

Louisiana Rivers

More Louisiana River Information

Galveston Bay current and weather informaation.



Sites of Kayak Manufactures and Equipment Suppliers

My favorite manufacturer, Mayan Seas, maker of my Performa L kayak. I love this boat because it is both fast and lively and turns easily in little swamp trails and loves to play in the surf. I also like not having to bother with a skegg or rudder. It is also a better fit for a smaller paddler while having lots of room for gear.

Paddling Net's interactive guide to buying boats and equipment. Check out their ads for used boats as well and notice that you can place free ads with them.

Paddler Recommendations

I asked other paddlers to recommend boats. Here are their remarks. I used first names only for privacy.

Robert - I like Mirage Doubles because I can paddle in any kind of water and still be able to keep an eye on my two little boys.


Miscellaneous Links

Photo essays of more of my trips.

My friend, Hulin's site. He as been paddling for over 50 years and has lots of stories to tell. He mostly paddles in Louisiana. Great for armchair paddling

Website by Marilyn B. Kircus. Last modified on January 23, 2004