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Wouldn't it be nice if life were perfect?

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I know I'm sarcastic about most things, who me sarcastic?? never!, but you all really should just take a few seconds to go visit The Hunger Site It only takes a few seconds and every little bit helps.

If I were a work of art, I would be Vincent Van Gogh's The Starry Night.

I am a tiny village at peace while overhead rages the tumult of the heavens. Objects whirl and flash around me in a fevered haze only partially reflected in reality while I remain grounded and secure in my isolation.

Which work of art would you be? The Art Test

Some places to make you less bored

poll I'll make a new one at some point
Things that are a little more important than my troubles
Random Thoughts, Feelings, Comments, Quotes, etc That I feel the Need to Share
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Perty moving pictures
This is the Cause of all my suffering
Catherine actually changes her webpage