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The Unofficial Warhammer 40k Costume and Prop Archive

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Name: MakinStuffOutOfStuff/Dave
Location: Unknown
Publicly Displayed: San Diego Comicon 2009
Materials: "Bolter gun for the Space Marine costume. It's also mostly cardboard. It's based on a .75 caliber .998 "Godwyn" pattern bolter from Warhammer 40k, which I keep calling "Dawn of War" since that's where I first heard about Space Marines.

The double headed eagle thing is clay painted silver. The grip and front of the stock are carved wood, as are the sights, top rail, trigger guard, and trigger. That's a bottle cap on the back, that little black circle there.

The barrels and extra bits coming off the front are PVC I put some weird cuts into.

The magazine is cardboard with clear plastic. The bolt casings (brass looking things) are spray painted cuts of PVC pipe.

It's actually 32" long if you were thinking "that looks kind of small". "

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