Atlanta Trojans/Eagles

Years of Existence: 1991-1999
1991 –
1992 – Semifinal appearance
1993 – Semifinal appearance
1994 - Championship game appearance
1995 - Championship game appearance
1996 - Quarterfinal appearance
1997 - Southern Division Champions, consolation game winners
1998 - Quarterfinal appearance
1999 - Quarterfinal appearance
Lifetime Record: 135-113
Playoffs: 11-8

The Atlanta Eagles franchise began in 1991, with a 10-10 record, finishing in third place in the Southern Division. The Eagles finished in second place behind the Miami Tropics in 1993, losing to the Tropics in the division final. In 1993, the team tied for second place in the division, again losing to Miami in the postseason tournament. The following season, as the Trojans, Atlanta finally overcame the Tropics, defeating them by thirteen in the semifinals. The Trojans lost in their first championship game appearance to Jacksonville. Atlants lost in the following season's championship game to Florida. Florida ended the Trojans' 1996 postseason, too. 1997 marked the first and only division title for the franchise. After a semifinal loss to Long Island, the Trojans defeated Raleigh in the consolation game. The team returned to the quarterfinals for their last two seasons, losing in a protested game to Pennsylvania in 1999. During the team's existence, it sent thirteen players to the NBA.

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