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Star Trek CCG: 1st Edition Wants
Star Trek CCG: 1st Edition Haves
Star Trek CCG: 2nd Edition Wants
Star Trek CCG: 2nd Edition Haves

My haves and wants are sorted by set and then alphabetically. At the beginning of my have list I also have a "Promos" section and a section of "sought after" gaming cards that I have. Look it over and let me know if we can help each other out. I am Captain Akoocheemoya of GAB, Blazing Moon Team. As I really only need the URs and such, I will trade highly in your favor...just ask! I am also willing to cross trade with my 2nd Edition have/wants. Check out my other post on this board. Thanks for looking!

Star Trek CCG: 1st Edition **WANTS**

**Blaze of Glory**
Jadzia Dax FOIL
Locutus’ Borg Cube FOIL
Riker Wil FOIL

**The Trouble With Tribbles**
Dr. McCoy

**Tourney & Other Foils & Promos**
(Black Filler Card)
34th Rule of Acquisition FOIL
Admiral Riker (Oversized)
Decaren (Oversized)
Gold-Pressed Latinum FOIL
Kivas Fajo – Collector FOIL
Patrol Neutral Zone FOIL
Two Of Nine (Oversized)

**Star Trek CCG Packaging**
BB Premiere Starter Box
WB ’94 Premiere Wrapper
WB ’94 Premiere Booster Box
WB ’95 Premiere Starter Box
First Anthology Box (with Inserts)
Deep Space Nine Starter Box
Trouble With Tribbles Kirk Wrapper
Trouble With Tribbles Starter Box

Star Trek CCG: 1st Edition **HAVES**

**Good Gaming Cards**
7 Holodeck Door
21 Q's Tent
6 Kivas Fajo-Collector (3 BB, 3 WB)
8 Kevin Uxbridges (3 BB, 5 WB)
17 Amanda Rogers (12 BB, 5 WB)
12 Q2 (5 BB, 7 WB)
13 Q The Referee
6 Obelisk of Masaka
18 Masaka Transformations (3 BB, 15 WB)

Admiral Riker FOIL (Sealed)
Admiral Riker FOIL
Data Laughing (Sealed) x3
Dr. Telek R'Mor FOIL (Sealed)
The Emissary/The Traveler (Sealed) x2
The Emissary
The Traveler x2
Plasma Torpedo FOIL
U.S.S. Jupiter (Sealed) x6

**Black Bordered Premiere**
Alynna Nechayev
Ancient Computer
Devoras x2
Dr. La Forge
Investigate Disturbance x2
Investigate Sighting
I.K.C. Bortas
Morgan Bateson x2
Pi x2
Study Nebula
Survey Mission
Tam Elbrun
U.S.S. Brittain x2
Wesley Crusher

**White Bordered Premiere 1994**
Albert Einstein x5
Alien Groupie x2
Ancient Computer
Anti-Time Anomaly
Armus – Skin of Evil
Avert Disaster x3
Betazoid Gift Box
B'Etor x3
Crystalline Entity x3
Devoras x2
Dr. La Forge x3
Dr. Leah Brahms x5
Evaluate Terraforming x3
Explore Black Cluster
Explore Dyson Sphere x2
Explore Typhon Expanse
Geordi La Forge
Goddess of Empathy x2
Gowron x2
Horga’hn x3
I.K.C. Bortas
I.K.C. Buruk
I.K.C. Pagh
I.K.C. Qu'Vat
Investigate Alien Probe
Interphase Generator x2
Investigate Dissappearance x4
Investigate Disturbance
Investigate Massacre x2
Investigate Raid x5
Investigate Rogue Comet x5
Investigate "Shattered Space" x3
Investigate Sighting x2
Jaglom Shrek – Information Broker
Kargan x4
K'Ehleyr x3
Khazara x3
Khitomer Research x3
Klingon Death Yell x3
Ktarian Game x2
Kurak x5
Kurlan Naiskos x2
Kurn x4
Leah Brahms x2
Lore Returns x2
Lursa x2
Lwaxanna Troi x6
Medical Relief x2
Mendak x2
Morgan Bateson x2
New Contact x2
Pegasus Search x3
Reginald Barclay x4
Richard Galen
Roga Danar
Ro Laren x2
Sarek x5
Sarjenka x2
Sarthong Plunder
Satelk x4
Seek Life Form x2
Sela x4
Shelby x6
Sir Isaac Newton x2
Study "Hole in Space" x2
Study Lonka Pulsar x2
Study Nebula x5
Survey Mission x4
Tam Elbrun x3
Tasha Yar x2
Thomas Riker x2
Though Maker x2
Time Travel Pod x4
Tomalak x2
Tox Uthat
Tsiolkovsky Infection x2
U.S.S. Brittain x5
U.S.S. Phoenix
Varon-T Disruptor x2
Vash x3
Vulcan Stone of Gul x2
Wind Dancer x2
Wormhole Negotiations x2

**White Bordered Premiere 1995**
Albert Einstein x3
Alidar Jarok
Alien Groupie x2
Anti-Time Anomaly
Avert Disaster x2
Betazoid Gift Box x3
B'Etor x2
Crystalline Entity x3
Cultural Observation x2
Cytherians x2
Data x2
Evaluate Terraforming
Explore Black Cluster x2
Explore Dyson Sphere
Explore Typhone Expanse
Geordi La Forge
Goddess of Empathy x3
Honor Challenge
Hugh x2
Hunt for DNA Program x4
I.K.C. Bortas
I.K.C. Buruk x3
I.K.C. Hegh’ta x2
I.K.C. Pagh
I.K.C. Qu'Vat x2
Investigate Alien Probe
Investigate Disappearance x2
Investigate Disturbance x6
Investigate Massacre
Investigate "Shattered Space" x2
Investigate Sighting x2
Investigate Time Continuum x4
Jean-Luc Picard
Kargan x2
K’Ehleyr x2
Khazara x2
Khitomer Research
Klingon Death Yell
Leah Brahms x6
Lore Returns x3
Lore’s Fingernail
Lwaxana Troi x3
Mendak x2
Morgan Bateson x2
Nagilum x2
Neela Daren x2
New Contact
Pegasus Search x3
Reginald Barclay x2
Richard Galen x3
Sarek x3
Sarjenka x3
Sarthong Plunder x3
Seek Life Form x2
Sir Isaac Newton
Study "Hole In Space"
Study Lonka Pulsar x2
Study Nebula x2
Survey Mission
Tasha Yar x2
Temporal Causality Loop
The Devil
Thought Maker
Time Travel Pod
Tox Uthat
Tsiolkovsky Infection x2
U.S.S. Brittain
U.S.S. Hood x4
U.S.S. Phoenix x2
Varon-T Disruptor x4
Vash x4
Vulcan Stone of Gul x2
Warp Core Breach
William T. Riker x2
Wind Dancer
Wormhole Negotiations x2

**Alternate Universe**
Berlingoff Rasmussen x6
Beverly Picard
Brute Force x4
Coalescent Organism x5
Commander Tomalak x9
Compromised Mission x2
Cryosatellite x2
Data's Head x5
Dathon x5
Decius x4
Devidian Door x6
Diplomatic Conference x10
Echo Papa 607 Killer Drone
Edo Vessel x5
FGC-47 Research x6
Fissure Research x5
Gomtuu x4
Governor Worf x4
Ian Andrew Troi
Iconian Gateway
I.K.C. Fek’lhr x3
Interrogation x5
Jack Crusher x7
K’mtar x4
Lakanta x2
Lt. (j.g.) Picard
Major Rakal x5
Ophidian Cane x7
Quash Conspiracy x8
Rachel Garrett x3
Receptacle Stones x8
Ressikan Flute x13
Reunion x3
Risa Shore Leave x2
Samuel Clemens' Pocketwatch x5
Seize Wesley x9
Stephen DeSeve x5
Tasha Yar-Alternate x2
U.S.S. Enterprise-C
Vorgon Raiders x9
Warped Space x5

**Q Continuum**
Arbiter of Succession x5
Blade of Tkon x6
Brainwash x2
Canar x5
Data's Body x4
Investigate Legend
Ira Graves
Keiko O'Brien
Klingon Civil War x2
Lal x2
Madam Guinan x2
Manheim’s Dimension Door x2
Mona Lisa x4
Mr. Homm x2
Paul Manheim x2
Plague Planet x3
Samaritan Snare x2
Tarchannen Study x3
Terraforming Station x2
U.S.S. Stargazer x5
Yuta x2
Zalkonian Storage Capsule

**Introductory 2-Player Game**
Admiral McCoy
A Good Place to Die x5
Alien Labyrinth x3
Avert Danger x4
Commander Data
Cargo Rendezvous x7
Data Laughing
Distress Mission x4
Ferengi Attack x3
Gault x4
Gravesworld x6
Hidden Entrance x3
Homeward x6
Hostage Situation x6
Hunter Gangs x3
I.K.C. K’Ratak x2
Malfunctioning Door x2
Reopen Dig x5
Reported Activity x4
Spock x4
Survey Instability x7
The Gatherers x2

**First Anthology**
Dr. Telek R'Mor
Ensign Tuvok
Garak x2
Orb of Prophecy and Change x3
Quark Son of Keldar x2
Thomas Paris

**First Contact**
Admiral Hayes x2
Alas, Poor Queen x5
Alyssa Ogawa x2
Alyssa Ogawa (TWT Reprint) x3
Android Headlock x2
Antique Machine Gun
Assimilate This! x2
Beverly Crusher x2
Borg Kiss x4
Borg Neuroprocessor x2
Borg Queen
Build Interplexing Beacon x3
Data x3
Deanna Troi
Espionage Mission x2
Geordi La Forge x3
Jean-Luc Picard
Lily Sloan x2
Magic Carpet Ride OCD x4
My First Raygun x4
Ooby Dooby x3
Paul Porter x2
Phoenix x3
Primitive Culture
Primitive Culture (TWT Reprint) x2
Queen's Borg Cube x2
Queen's Borg Sphere x2
Reginald Barclay x6
Retask x2
Salvage Starship
Scout Encounter
Solkar x6
Stop First Contact x6
Temporal Wake x2
Theta-Radiation Poisoning
Three Dimensional Thinking x5
Visit Cochrane Memorial
Wall of Ships x3
Weak Spot x5
William T. Riker
Worf x3
Zephram Cochrane x4
Zephram Cochrane’s Telescope x5

**Official Tournament Sealed Deck**
Abandon Ship! x3
Armus - Sticky Situation x4
Darmok x4
Establish Relations x5
Explore Interstellar Matter x3
Hide and Seek x4
Hippocratic Oath x2
Husnock x3
Impose Order x4
Investigate Incursion x3
Make Us Go x3
Mineral Survey x3
Open Diplomatic Relations x4
Reflection Therapy x4
Spacedoor x4
Space-Time Portal x5
Suna x4
Test Propulsion Systems x4
Treaty: Federation/Romulan/Klingon x3
Unscientific Method x4

**Deep Space Nine**
Aamin Maritza x2
Access Relay Station x2
Acquire Illicit Explosives (S) x3
Aid Fugitives x4
Airlock x2
Aldara x2
Alien Gambling Device
Altovar x4
Bajoran Civil War
Baseball x2
Boheeka x3
Cha’Joh x3
Characterize Neutrino Emissions (S) x2
Colonel Day
Cure Blight x4
Danar x2
Defiant Dedication Plaque
Deliver Supplies (S) x6
Dukat x2
Elim Garak
Eliminate Virus (S) x3
Enabran Tain
Establish Station (S) x5
Garak Has Some Issues
Garak’s Tailor Shop x3
General Krim
Gilora Rejal x3
Going to the Top
Harvester Virus
HQ: Return Orb to Bajor x3
I.K.C. Toh’Kaht x5
Intercept Maquis (S) x3
Intercept Renegade (S) x3
Ivestigate Rumors x2
Kai Opaka
Karina x6
Korinas x2
Kovat x4
Kressari Rendezvous (S) x4
Lenaris Holem
Li Nalas x3
Mora Pol
Morka (TWT Reprint)
Mysterious Orb x2
Neela x2
No Loose Ends x3
Orb Fragment x4
Plain, Simple Garak x2
Plans of the Obsidian Order
Plans of the Tal Shiar
Protouniverse x4
Razka Karn x2
Refuse Immigration (S) x3
Reignite Dead Star (S) x2
Relocate Settlers (S) x3
Rescue Personnel x7
Rescue Prisoners (S) x4
Retaya x2
Ruwon x3
Sakonna x2
Saltah'na Clock
Search and Rescue (S)
Search for Survivors (S) x6
Shakaar Edon
Sorus x2
Study Plasma Storm (S) x6
Surmak Ren x3
Symbiont Diagnosis
Tahna Los x2
Tekeny Ghemor
Toran x2
Trauma x3
Turrel x3
U.S.S. Yangtzee Kiang x3
Vakis x7
Vedek Winn x2
Verify Evidence (S) x4

**Starter Deck II**
Botanical Research x10
Ferengi Trading Post x11
Geological Survey x12
Memory Wipe x10
Military Exercises x9
Search For Weapons x10
Study Cometary Cloud x12
Study Pulsar x10

**Enhanced First Contact**
Add Distinctiveness
Counterpart Overlay x2
Defense Drone Overlay
Bariel of Borg
Dukat of Borg x2
Eleven of Seventeen
Nightmare x2
Population 9 Billion – All Borg x2
Service The Collective x2
Six of Nineteen
Sphere Encounter
Tomalak of Borg

**The Dominion**
10 and 01 x5
Admiral Leyton x6
Amat'igan x3
Betazed Invasion x2
Ch’Pok x5
Chula: The Chandra x3
Damar x4
D'deridex Advanced x2
Empok Nor x3
Founder Leader x5
Founder Secret x4
Garak x5
Goran’Agar x3
I.K.C. Rotarran x4
Issue Secret Orders x2
Jaresh-Inyo x2
Kai Winn x3
Keldon Advanced x3
Keogh x2
Kilana x2
Kira Founder x3
Leyton Founder x2
Lovok x5
Lovok Founder x3
Martok x2
Martok Founder x5
Michael Eddington
O'Brien Founder x3
Office of the President x3
Office of the Proconsul x4
Omet'iklan x4
Orb of Prophecy and Change x2
Remata'klan x5
Salia x3
Senator Vreenak x5
Sleeper Trap x4
Talak’talan x5
The Earring of Li Nalas x4
The Great Hall x3
The Great Link x2
Toman’torax x3
Trager x2
U.S.S. Defiant
U.S.S. Rio Grande x2
Weyoun x2
Worf Son of Mogh (Preview) x3
Yelgren x3
Zayra x5

**Blaze of Glory**
Ambassador Tomalak
Boone Impersonator
Chart Stellar Cluster x5
Chief O'Brien x2
Cula: The Abyss (TWT Reprint) x2
Donald Varley x2
Dr. Koramar
Fajo's Gallery x2
Goraxus x2
Gul Madred
I.K.C. Koraga
I.K.C. Lukara
Ilon Tandro x2
Impersonate Captive
Inside Operation x2
Ixtana’Rax x3
Kang x3
Koloth x2
Kor x2
LaForge Impersonator
Long Live the Queen
Parthok x2
Prepare the Prisoner
Quark Son of Keldar x2
Riker Wil
Ro Laren
Senator Letant
Sword of Kahless
The Albino
Torture x2
Worf Son of Mogh x2

**Blaze of Glory FOILS**
Borg Cutting Beam FOIL
I.K.C. Negh'Var FOIL
Inside Operation FOIL
Koloth FOIL
Kraxon FOIL

**Rules of Acquisition**
Continuing Committee
Chula: The Door x2
Quark's Isonlinear Rods

**Second Anthology**
Bashir Founder x2
Jodmos x2
Koval x2
Legate Damar
Luther Sloan
Vedek Dax x3

**Trouble With Tribbles**
Brunt's Shuttle
Cargo Rendezvous x3 (Starter Reprint)
Chain Reaction Ricochet
Council of Warriors
Deep Space Station K-7
Ferengi Infestation
I.K.C. Ning'tao
Lt. Sisko x2
Orb of Time
Stolen Attack Ship
Weyoun's Warship x2

**Enhanced Premiere**
Alien Parasites & REM Fatigue x7
Anaphasic Organism & Nagilum x7
Ancient Computer & Microvirus x6
Beverly and Will x2
Computer Weapon & Hyper-Aging x3
Covert Installation II x5
Data and Geordi
Data and Picard
Excavation II x3
Explore Black Cluster II
Investigate Anomaly II
Investigate Sighting II x2
Jean-Luc and Beverly
Male's Love Interest & Plague Ship x5
Relief Mission II x7
Secret Salvage II
Sons of Mogh
Test Mission II
The Trois

**Reflections Foils**
Assimilate Homeworld FOIL x5
Alas, Poor Queen FOIL
Benjamin Sisko FOIL
Beverly Picard FOIL x2
Borg Ship FOIL
Central Command FOIL
Cryosatellite FOIL
Crystalline Entity FOIL
Damar FOIL
Decius FOIL
Dukat FOIL
Garak FOIL
I.K.C. Bortas FOIL
Julian Bashir FOIL
Kahless FOIL x2
Kira Founder FOIL
Kira Nerys FOIL
Ressikan Flute FOIL
Scount Encounter FOIL
Toreth FOIL
U.S.S. Enterprise-C FOIL
Wall of Ships FOIL

**Mirror, Mirror**
Commander Charvanek
Mr. Tuvok
Regency 1
The Guardian of Forever
Thomas Paris x2

Aggressive Behavior
Ancestral Vision x2
Arturis x3
Assassin's Blade (S) x5
Astral Eddy x3
Caretaker's Array
Crisis (S) x2
Cure Deadly Virus
Delta Flyer
Dr. Arridor
Dr. Ma’Bor Jetrel x3
Dr. Telek R'Mor
Gravimetric Distortion (S) x6
Hazardous Duty (S) x2
Hull Breach
Investigate Quantum Singularity x3
Kathryn Janeway
Kol x3
Lack of Preparation (S) x5
Male’s Love Interest (S) x2
Medical Kit (S) x4
Motura x3
Nekrit Supply Depot (S) x6
Nimira (S) x6
Radioactive Garbage Scow (S) x5
Rudolph Ransom (Fed) x2
Rudolph Ransom (NA)
Subspace Fracture
Sulan x3
Tanis x2
The Cloud x3
The Swarm
Tierna x3
Tom Paris
U.S.S. Voyager x3
Vidiian Boarding Claw
Vidiian Cruiser x2
Volcanic Eruption x3
Vorik x2
War Council x2

**The Borg**
Ankari Spirits
Borg Tactical Cube
Borg Queen’s Ship x3
Decaren x2
Fennim x2
First x3
Four of Nine x2
Gann x2
Gegis x4
Harness Particle 010 x2
Idrin x2
Karon x2
Kohlar x3
One x2
Orum (NA)
Replicator Accident x3
Riley Frasier (Fed)
Surat x2
The Clown: My Festival
The Think Tank’s Ship x2
The Weak Will Perish
Venatic Hunter x2

**Holodeck Adventures**
Ah-Kel And Ro-Kel
Arachnia x2
B’Elanna Daughter of Miral
Boothby x2
Buster Kincaid
Carlos x2
Chaotica x3
Crell Moset
Dr. Noah
Edward Jellico
Lewis Zimmerman
Minuet x2
Secret Agent Julian Bashir
Sherlock Holmes
Sigmund Freud x2
The City of B’hala x3
The President of Earth x2
Tongo x3
Transwarp Hub x2
Your Galaxy Is Impure x2

**The Motion Pictures**
Ambassador Sarek x2
Brigadier Kerla
Camp Khitomer
Captain Spock
Chancellor Gorkon
Commander Rand x2
Carol Marcus x4
David Marcus
Dr. Chapel
Ensign Tuvok x3
Gallatin x4
General Chang
Hero Worship x2
I.K.C. Amar
John Harriman x3
Kronos One x2
Ru'afo x2
Son’a Battleship x3
Starship Excelsior
The Genesis Device x2
The Whale Probe x3
Valeris x2
V'Ger x2
What Does God Need With A Starship
Willard Decker x2

**All Good Things**
Aid Clone Colony
Bluegill Infestation
Christopher Pike
Colonel Kira
Dimensional Shifting
Empathic Touch
Environmental Suit
Gideon Seyetik
In For A Trim
Lokirrim Vessel
Lt. Palmer
Miral Paris (Fed)
Miral Paris (Kli)
Raymond Boone
Robert DeSoto
Shape-Shift Inhibitor
Timepod Ring
Tsunkatse Ship
U.S.S. Drake
U.S.S. Grissom
U.S.S. Pegasus
Yeoman Rand


Star Trek CCG: 2nd Edition **WANTS**

**Second Edition "Premiere"**
The Viceroy, Shinzon’s Protector

Star Trek CCG: 2nd Edition **HAVES**

Elim Garak, Plain, Simple Tailor x3

Assassination Plot
Casualties of War
Complications x3
Conscription x2
Disable Sensors x2
Drex, Arrogant Warrior
Evek, Harsh Interrogator
Ezri Dax, Station Counselor
Face to Face x2
If Wishes Were Horses
I.K.S. Qam-Chee x2
K'mpec, Klingon Supreme Commander
Kargan, Rash Captain x2
Keiko O'Brien, School Teacher x2
Konmel, Renegade Warrior
Kurn, Bajoran Security Officer x3
Leeta, Dabo Girl x2
Miles O'Brien x2
Powerful Example x2
Retaliation x2
Roga Danar, Decorated Subhadar
Straying from the Path
Toreth, Cautious Commander
Winn Adami, Devious Manipulator x2

**Second Edition "Premiere" Rares**
Alien Gambing Device
A Treasure Beyond Comparison
Battle Drills
Dathon, Speaker of Tama
Dukat, Military Advisor x2
Duras, Son of a Traitor
Geordi La Forge, Chief Engineer
I.K.S. Rotarran, Ship of Tears
Inspiring Leader
Jean-Luc Picard, Argo Pilot
Jo'Bril, Patient Schemer
Katherine Janeway, Wry Admiral
Koloth, D'akturak
Martok, Soldier of the Empire
Miles O'Brien, Chief of Operations
Ocett, Dogged Rival
Retaya, Urbane Poisoner
Shinzon, Capable Commander x2
Tal'Aura, Impatient Senator
Telek R'Mor, Astrophysical Researcher

**Second Edition "Premiere" Starter Only**
Abduction Plot
Benjamin Sisko, Defiant Captain x5
Command Decisions x17
Cry "Havoc!" x17
D'Arsay Archive x17
D'deridex x5
Earth, Cradle of the Federation
Equipment Malfunction x8
Fissure Research x2
Gowron, Leader of the High Council x3
I.K.S. Vor'Cha x4
Intercept Renegade
Investigate Coup
Investigate Rogue Comet
Jean-Luc Picard, Explorer x3
Kahest, GhojmoH of Worf
Kolaran Raiders x17
K'Nera, Klingon Defense Force Commander
Limited Welcome x17
Li Nalas, Legend of Bajor
Mining Survey x2
Mission Briefing x3
Mouth of the Wormhole, Deep Space 9 x2
Movar, Political General
Pinned Down x17
Render Assistance x17
Romulus, Seat of Power
Security Briefing x2
Sensitive Search
Shady Resources x3
Shinzon, Romulan Praetor x3
Study Cometary Cloud
Supervise Dilithium Mine
The Promise x3
Thexor x3
Ties of Blood and Water x5
Ty Kajada, Relentless Investigator
U.S.S. Akira x8
U.S.S. Nebula x5
Worf, Security Detail Leader
Worf, Strategic Operations Officer