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Welcome to Idle Thoughts my web site devoted to one of my true passions, writing. Poetry to be specific. Events in the world, and in my life, have awakened the desire to express feelings and emotions through poetry. I hope that the words here touch you, and maybe even change you, for I believe they have changed me. Sometimes I place pictures with my poetry as I believe that the right picture can make poetry that much better. Please feel free to browse these pages and perhaps lose yourself for a while, and please feel free to send me feedback either positive or negative and I will try to respond where I can. Thank you for visiting. -E. J.

For those who have been here before, You will notice the new look, those who haven't, I hope you like the site. My wife and I decided it needed an overhaul. Also I will be adding more poems and musings. Please check back often, and please let me know your impressions.

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