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Imagine That

Best Friend


 This poem I wrote to my best friend Taylor to let
him know just how much I love him, and truly do feel

Imagine that the world was full of laughter
instead of sadness
Imagine that the world was full of love and joy
instead of madness
Imagine that mankind was one
instead of the damage already being done
Imagine that there was only one race
and only we can set the pace
Imagine that there was freedom
instead of racism in one big sum
Imagine that there was one color
and everyone was each other sister and brother
Imagine that the world had no pain
and the intensity of love would only gain
Imagine that the intense hatred towards others
would turn into the love of lovers
The world would become a better place
if we just tried to become just one human race



Tis a tale of a cowboy's life and name
Staying on for eight seconds is the name of the game
His thoughts are on riding that bull
Then everything in life will be complete and full

The lost money from the high stakes, for the entry fee
Knowing there's no other place he'd rather be
Miles of sleepless driving, money down the drain
Through all the bandages and all the pain

His sights are set on this ride he makes tonight
Being on the back of that bull is the real fight
His thoughts are not to get hung up on its horns
Ragged vests, broken spurs, his chaps and rope are

The rodeo clowns with their painted on frowns
Cowboys coming from far away towns
Standing behind the chutes, awaiting the opening of
the gate doors
You hear the crowd's screams and roars

Lost loves and women you'll never forget
It is one feeling you'll never regret
It's a small price you must pay
Just to be riding in this rodeo today

Thinking back on fallen heroes
Who rode a short eight seconds for the life in rodeos
They gave their life for one ride in the game
To have the name cowboy, to feel no shame

A friend like you comes once in a lifetime
With you I'll always have a guarantee
Your words as true as rhyme
With your brutal honesty

Your support is what makes me strong
I could always turn to you from the start
There has never been a time when you said I was wrong
Even in the beginning I could trust you with my heart

Never once would you let me apologize
To this day I still don't understand
Nor did I ever recognize
That our friendship was written in the sand

The tide never to carry it away
Even though it's been almost a year
It still feels like we met just yesterday
And still you promised our friendship will never

You were the one to help dry my tears
When my past relationships didn't last
You washed away all my fears
And have helped keep them in the past

Within you a best friend I have found
You will never leave me alone
Your caring and loving friendship will always be
To make this happen you would sacrifice everything you

The greatest friendship anyone could wish for we have
It will last forever without a doubt
This will go on for a lifetime without regret
Love is what it is all about

You are the most beautiful person I know
Everyday I grow to love you even more
And my love for you I always will show
My "Best Friend" is the only person this love is for

You are within my every prayer
That you are always safe without feeling any pain
I want you to know that I'll always be there
If you ever have something to explain

Your friendship means so much to me that I would never
If anything would happen to you then I would die
I couldn't live with myself otherwise
You are the reason I even try

To me your friendship will always be true
Just as beautiful as wild birds
In only two words how would I describe you?
A Best Friend in the plainest simplest words


They Say For Everyone

 Those Lips Which I Have Never Kissed

They say for everyone
There's that certain one
Waiting out there
For you somewhere

I'd been looking so hard
But making sure not to let down my guard
I was getting nowhere
Running in circles with a blank stare

I had no idea I was making my way to you
And there was nothing for me to do

Now I know how a river feels
When it washes into the sea
And finally finds the place
It was always destine to be

Flowing uncontrollably and fast
It reaches its home at last
Knowing that the journey's through
This is how I feel whenever I think of you

I know how the river feels
On this search it reveals
The miles of loneliness
But now it makes perfect sense, all the happiness

Here beside you
With a love that's due
Tears like a waterfall
I now know it was worth it all
Just to find you
Your arms the last I won't slip through


Those lips which I have never kissed
And I can only imagine the taste
Never feeling your embrace I have missed
With this said, I feel there is no time to waste

But you say you have fallen out of love
It's no longer me that your arms want to hold
No matter how many prayers I say to the one above
Your indecisive words are in my heart do bold

I know I must get over you, I must move on
Stop longing for your kiss at midnight
My thoughts of forever one by one....gone
No more dreams of you till morning light

Our love has fallen to that of the past
But the thought of you in my mind will still burn
My happiness has come and gone so fast
I wonder if one of these days I will ever learn

The tears from my eyes I must dry
To your words I must surrender
Down my cheek one last tear rolls, in midst of goodbye
And the memory of you is all I have to remember

I must keep my true feelings hidden, never reveal
This is not the right thing, everything about it is
My heart is only yours, and yours alone to steal
But this is your decision, I must go along

With your leaving a part of me has dies
The days are long, the night has no end
This is one thing I can not hide
Inside my heart will never mend

How can I try to start all over
When I can't hide from your memory
Where do I go to start over
When in your arms is where I want to be