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Alright......well since you clicked on that
damn about me button guess I should tell you
something. My name.....of Dana Marie
Shadel but Dana would do just fine. You start getting
into the full name thing I'll tend to think I'm in
trouble.....Thanks Mom!!! :o) I am presently 21 years
old getting ready for a birthday on February 22. YAY
ME!!! I enjoy hanging out with friends and family,
partying, drinking, know the usual
stuff. I am very loyal and devoted to my family and
friends. If you're lucky enough to be one you'd know,
if not ask one of them. But it especially pertains to
my Best Friend in the whole world Taylor. I love you
hunnies, I am so glad we got to this point and keep on
building stronger as the years go on.
OK enough about me, it's time for you to move
on....But if you want to know more just read my poems,
it tells me and what I feel in my life best.