
    Well, I'm sure you'll all love this one.  Guess what Ange and I did today? WE CLEANED THE HOUSE!!!  Yeah, and I mean the whole damn thing...even the BEDROOM!!!  I may have some pictures up here at some point.  Unfortunately we didn't take pictures before we started, you'd shit yourself.  The reason that we started cleaning the house was because we wanted something other to do than biology labs...we were getting quite sick of them.  Also this weekend I need to start writing my History Paper - it's such a piece of shit paper but I need to get it done...Other than Ange, I really haven't talked to anybody today, so my life has been pretty boring, but I got so much domestic work accomplished...I can't get over it.
    I haven't talked to Jeremy today, I haven't talked to Drew for about a month and a half (thankfully for those of you who don't know).  I think I may one day put a description on here of what happened between us - hell, maybe I'll write a little description of everything that has happened between ex-boyfriends and me...Yeah! I'll put it in the "writings" section of the site.  God I should write to myself more often, I get the best ideas.
    Maybe tomorrow I'll have more things to write - although probably not.  You guys should definitely go to the feedback site and write me any suggestions you have for the site - I need the help.  This is my first functional website I've ever had, and I plan on keeping it that way! Alright guys, I'm gonna go upload this page and go the F*** to bed...I'm tired.
