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the song mit take a while to load sry!!!

i figured it out my music on the site will b somthing diffrent nothing your used to. something 2 open ur minds to diffrents sounds,vocals,and instruments mayb ull get somthing out of it!

hello welcom 2 chzzite.

just keep poking!!!!

ight alot of ppl dont understand this so poke the pengiun n keep f*ckin pokin!!!

Joke Of The Day(Rated pg 13) An 18 year-old girl tells her Mum that she has missed her period for two months. Very worried, the mother goes to the Chemist and buys a pregnancy kit. The test result shows that the girl is pregnant. Shouting, cursing, crying, the mother says, "Who was the pig that did this to you? I want to know!" The girl picks up the phone and makes a call. Half an hour later a Ferrari stops in front of their house; a mature and distinguished man with grey hair and impeccably dressed in an Armani suit steps out of the Ferrari and enters the house. He sits in the living room with the father and the mother, and the girl and tells them: "Good morning, your daughter has informed me of the problem. I can't marry her because of my personal family situation but I'll take charge. I will pay all costs and provide for your daughter for the rest of her life. Additionally, if a girl is born I will bequeath her 2 retail stores, a townhouse, a beachfront villa and a $2,000,000 bank account. If a boy is born, my legacy will be a couple of factories and a $4,000,000 bank account. If twins, they will receive a factory and $2,000,000 each. However, if there is a miscarriage, what do you suggest I do?"

At this point, the girls father, who had remained silent, places a hand firmly on the man's shoulder and tells him,

"You shag her again."

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sry if there is no picture Psychic Test

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right here are called mouse overs all you have to do is put ur mouse over them ti do certain things so have fun! (picture of the girl u have 2 click on for pirates of the carribian slideshow)

put ur mouse here for a message

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movies 2 c

confidence (f***ing aswome there is no ?)

the pest(funny but stupid lol)

half baked (do i hav 2 say nethin)