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Paul Hornung, on leave from the U.S. Army, rushed for 89 yards in 20 carries and scored a record 19 points as the Green Bay Packers won their first championship in 17 years, defeating the New York Giants 37-0 in 21-degree weather at Lambeau Field on Sun, Dec 31, 1961.
In their last appearance in a championship game, the Packers scored a 14-7 victory over the Giants. Despite the cold, the field was in good condition. Fifty stadium workers had begun removing 14 inches of snow that covered 20 tons of hay at 6:00am the morning of the game. The bench areas of both teams were warmed by large infra-red heating units. The Packers, who outgained New York 345-130 in total yardage, scored 24 points to break open the game in the second quarter following a scoreless first period. Hornung's six-yard run four seconds into the second quarter...
was followed by touchdown passes of 13 and 14 yards from Bart Starr to Boyd Dowler and Ron Kramer and a 17-yard field goal by Hornung just before half-time. The Giants had threatened to score several times in the first quarter, but Kyle Rote dropped a sure touchdown pass deep in Green Bay territory, and halfback Bob Gaiters overthrew a wide-open Rote in the end zone.
Scoring Summary
GB - Hornung 6 yard touchdown run (Hornung kick)
GB - Dowler 13 yard pass from Starr (Hornung kick)
GB - R. Kramer 14 yard touchdown pass from Starr (Hornung kick)
GB - Hornung 17 yard field goal
GB - Hornung 22 yard field goal
GB - R. Kramer 13 yard pass from Starr (Hornung kick)
GB - Hornung 19 yard field goal
Attendance: 39,029
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