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Views of the Burning Mines in Summit Hill, PA

Updated January 10, 2004

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Burning Mines

The burning mines lasted for years. All attempts were made to extinguish them from pouring in water to filling ground with cement. Here in the following postcards are some views and equipment that were used.

If you would like to view other pictures of Summit Hill click on the buttons below to visit other views of town.

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Views of Front (Ludlow), Holland, White, Hazard, Chestnut, and Market Streets.

This page contains views of the SBRR from early streoviews as well as postcards, time schedules, tickets, and excursion passes.

Pictures of the town Schools and Churches.

This page has pictures from soda bottles, Pharmacy bottles, and early Victorian Trade cards from stores.

Pictures of the Armory, SwitchBack Station, Eagle Hotel, Summit Inn, Post Office and early pictures of houses.

This page has views of the Panther Creek Valley and also some 'general' mining views.

This page lists the graduating classes up to 1929 (I will be adding more) as well as a couple of graduation pictures.

If you have a website, or a list of surnames with your email address, pertaining to relatives that lived in the Panther Valley, email me and I will add the list to this page.

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