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           Welcome to the 240 BC Campaign

                            Updated 9-14-00

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The Classical Times    Spring in Review  237 BC

Romans Return to Rome

Chaos at home has forced the Roman army to return to the city of Rome.  A news blackout has prevented any detailed information from getting out.  However there are rumors of civil unrest.

Carthaginians Call for Peace

Citing the fact that war is bad for business Carthage has declared itself at peace with the world.  With Rome out of the war Jimmibal of Carthage has decided to refocus his nation's energies on international trade.

Macedonian Mayhem

Following the assasination of King Scotolopolus, Macedon has decended into total disorder.  The Bosporan army has siezed this opportunity and is attempting to retake the province of Bosporus.

Information Chart for the 240 BC Campaign

Country  Player/Email Army 
Army Size
Game Judge  Matt n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Armenia  Non Player 345 None 16 -40 -5
Bosporus  Doug 320 None 26 -20 -1
Carthage  Non Player 390 None 100 0 +1
Gaul  Non Player 400 None 90 +40 +2
Macedon  Non Player 375 None 0 -10 +4
Pergamum  Richard 315 166 75 -45 +6
Ptolemaic Egypt  Tedd 400 333 5 +20 +6
Rome  Non Player 375 None 20 +20 +8
Seleucids  Bob 355 131 65 -40 +4
Spain  Sean 360 None 0 -10 -2
Syracuse  Chris 365 231 40 0 +2
Greece Non Player 395 None 0 -50 +1
Illyria Non Player None None None N/A Out
Kappadokia Non Player None None None N/A Out
Kyrene Non Player None None None N/A Out
Nabatea Non Player 360 None 20 0 0
Thrace Non Player 370 None 87 -30 +1


Overlords and Ownership

Bosporus is Subject to the Seleucids
Armenia is Subject to the Pergamese

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