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Kamen Rider Kuuga

Episode 20 Synopsis

A Smiling Face
(Original Airdate: June 11, 2000)

Ichijou is driving along with Yuusuke, still riding the rush from his defeat of Me Ginoga De. He tells Ichijou that he needs to find a name for when he changes from one form of Kuuga to the next. Ichijou doesn’t seem to see the urgency of the matter. Yuusuke does a mock henshin pose in his seat and shouts, "Chou Henshin!" (Super Transform). Ichijou snickers at Yuusuke’s performance. "Does that sound okay?" he asks Ichijou, who says it sounds fine, all the while snickering to himself. Yuusuke begins ‘stomping’ on the cars dashboard, then he grabs the squadcar’s announcement microphone and begins singing for the general public.

Opening Credits

Tsubaki is finishing up another examination of Yuusuke in his office while Ichijou looks on. "He’s back to his normal self," says the doctor. "So what about this stone in his belt that was able to bring him back to life," wonder Ichijou. Tsubaki believes that it somehow was able to destroy the poison in Yuusuke’s body by decreasing his body temperature. He thinks that the extra strength Yuusuke has as a result of the belt is what allowed him to survive, and as Tsubaki speaks he adds emphasis by armwrestling Yuusuke and losing handily. "What is this stone?" asks Ichijou. "Is it some kind of programmable mechanism from ancient times or is it triggered by some unknown factor in the human body…" All Tsubaki knows is that for some unknown reason it brought Yuusuke’s temperature down and saved him. Ichijou decides to pursue the question with Sakurako, and begins to leave with Yuusuke. Tsubaki stops Yuusuke: "I almost forgot to give you these," he says, and presents Yuusuke with the omamoris. "I thought I’d lost them," he replies, much relieved. "You should be grateful," reminds Tsubaki. Yuusuke makes to leave, but Tsubaki stops him again. "One more thing," he says. "Yes?" says Yuusuke. "Sakurako’s not seeing anyone, is she?" asks Tsubaki hopefully. "I don’t think so," replies Yuusuke, at which Ichijou scolds Tsubaki. "This is not your area of responsibility," replies Tsubaki half-jokingly.

3 fishermen are having poor luck fishing in a canal. "Nothing's biting," one of them says, and is echoed by the other two. One of them spots something in the canal. "What is it?" his friend asks. "I thought I saw a hand…" says the first. "Where?" asks his friend, scanning the water. Then he spots what his friend saw. "I see it, but it’s not a hand, it’s just a glove." The 3 go back to their fishing.

Sakurako is at the computer when there is a knock on the door. She answers it to find Ichijou. "Oh, hello…Where’s Yuusuke?" she asks, looking around. Ichijou stumbles for words, and looks past her toward the window. She picks up on his clue, knowing even without looking that Yuusuke is climbing in the window. "I told him about that," she says. Yuusuke says he hasn’t done that in a long time. "So are you okay?" she asks. "Never felt better," he says energetically. Still despite her repeated requests not to enter through the window, she is glad to see him again: "Welcome back, Godai-kun," she says.

Shortly after the three are reviewing Sakurako’s progress on the writings. She has found the stone referenced in the writings to be called ‘Amadam.’ Other than that, she hasn’t found much. "This will take time to figure out," says Ichijou. Sakurako did find out that the green stone Jean and Mika found in Nagano is referenced with the same character as the stone in the belt. "So the stone in my belt is the same as the one in the Gouram," says Yuusuke. Sakurako reads the breakout: "kami no tsukai wa senshi no shimobe senshi no omoi o minorashimen" "So the Gouram is essentially my accomplice," says Yuusuke. Just then Jean comes in. Ichijou apologizes for his intrusion, and Sakurako begins to introduce him, but Jean’s figured out who it is, and says he’s heard a lot of good things about Ichijou from Kame-chan. "Kame-chan?" asks a puzzled Ichijou. "Oh, you mean Kameyama?" "Yes, yes, Mr. Kameyama," replies Jean. Sakurako and Yuusuke are a little in the dark. "A co-worker of mine in Nagano," explains Ichijou. He then excuses himself, and tells Sakurako to contact him if she finds anything else. "Sure," she says, and asks Yuusuke if he’s leaving, too. "Yeah. I have a promise to keep with Minori," he replies. As the two are leaving, Jean stops Ichijou and asks if it would be alright to go to the police research center and examine the Gouram, primarily since he and Sakurako feel the writings on it will hold clues to help defeat the Grongis. Ichijou says he’ll see what he can do.

Back at the canal the mass of matter that the fishermen had thought was just a glove turns out to be something more. The growth begins to squirm and wriggle.

At the Wakaba school a mass of happy children flock to Yuusuke and nearly smother him. One of the boys has climbed up on Yuusuke’s back. "Is that you, Hiroyuki?" asks Yuusuke. "We were wondering what happened," says the boy, " and we were worried that Number 4 wouldn’t come back, too. Mom said he had to come back because he defeats the unidentified lifeforms." Minori and Keiko are looking on. "He seems to be alright," says Keiko. "Yes," replies Minori. Ichijou approaches to the two girls. "I’m sorry to have caused you so much worry," he apologizes. "Not at all," says Minori. The three watch as Yuusuke is virtually drowned with attention. "Later, later," he says, deferring their boisterous requests until the proper time. Finally he has a chance to stand up, and makes eye contact with Minori. They look at each other for a few long moments. "Sorry I’m late," says Yuusuke. "And I’m sorry I had you so worried." "Not at all," says Minori. "But I’m so glad you’re back."

Out in back of the Wakaba School Yuusuke gives the children an animated demonstration of skill number 1880, finishing off with a noisy flourish. The children applaud wildly.

Back on the river the floating mass has grown considerably, and continues to bubble in a sinister fashion. Then it breaks free from the pole and begins to float downstream.

Me Garima Ba, Xu Gouma Gu, and Me Galme Le have come together for a meeting. The scene is shot out of focus and with a heavy green tint. We can see the figures gesture and hear them speak, but we can’t see them up close. "Where’s Balba?" asks a defiant Garima. {La Balba De is Rose’s Grongi name. I believe this is the first time she’s is referred to by name.} Gouma replies: "She’s gone to get those Go bastards." "I’ll be one of the Go’s soon," says Galme confidently. "Of the 3 of us, only I stand a chance of that," snaps Garima. "I’ll be one, too," sneers Gouma, and for his defiance Garima slaps him to the ground (somebody has to while Rose is gone). "Whatever the case, the game will soon be over," says Garima confidently, and the meeting adjourns.

Back to the canal once more, and the mass that had broken away from the pole in the river has grown significantly. Suddenly a hand emerges and begins to writhe.


Enokida and her colleagues are a little frustrated with their investigation. "As usual, there is no response," she says. Her colleague tells her that the report from the investigation in Yamanashi yielded the same results. Enokida squats down beside the uncooperative subject and chides it for not being any help.

Ichijou and Yuusuke are in the squad car when Ichijou’s phone rings. Yuusuke picks up the phone before Ichijou can get to it. "It’s Dr. Enokida," says Yuusuke, "Do you mind if I answer it?" "Go ahead," replies Ichijou. "Hello, this is Ichijou," says Yuusuke, feebly disguising his voice. Enokida is puzzled: "Ichijou-kun??" Yuusuke continues: "Yes. Is this Dr. Enokida?" She just looks really confused. After a few moments Yuusuke can restrain himself no longer. "Actually, this is Yuusuke." "Godai-kun??" says a surprised Enokida. "You better get your butt over here now!" she urges, "We need you to help us with this thing!" Yuusuke agrees, but tells the doctor he would like to grab a bite to eat first, if that’s okay with her. "I know a good spot," he says. "Sure, I’ll be waiting," she says. "Right," says Yuusuke, and hangs up. "By ‘a good spot’ you mean…," begins Ichijou.

At the Porepore Yuusuke is grabbing some lunch while Oyasan, Nana, and Ichijou look on. They are sitting at the counter of the restaurant. At the end of the counter, actually, as the long portion is taken up by five curious characters. They are all dressed in black, and wearing sunglasses to boot. All of their movements are done in unison. "Long time, no see," Oyasan says to Ichijou, who is a little hesitant, probably fearing another adventure tale. Oyasan, Yuusuke, and Nana yap about something like Hansansan or so. Then Oyasan turns to his other customers: "Tasty?" he asks, and they nod ‘yes’ in unison.

In the squad car Yuusuke and Ichijou are in discussion. "I didn’t know your boss was also your OYAGARI (don’t know what the word means)," says Ichijou. "OYAGARI and boss," replies Yuusuke. "When he was only 6 years old, his father died while working in Afghanistan, and then when he was 18 his mother died of an illness. He’s looked out for himself since." "I see," replies Ichijou. "Your mother must be a good person," says Yuusuke. "What about your father, what does he do?" "My father died when I was young," says Ichijou. "Just like me," responds Yuusuke. "So now I have only my mother," continues Ichijou. "Just like me again," replies Yuusuke. "I spent all my time thinking about how to look after my mother and sister." "And keep smiling…," adds Ichijou.

The hand on the river reaches out of the water further, and soon a familiar and unwelcome head appears…

At the research lab Dr. Enokida is discussing her problem with Ichijou and Yuusuke, wondering why they are unable to elicit a response. Yuusuke volunteers to help, since it worked for him before. He holds his hand over the stone, but there is no response. He is puzzled, and the others look on a little disappointed. However, soon the stone assumes a faint glow, and quick gains brilliance. As this is happening one of the lab technicians rushes into the lab. "The sample from Number 26…you should come and look," he begins excitedly, and the others follow him back to the lab where it is being held. When they arrive there is a pulsing mass on the table. Dr. Enokida guesses that this lifeform is able to regenerate itself. Ichijou takes the initiative and grabs a flame-thrower, and proceeds to toast the mass. The tech then puts it out with a fire extinguisher. "It was only a tiny mass before," he then notes. Dr. Enokida believes it has a high capacity for regeneration. Just then Ichijou’s phone rings: it’s Sugita, who tells him Number 26 has appeared again. Ichijou is surprised, and asks Dr. Enokida to look into what might have caused the cells to regenerate, then rushes out. Yuusuke, who has heard what is happening, runs back into the lab. "Henshin!" he yells, and transforms into Mighty Form before hopping onto the Trychaser. He punches up the start code, revs the bike, and heads out to meet the threat.

On the way there Ichijou maintains contact with Yuusuke, telling him that Dr. Enokida believe that if the creature explodes, the cells won’t be able to maintain their apparent ability to regenerate themselves. Yuusuke says he’ll follow his usual attack plan.

At a factory site of some sort cops are getting their butts kicked big-time by the Ginoga Variant Form (‘ginoga henitai’, from hereon out referred to as GVF), which looks like its parent lifeform, except it’s pretty slimy. The cops try various tactics, most of which involve bullets, to subdue the creature but all are ineffective. Sugita is one of the group, and he tries to shooting and punching, but GVF continues to close in on him. It is at this moment that we hear the sound of the Trychaser revving, and Kuuga flies onto the scene, knocking GVF off of Sugita. Kuuga continues ramming GVF with the bike, succeeding in throwing him into a bunch of empty cans. Kuuga gets off the bike and begins a punch-fest on GVF, but the tide is quickly turned as GVF grabs Kuuga and throws him high up onto a landing, then jumps up after him. The fight resumes there, with the advantage going back and forth several times. Ichijou arrives while this is happening. GVF soon tries to throw Kuuga into a silo wall, but Kuuga counters the assault, managing to turn himself to land feet-first on the wall, which he uses to spring back towards GVF at high velocity. Kuuga somersaults in mid-air, maneuvering directly into the Mighty Kick, which lands square in GVF’s chest. The force of the blow knocks it off the landing, and it falls several meters to the ground. Kuuga is watching from above as GVF begins to glow with its imminent demise. However, the creature doesn’t explode, but rather just melts noisily into a gooey mass. Kuuga’s right foot is crackling with a mysterious electricity. Ichijou then rounds the side of the silo to see the demi-Grongi die, and Kuuga jumps down and lands beside Ichijou. Kuuga reverts to Yuusuke, and the two men merely stare at the nasty mess. "Why didn’t it explode?" asks Ichijou. "I don’t know," responds Yuusuke, "maybe I’m still a little weak." The two continue to ponder.

End of episode

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