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PFD Emergency Medical Services Page
Fire Pictures Gallery (Under Construction)
HIKE OUT! - The History of the P.F.D.
The Unofficial Homeof the
UNDER CONSTRUCTIONAfter temporarily making the website a memorial to the fallen firefighters in the FDNY and all the victims of the World Trade Center, Pentagon, and Shanksville Plane Crash, I've decided to take this opportunity to make adjustments to this website and redesign it. A few of the pages are under construction, so please excuse the appearance of this site during it's remodeling stages. I apologize for the inconvenience. I will also be adding a memorial page to those firefighters, police officers, and civilians killed at the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
*NEW* PHILADELPHIA FIRE DEPT. BOOKA new Philadelphia Fire Department book will be coming out this June, 2001. It will be a hard-covered book with 216 pages, titled "Tin Helmets Iron Men." Written by Bob Bartosz, the book will feature action fire photos all with captions and many eye witness stories of Philadelphia's Greatest Extra Alarm Fires from the 1950's to the 1970's. Also included is a special section of photos and stories about the Philadelphia Second Alarmers Association and the former Philadelphia Fire Reserve in action. Also appearing are apparatus photos of the SS 99, the famous Fire Bird Snorkel, the Marine Units at work. The book is in Limited Edition and will sell for $39.95 plus $5.00 shipping cost. This price offer is good until September 30, 2001. Books may be ordered by sending your payment to:
Bob Bartosz
In 300 years, the Philadelphia Fire Department lost 364 firefighters. In 3 hours, America lost 343 firefighters.
NEW LINKS TO CHECK OUT!Philadelphia Firefighters Athletic Association
This website was last updated on November 18, 2001.
Don't forget to sign the guestbook!
All photos appearing on this site are not to be used by anyone without permission from the photographer's name who is listed with the photo. If you would like to get permission to use a photo, e-mail the webmaster. Also as a reminder, this site is in no way affiliated with the Philadelphia Fire Department or the City of Philadelphia. This is simply "Unofficial." In addition, I do not have the power to arrange ride-alongs with any fire or medical company.