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book book

Jack and Dee Heil began writting poetry after their beloved daughter Susan was shot while laying beside a pool on vacation in Arizona. It was on June 8,1986. Susan didn't know the man who shot her, it was a stray bullet. The words are Jack and Dee's but the thoughts belong to Susan. Jack and Dee have put together a group of poems to help get through the holidays from January to December. All proceeds from the sale of this book go to The Compassionate Friends to help offset the costs of running the group. The book is $5.00 if purchased at a meeting and $6.50 by mail. You may order by
e-mail or to the following address:
John T. Heil
121 Washington Dr.
Brigantine, NJ 08203
Please make all checks payable to John T. Heil

e-mail your orders


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