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I'm just this guy, you know? The fourteen-year-old me is the one and only webmaster of Geometric Box. The fifteen-year-old me is going to take over in less than a year. Feel free to send me mail about the site at

Geometric Box

This site has been online since March 2001 and there's not that much more to say.


I'll make this short because probably no one's going to read it anyway. You can download my icons, MOSSs, and desktops, admire my art, and visit the links. You cannot, however, take any art from the site without my permission. Although it is best to only distribute the web address of Geometric Box, you may pass on the downloads as long as everything remains intact.

The Geob Network

This network is comprised of all the websites designed and run by Toefir. The Geob Network currently contains two sites, Geometric Box and Before Your Ears.

Home - Icons - Art - MOSSs - Desktops - Links - The Box