PROLOGUE - Go downstairs - Try to go outside - Hinawa will send you back to your room to change - Go outside again - Go right. An event will occur. - Use the B button to ram into Drago. - Talk to Claus. You'll soon fight your first enemy. CHAPTER 1 - NIGHT OF THE FUNERAL - Move Flint down. - Choose "Yes" to Thomas' question. He'll join you. - Follow the path right and up to the next screen. - Go even further north to the next screen. - Go west at the crossroad. - At the sanctuary place, it asks you to type in the player's name in Japanese. - Talk to the guy in sunglasses, then go further in. - Talk to Mike and you can get as many cookies as you want. - Go further north. Be careful not to step in the flames. - Talk to Lighter at the very northern area. - Try to go further north and you'll fight some tough bugs. - Go further ahead. - Check the cabin door, then ram it with the B button. - Go inside and fight the flying mouse. - Go upstairs. Ram through the debris to get to the kid. - Take the path back as far as you can. - Leave the inn. Talk to Isaku. - Go south, then talk to the bird in front of your house. - Go outside. Have Boney join you. - Go west from that crossroad again. - Go west through the part of the forest that was blocked before. - Go north, talk to Bronson. - Talk to more people, then try to leave. Boney will see a red piece of cloth. - Talk to Wess. Boney will bring Duster, and you'll be able to climb the cliff. - Go east and get the cloth. In the cave are useful items (and nostalgic music ;) - Go north. Fight the Reconstructed Caribou. - Check where the enemy was and get the note with the pig mark on it. - Go north and you'll see a UFO thing running away. - Go back down and you'll be spoken to. - Go right and up. You'll find Lucas and Claus. - Talk to them. Go up and Bronson will show up with horrible news (;_;) - Check the cell door. Claus will come. - Pick up the apple and eat it. - Check the door. You'll break through it. - Go east. - Go north to the cemetary. - Go northeast. Talk to Alec. - Go back south. Go to the house left of Thomas' Bazaar and get Drago's Fang. - Go way up north through the forest to get back to Alec's house. - Go to Alec's house. Talk to him, and he'll join you. - Talk to the lizards, and they'll point the way to go. - Find the frogs. Talk to the one on the right. They'll help you cross the river. - Go up, to the pink/purple house thingy. Talk to the head crossdresser (yes.) - You'll learn that Claus went to get revenge on Drago - Follow Alec through the cave (west, north, fall through the hole, southeast, south, west, west vine, north) - Go outside and enter another cave. - You'll find suspicious people. Chase them right and down. Continue north. - You'll find one of Claus' shoes next. - Further ahead you'll fight Mech Drago. - Use the Drago Fang to weaken him. Once you do this, you can attack normally. CHAPTER 2 - THIEF ADVENTURE - Go downstairs and get the items - Go outside. Check behind the house - there's bombs there. You can check every so often and you can get more. - Go west. Go north. You'll run into a mysterious man. Go further north and talk to Butch. - Go further north. Fight the zombies. - When you get to the castle, the drawbridge is up. - Go back to the cabin in the cemetary. - Push the bookcase aside and go in the hole. - Talk to the guy tending the fields. - Check the slightly gray area on the castle wall and scale up it. - Go inside, and ram into the statue with the ball. - Check the front door of the castle and unlock it. - The room on the very left has a save frog and a healing hot spring. Learn to love this room. - Ghosts will give you Rotten Eclairs - they can be exchanged for goods at the Ghost Bazaar. - Don't overlook doors on the left and right sides of rooms! - Go to the room with two ghosts that attack you. - In the left room is the Rope Snake. Get it. - Go left from the room with the two ghosts. - Keep going through the place. The fireplaces lead to that frog room if you need to go back fast. - In the hallway with the suits of armor, go in the very back room. - Check the part of the wall that's slightly gray. - Near the top of the ladder is a ghost that'll give you 1 Beef Jerky for each Rotten Eclair. Get lots! - You'll come across a gap - you'll need the Rope Snake to get across. - The ghost is guarding a room with a "really strong ghost". It's not that strong. Beat it to get a better weapon. - Push on ahead and pick up the pendant the girl drops. - Fight the music boss. He's tough. Level up, have lots of Beef Jerky. Lots of bombs help too. - Get the fancy jar in the next room. - Take the fireplace in the boss room as a shortcut to leave. - Talk to the field-tending guy, he'll give you the drawbridge key. - Lower the drawbridge. - Go back to your house and talk to Wess. - Wess will be super mad - you got the wrong item. He'll join you. - Head back to Osohe Castle. Fight the Clay Guy. - Go back to the room you found the fancy jar in. Wess will open the path (:D) - Kumatora (pink haired girl) will join you. She can use PSI. - Kumatora will start sweating once and a while and make it so you can't run. She'll soon get over it and learn new PSI. - Keep following the path in. - Keep going. Avoid the brooms in the one room. - Fight the Osohe Snake. - Go west from Wess's house to trigger an event. CHAPTER 3 - THE SUSPICIOUS TRAVELING MERCHANT - Do Yokuba's dance for him. - NOTE: The dung beetles give you Dung. The beetle by the oasis wants dung. He'll give you EXP for it! - Go west, south, northwest. - Fight the Cactus Wolf (he's tough!) - Go inside the building. Go further. Take the Pork Bean to the end of the tunnel. Go up the ladder. - You'll come out in the cemetary. Go south and stay at the inn (YADO). - At night, go outside and go left to trigger an event. - Dance like Yokuba says the next day. Just mimic what he does. - Talk to the people who raised their hands. - Talk to Mapson - he'll mark on your map where you need to deliver stuff. - Check the pink boxes in the cemetary, then deliver the boxes to the people marked on your map. - You'll only need to deliver 3 in all, though there are 4 boxes. - Go back to the inn. - Go inside Osohe Castle. - Go right and down from where the ghost party was to get a map. - Try to leave and an event will happen. - Go to the very bottom part of the castle now. (right door of the room with 3 doors) - Check the weird signs on the wall at the very last room. - Check the face on the wall. Press the Left button to do a dance. - Check the lever farther in. - Leave the castle and head back to the inn. - At night, go to the top right of the room. Kumatora and Wess will join you. - Go into the forest (west of the crossroad) - Go to the north. Two exits are blocked by tanks. - Try to go back. You'll get in a fight with a Pig Tank. CHAPTER 4 - THE CHICHIBOO THEATER - Try to go outside. You'll be stopped. Check the mirror. - Go outside. Boney will join you. - Go to the northeast part of the cemetary. Talk to Flint and the grave. - Go to the train station. - Go south from the station and an event will occur. - Talk to Wess at the old folks home east of town. - Try to walk along the train tracks - you'll get the railroad map, foo. - Follow the train tracks. Along the way you'll find a hot spring. Talk to the crossdresser to learn PSI. - Go north when you see Corva Station. You'll be in Corva. - Go inside the building and take the part-time job. (Choose "yes") - The naming screen that pops up is the second naming screen. Type your name as it would be in English letters. - Find a weak Clay Guy and push him all the way back to the elevator operator. Then talk to the operator. - Then push the Clay Guy to the recharging room. - Do the same thing for two more Clay Guys. - Talk to the Pig Army guy who gave you the job. He'll give you a ticket. - Take the ticket to the Ropeway. - Try to enter the DCMC theater. Some goofy stuff will happen but you'll eventually be let inside. - Listen to the DCMC's performance. - Talk to the waitress (who is actually Kumatora) in the lobby. - Follow her lead. - Eventually you'll find yourself in an attic-looking place. Go through it. - You'll have to fight a bass boss and some cohorts. (Have Boney use pencil rockets or bombs while Lucas uses his PSI Special) - Go down the hole. - Talk to Tamekichi (the guy who looks like Duster). - You'll have to do Rock-Paper-Scissors against all 5 DCMC members (the leader has to be last). - Duster and Kumatora will join the party. CHAPTER 5 - The Tower of Thunder - Go a ways into the new place. - Jump into the correct hole (near the bottom left). - You'll eventually wind up in a lab-like place. Go through it and see the short scene when you exit it. - Follow the truck three or so screens west. You'll get into a Pork Bean. - Eventually you'll wind up fighting a tough boss. Def Up and Off Down are good here. - Beat the boss and take his Pork Bean. Go north and follow the road. - At around the gas station-like place, you'll need to park and go on foot. - Try to go down the ladder into the big dump hole thing. - You'll fight another boss. Use Duster's special technique to paralyze him a few rounds, it's handy here. - Go to the generator room in Thunder Tower. - You'll eventually fight a previous boss from this chapter. He's tough. If you have DCMC weapons, use them here :) - Go into the star-filled room. There's an optional boss here, but there's also a hot spring, a vending machine, and a cool jukebox! - Go even further upward. You'll learn PK Flash. - Beat the boss at the top. (Salt-Water Guns are very helpful, also buy the rubber cloaks in the star room, at least for the PSI people. Use Freeze and PK Special) - Go to the top. An event will occur. CHAPTER 6 - FIELD OF SUNFLOWERS - Keep walking left. A couple cut scenes will occur. - Walk off the cliff. CHAPTER 7 - THE SEVEN NEEDLES (PART 1) - Try to leave, and Alec will talk to you. - Help Ionia, who is tied up on the bridge. He/she/it (let's just call these things guys for sake of convenience) will join you. - Get on the boat below and go up the river. - Get off the boat and go right, into Aeolia's home. Talk to Aeolia, then to Ionia (ugh these dumb names). - Check where Aeolia was sitting to get his memento (automatically fully revives you in battle if your HP hits 0). - Go underground. - Enter the castle area. An event will occur by the needle. - Try to leave, and the Tranceiver will sound. - Talk to Ionia. - Take the right ladder back to Tatsumairi. - An event will occur as you leave the castle. You'll get the grimy old Courage Badge. - Talk to the train station guy, then take the train to Corva. - Go to where the Ropeway place is, but don't use it. Go west from there instead. - Talk to the Pig Mask in front of the building. - Go inside, then keep going right. Get the uniforms from the locker and put them on. - Keep going and you'll be asked to find the escaped monkeys. - The monkeys are in the very back left room with all the specimens. - Try to leave and you'll get into a battle. The story will still continue whether you win or lose this fight. - Go into the basement from the very leftmost room on the first floor. The monkeys are in the back room. - Find the good doctor hiding in the trashcan back on the first floor. - Go into the rightmost room on the first floor. Salsa will eventually join you. - The big scary monster that got loose shows up in random places. Run away if you see it! It's game over if it touches you! - Leave the building, then go east to the next screen. To the north you'll find a wall with familiar symbols. - Check the wall, then when Salsa gets into position, press left or right and he'll open the path. - Go though. An event will take place at Doria's house. - Go back to the lab. Talk to the doc at the entrance. - Choose the Chimera on the right. - Check the needle at the bottom of the lake. - Kumatora will join you. (PART 2) - Go east. You'll find the mole cricket from the beginning of the game. Follow him to Mole Cricket Hole. - Go inside, talk to the mole cricket, then fight him. - Check the bottom right honeycomb thing, then go down the vine ladder. - VERY IMPORTANT: Every time you encounter a turn in the road, take the turn! This is the path through the cave! - If you get lost, use the Mole Cricket's brother (an item) to warp back. - You'll come out into a snowy area. Go up and up the path. - Talk to Lydia. - Talk to Lydia in his house. - Go out the back door of Lydia's house. - You'll wind up in a very tough boss battle. Make sure you're leveled up, have good equipment, and have a plan of action. - Continue ahead, and leave the snowy mountain when it asks. - You'll arrive at the cemetary. Check the nearby jar (!), then go underground. - You'll find another jar soon after. It says to go to the Thunder Tower area. Ride the table thing and keep going east. - You'll eventually (after a long trip) arrive at somwhere totally awesome. - In each of the four houses you'll have to do some semi-tough battles. The robots can't hurt you, so target them last. - Check the wall a little past the hot spring. There's a ladder but you can't reach it. Talk to the nearby fellow. - Go to Phrygia's house. Check the letter. - Go outside, then talk to the rock to get it the "Words of Encouragement". It'll move for you. - At the next rocks, talk to the one on the right, then the two on the left. Then you can move ahead. - Defeat the soldiers and continue ahead. You should probably avoid enemies in here if you can. - One room here (on the left) has a butterfly. Do the old EarthBound butterfly trick to fully heal your HP and PP! - At the top of this big map, you'll fight New Yokuba. He's tough and has about 3200 HP. Good luck. - Lucas will learn PK Special Gamma, and you'll get Phrygia's Memento if your inventory isn't full. - Go back to the valley. The entrance/exit will be destroyed shortly after. - Go to the top right house. Talk to one of the guys in the middle. - People in town should be holding up balloons now. If they aren't, make sure you've done everything above. - Go back to the upper left area, where the birds are. Slowly approach them. - When a bird get close enough, press A and you'll catch it. - Go back to the upper right house. - Go into the hot spring and enjoy the nostalgia. PART 3 - Go back to the valley, then check the bird cage. - After stuff happens, you'll be back on the beach near Tatsumairi. Approach the water and you can dive down into it. - Creepy oxygen supply machines are located all over. Use them to replenish your air supply as you continue ahead. - At one point, there will be many holes. They contain presents, but the real route is to just keep going south. - You'll fight a boss battle eventually. Not extremely hard, but be ready. - When you beat the boss, it'll cause a giant wave that washes you up on the island you're heading for. - You'll be without all your items, and your HP will be at 1. Oh crap! - Eat the mushrooms slightly south of where you washed up. Get ready for crazy time!! - Fight the boss you'll encounter. - You'll encounter many similar enemies as you progress. Their true forms will be revealed when the HP gets low. - Where the "hot spring" is, go right and then up. You'll arrive at Mixolydia's house. - Talk to him/her/it. - Talk to the octopus to get all your items back (make sure Lucas's inventory isn't full first). - Go outside, then into the cave on the right. - Go through the cave, then make your way upwards until you get to the top. - At the boss battle, keep using Def. Down. They'll waste their turns countering that instead of fighting. - After some crazy events, you'll get Missy's Memento and the Delicious Pickle. - Go back to the shore you washed up on. Talk to the octopus and ride him back. PART 4 - Go east, then and talk to Alec. - Go even further east and talk to Mapson. He'll mark on the map where you need to go next. - Follow the map and go northward. - You'll drop the pickle on the way. Check all the sparkles on the ground and take them to Lucas. - Go through the southeast cave. - Once you've gone through the cave, go right. Talk to Ionia in the house above to get the Water of Time. - As you leave his house, a character will give you the fixed-up Courage Badge... the Franklin Badge! - Go left, then go up. You'll arrive at a temple. - You'll fight some high-ranking soldiers. Don't waste items and resources, there's more to come... - You'll have no chance to heal yourself before the next really tough boss fight. - After you've won, check the vines and use the Water of Time. - Go inside, and pull the golden needle. - Kumatora will learn PK Starstorm, and Lucas will learn PK Special Omega. CHAPTER 8 - EVERYTHING AND ALL THINGS - Get in the limo. - Talk to the driver twice. - Go right once you get out of the limo. - Go to the movie theater in the southeast part of town. Check for the stink bug in one of the seats. - The bug'll run into a hole in the wall, as will Boney. - Go into the arcade, talk to the guy in the center, then go down the ladder into the sewers. - Go through the sewers, then meet up with Boney in the abandoned apartment building. He'll join you. - Keep going left and talk to Leder. He'll talk A LOT, but it's pretty important (and revealing) backstory. - Be sure to save at the frog downstairs. - Go back through the sewers. Before you reach the entrance, you'll fight a pretty tough boss battle. - Go into the big building. Take the elevator to the 24th floor. - Talk with the band members in a room to the right, then put the afro wig on. - After some music and some cutscenes, you'll be told to take the elevator to the 100th floor. - Eventually you'll wind up fighting a Hippo Launcher. Beat it. - Keep going, then take the next elevator up. - Keep going (there may be announcements) and then take the elevator up. - You'll be in the Toilet Dungeon. Go through it. Watch out for the Chimera from Chapter 7 though! - Take the elevator up. - Go through the place, take the next elevator up. - Dash into the old guys to knock them over so you can walk over them. Take the next elevator up. - Go up the stairs. - You'll have to do a bunch of minigames. The trick here is to let the robot win JUST barely each time. - Keep going, and you'll fight the NK Cyborg boss. - Go north through the looong hallway. - Get on the boat in front of you. Whee! My favorite room! - You'll have to do some semi-big battles here. Just persevere. Eventually you'll get some outside help. - Many cutscenes later, you'll be sent deep beneath the building. - Go through the place, then fight the big boss. Just hang in there and keep fighting. - The boss will get into the "Absolute Safety Capsule". Shortly after, more cut scenes will happen. - Keep going forward. You'll find the final save point and hot spring (they even tell you that). - Keep going and you'll find the last needle and the final boss. - Just keep healing Lucas in battle. Stuff will gradually happen. - Eventually the battle will change slightly and the boss's attacks will be weaker. Keep healing. - The ending will play (don't complain if it seems like a bad ending, it's not what it looks like) - When it looks like the game is finally over, it's not! Keep "walking" left and people will talk. - Eventually the cast and credits will roll. - THE END!