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Welcome to Joe Cool's web site o' stuff

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December 27, 2001:

Hey everone! Did everyone have a nice Christmas? That's great. Anyhoo, I should tell you that with time constraints, and stuff I need to get done, and just because I have nothing more to add, this will be the last update to this site. It just doesn't serve the purpose it once did, and I really want to work on an official Life with Matt site. This has been around for quite some time, I know. But, things change. Although, before I go, there is ONE NEW COMIC up! So don't leave before you look at it. It's special really, because its the first one made that I EVER colored. The web poll is still here. It really doesn't matter anymore, but hey, go vote! It's something to do! That's all for now and forever, goodbye!

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By the way, this is a proud all - american web site.
Poke the doughboy! You know you want to!

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I send out my sympathies for the tragic deaths in the World Trade Centers, the Pentagon, and the airliners themsleves. As an American, this has put a deep sorrow in my heart for my country. To all those out there, I hope you support the U.S. by displaying this ribbon on your site.


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