Amy's Pixel Doll Contest #26: The Old West

Welcome to my contest! This is an "Old West" doll contest. The theme is to make a doll representing the old American West, or the Wild West, during the mid- to late 1800s when America was still largely "untamed" (still wild) in the west, and is commonly depicted by Native Americans, cowboys, Pony Express riders, outlaws, saloon goers, homesteaders, farmers/ranchers, and pioneers. Please try to make a doll from THAT time period, not a modern doll who is just dressed in western style clothes.

Specific guidelines for this contest:
(please also read my general contest rules on my main contests page):


Please email your entry to Also include your name, email, base credit & site link, and your own website link. Don't forget to put the contest name in the subject line! The entry rules can be found on my main contest page.

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