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Getting The Head


He is located in the Inn at the docks. On this image that would be 11. 
some say you need to kill his place holders. Others say he wil leventually spawn anyways because his PH will despawn after a time. Peronally in my evil spirit i killed em all.. teh palce holders that is. Nut this will hurt faction wth the bar people. If they are indifferent might aswell be a good thing to sit down turn on the telly or read chat a bit while u wait.  He will spawn there In like the top right corner part of the bar. 


He is a paladin and will be using typical palli spells like healing and Lay of hands. So keep enough mana to bring him down after the loh has been used. Also teh root and rot teqnice is advised at earlier level as he can eat your pet. keep that as a shield if root breaks.

Hand In: 


You hand in the head to Lake Rathetear and find Kazen Facae at location 340 -1600.
He will then give you The symbol of the aprentise.