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"I know the smile lines,the crows feet at the corners of his eyes,the shadows of his cheekbones.. And his lips I can see them in my sleep..."~Artwork

"Thanks to the great cheif the eagle spirit in the little squaw spread it's wings wide and flew to greatness..The greatest height of all because the great cheif believed.."~Warrior Guidance

"I gasp for air..I feel like I'm 22,000 leagues under the sea and I'm drowning.."~Suffication

"Little flower;don't droop because of them,they know not what they do.. Little flower,you're so beautiful"~Little Flower

"Little flower;pretty little flower with your sisters,ignored in the feild,stepped on,trampled,picked apart by society.. People hardly stop and notice the beauty deep inside you.."~Little Flower

"The most beautiful people are the ones who dont think they are beautiful at all..."~Pretty

"Everything is so much more beautiful in God's country where the ocean goes on forever,the mountains are always snow covered,and the animals roam free..."~Alaska