Nazgul Nursery Rhymes

While I was in Nazgul I did try to start a Nazgul nursery. I thought it would be nice to have all the little orcs playing in a room and when nap time came I would read them nursery rhymes. I tried to have them call me Grandpa Sandman but they could only grunt something that sounded awful. Anyway, I do believe they liked the rhymes so I will share what I created with you.

Smack and Kill went up the hill to fetch a pail of blood...
smack fell down and kill CRUSHED IN HIS HEAD!

Three blind mortals....three blind mortals....see how they die...
see how they die.....stick a knife in their back....stick a knife
in their back....three dead mortals....three dead mortals.

Peter Peter pumpkin eater had a wife so he ate her.
mmMMmm good.

Itsy bitsy mortal climbs up the mountain swoops the Nazgul
and rips the mortal apart. Out comes the sun and bleeches the mortals
bones....itsy bitsy mortal will never make it to the top.

Kill kill kill the mortals on your way to town...merrily merrily
merrily merrily stab them all the time.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall...
Artak made him have a big fall...
All of sorpigals citizens
tried to put humpty back...
but then the rest of Nazgul swooped down and opened a can of woop ass

Scribbled by,
The Black Harlequin
all material copyrighted by Black Harleqiun Productions, Mt. Doom, Mordor

Aww wasn't that sweet...What else can we learn Grandpa Sandman