Infamous Quotes

So, you wanna know about the rambalings of certain people on the mud? Alrighty then...just sit back and prepare yourself for some of the things people have said.

    The Drow strike again:

    Grazzt Agrach Dyrr gossips 'Hey Meridian, wanna group?
    Meridians gossips 'Agrach I get kill every time i group
    Grazzt Agrach Dyrr gossips 'I'll protect you Meridians!'

    Darkened Begs for Mercy:

    Message 3 (Tue Sep 1): Auburn - A Darkened Apology
    on behalf of all the darkened, i'm am apologizing for our behaviour toward the eclipse. in no way did we ever attempt to rk any eclipse i feel as though your clan is instigating a war with my clan for reasons that no Darkened member could have altered, i was informed that there was a bounty to pk darkened, obviously that created a general distrust of eclipse in the eyes of the darkened. the truth of the matter is, every eclipse is a 4k full gl. the death trap in the arena can't stop you. the nazgul run from you. your bored. so kudos to those of you who understand that darkened wants nothing to do with the eclipse. ciao auburn jubatus

    Mel Just Rambles One Day:

    Alante-Ohtaar Mel Gunn tells the clan, 'Captian Accounting is a superhero
    Alante-Ohtaar Mel Gunn tells the clan, 'He was me and tilaans accouting prof last semester'
    Alante-Ohtaar Mel Gunn tells the clan, 'he was sooo cool, we turned him into a super hero'
    Alante-Ohtaar Mel Gunn tells the clan, 'hes bosses we're general ledger and general journal'
    Alante-Ohtaar Mel Gunn tells the clan, 'and he fought people like Imma Tax Fraud'
    Alante-Ohtaar Mel Gunn tells the clan, 'Umm...we had lots of other evil villans too, and the 5 acountineers (like the planiters, but not)_'
    Alante-Ohtaar Mel Gunn tells the clan, '...why do I get the feeling your caling the people with the pretty nice jacket right now...'