The Babblings of Sandman

Welcome to the babblings of Sandman. This section is dedicated to my ramblings on all different subjects. I write this here instead of on the mort board for a few reasons. I will not go into all of them now but I will say that at least I won't have to see some of the pathetic illeterate responses some ppl like to post on the mort board.

Topic 1: Retards

No matter what is written on the board there is usually someone on the mud who will write a response that is truely pathetic. This comes in many forms like a string of curses, plain rambling that even the person who wrote it doesn't understand and/or the ever popular insults. Some of you probably think you are just rping your char and that is how your char would respond...but I say you just retarded (see even I revert to insults at times). Many times good discussions on the board are plagued with responses from people who either have their heads up their asses, have self-esteem issues and/or just haven't gotten laid and feel left out. For this I am going to petition the Immort Staff to put up a board at the enterance to Darkend's Clan Hall for the Retards to post on.

Topic 2: The Life of a Thief

The lives of thieves have changed on DC over time. It used to be thieves hit there bs and killed (or almost killed) their mark but if they missed they were in trouble (and only the brave/foolhearty tried again). Thieves also used to choose their targets out of a group and drop the ones who they thought posed the most serious threat (many a times that was a cleric for me). Now though it seems the game has changed. Being back only a short time I realized (almost to my demise) that one is not wise to attack a group with two bashers in it if you cannot kill one outright (or damn close to it). With the compounding lag off bash and bs it becomes most painful. Unfortunately because of this I have seen the primary use for thieves diminish. Thieves need a lot more htpts than their marks if they wish to survive the battle. To give an example, if a thief were to attack a mage (heh..anti-pals also I guess) who can survive a bs the thief would at least need 6k. Veterans know why this is but for those who don't a thief (speaking primarily about myself) will lose 5k+ htpts per bs (2k+ per circle) on a mage with fireshield (more htpts would be lost if you use sting weapons since mages resist pierce...but only Glass Daggers have dispel). Another example is warriors/barbs/paladins. We will say they are gled and are using Whips. Their damage should be around 900+ per round. Now lets say a warrior/barb/pal gets bsed by a thief (4k damage to them).... in the next 11 rounds (which someone figured on the board from bash) a fighting class can do 9900+ (900x11 [+ = spells]) worth of damage while a thief can do approx. 3300+ (300x11 [+ = spells]) worth of damage (total of 7300 htpts if they hit bs). This of course is discounting parries and ripostes (thieves cannot dodge while bashed). So to test this I went out with Cabron who agreed to help me test numbers. When testing my bs Cabron drew the circle a little to precise and I bingoed (I must say that was the most htpts I ever took off on a bingo). He did though beat me senseless a few minutes later. It was alarming how my htpts dropped quickly yet he did not fall. Me being at fairly and Cabron being at covered he went berserk on me. Lets just say he survived with 1.5k htpts and I died (7k htpts gone). It was a painful reminder that the game, and the lives of thieves, are changed.

Topic 3: Trigger Happiness Leads to Brian Dead Zombies

In the past programs emerged that gave new features to a mudder that they never had. These programs expanded until now-a-days they run the char. Most of you already know I am talking about telnet programs while others are waiting for their script to tell them what is going on. When these programs were first seeing their way onto Dark Castle is was quite funny to see people using little scripts of code in their description and then watching a poor soul walk in, look at someone, and then go nuts. Their char would hop, gossip humiliating stuff, remove all their eq, drop all their eq, recall, sleep, save and then quit out. Unfortunately those day are past and now, just like in the communication age, your lucky if you get a human talking to you. Now you may say this is wonderful because you can have a program do everything for you while you do other things, but a error occured in that line of thought....people didn't have other things to do. So instead they sat there watching the computer lines go by one by one and they became transfixed. After a while of this they began to lose brain funtion and drool started to appear at the sides of their mouths. The drool then started to move out of the mouth and onto their clothes (if they were wearing any). Hence the creation of the mudding zombie. Maybe the coders of those programs like tintin are really the technology age necromancers.

Topic 4: You Have Been Killed!!
Recently many of you have been seeing this message more often...which means you have gotten flabby (yes I did call you flabby). I have noticed since my return the high decrease in player ability on this mud. You have all gotten soft and forgot what it is like to be hunted. You casually stroll through an area not even thinking that danger may be lurking near-by. When that danger does strike you panic and shit yourself not knowing what to do (with the exception of the zombie mudders...even though they seem to have programed their scripts with the worst reaction someone could possibly think of). You are now asking yourself, "Uncle Sandman...what can I do?!?!". The solution die.

Enough of that...take me back.
