
Name: Raseri Greship
Age: 24
Height: 5'8
Weight: 147
Eyes: Pale Green
Hair: Naturally black but varies depending on her mood or role.
Distinctive Marks: A scar runs over her inside left palm from the pointer finger across to the wrist.(old gang injury)
Family: Presumed dead after a freak accident. Raseri remains the only known survivor.
Special Talents: Double jointed; High flexibility; Pyrokenetic

History: Second Daughter to a rich family in New Orleans. Her parents were abusive to the girls when they were home. Most times however both were shipped out to boarding schools. In her younger years her interests peaked in her gymnastics class. Her form a body well suited to that she preformed above most in the class. Later as she grew she also added psychology and criminology to that group as well. Her time at the schools was not perfect. Her attitude caused her to get into more trouble then was tolerated but coming from the family she did most was overlooked. At the age of 17 however, on a return home for Christmas her father waited. After beating her for the bad grades and talking back to the professors as the school things seemed to even out. Raseri had other plans and as soon as the house was asleep snuck to the homes kitchen. Tampering with the wires she used her newly discovered control over fire and started a small falme at first. Her pyrokenitic abilities feeding the fires and speeding along the fire the mansion was soon engulfed. Waiting in her room until the fire department was on hand she jumped from the window and was recorded as the only survivor of the freak accident. Shoving the families unwanted money into an account she started out and moved her life to the streets. Adapting to the violence quickly she worked her way into one of the prominent Gangs. Learning early on how to take a beating without a whimper she was taken in quickly after the first gauntlet. The gang members teaching her the dirtier moves of street fighting she quickly merged that with her Gymnastic background making a style that's completely original to her. To a casual observer it might appear staged yet on the receiving end one would know its not. The streets also taught her one other thing, weapons are a everywhere. Learning to use a pip, stick, gun or even the wall Raseri climbed the ranks quickly, showing no mercy to those she had to walk over to get to the top. Having tired of the small time of the gang world she now looks much higher to get her status and the next big challenge.

Why do we love the death and the pain?
My dear, you need only look into your own dormant mind to find out.