LightningBlade and ThunderSong

Hummmm, how to describe the Twins, Well those two were inseparable even as small children. I remember trying to put the two in separate cribs as babes and all they did was cry until they were reunited again. Oh, eventually they got to the point where they would sleep separate but one would always know where the other was at all times. The funniest thing however was that the two were as different appearance wise as they were activity wise.

LightningBlade, the older by about 8 minutes, was very fair skinned with the whitest blond hair this old nursemaid has ever seen in her life. She took to weapons practice like a duck to water. The Arms Master had a hard time keeping up with our nimble mistress as time went on. She seemed to know what his moves were before he made them. Her instinct was wonderful as well as her reflexes.

ThunderSong, the dark haired and dark eyed one, hated her weapons work. She suffered through enough so that she could defend herself with steel if need be but her great talent was with Magic. Like her Sister and Swords she had more magical power then one was supposed to have. She also had too much mischief for one with that power. The staff was always chasing about small kittens or puppies in her earlier years. She soon realized what responsibilities her powers entailed however. After that there were many fewer wild chases through the halls and the Staff all gained a few extra pounds as well. Our Little ThunderSong was quite a song bird as well. I almost wonder if the Lord and Lady of the house had some Devine help naming both of our little dears the names fit so well. Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, ThunderSong and her beautiful voice. She would give recitals and over half the land would show up for it. She had many suitors as well thanks to her singing. She of the two was better suited to the work of a house wife.

Neither girl was forced into any marriage by their father. He loved them too much and wanted both to be happy. That is why when our two angels left us to go on their adventure together to see the world we didn't try to stop them. We all knew that they could handle any problem set before them as long a s they were together. From what we hear periodically now a days they have done quite well for themselves, both taking their talents to a higher level and mastering them. Never will I be prouder in my whole life then today when I get to pass their story on so that people will remember in the future our dear twins of light and dark, LightningBlade and Thundersong.
