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Bob's Poems N Such

Howdy all! Thank ya kindly for stopping by my place. Bob's my name, writing poetry is my game (yeah, I know corny, but hey! it rhymes). I'm putting together this page to share with others the poems I have written. So, I hope you enjoy your stay.
When all is said and done, I would greatly appreciate it if you would come back to this page to sign my guestbook. Thanks~Bob

Click here to read My Poems

New guest book put on Dec. 28, 1999....

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Click here to go to my Web Ring Page

<--Click here if you're interested in knowing what makes me tick and see my pic... hey! another rhyme! Am I good or what?? LOL!

<--- Click on the Garth 'G' to go to my page on Garth Brooks. There are many Garth sites on the internet, so this page is just my opinion on the man, a list of his CD's and a poem I wrote about him...

Tribute to My Mother <--- Click here for to read a tribute to my friend Nicki's mom. A very touching site.

Touch My Heart <--- Click here to read my Aunt Deb's poems. She has written many.

Poetry by T J Daniels <--- Click here to read the very fine poetry of a great man, T J Daniels.

Sometimes Serious Stanya <---Click here to go to my cousin Stanya's page. I think you will enjoy your visit.

Please click on the angel to see and read about the angel I "adopted". You too can "adopt" one for your site.

This pink ribbon signifies the importance of breast cancer awareness. Please ladies, young and old, know the importance of doing monthly self breast examinations. It doesn't take much time and it may save your life. If at any time you find a lump, no matter how small, pain or no pain, call your doctor immediately. It can mean the difference between life and death. If you have no family doctor, make a call to The American Cancer Society. The earlier you make the call, the better your chances are for beating this horrible disease. Please, don't play Russian Roulette with your life. ~Rob

Here is my first award. Thanks Aunt Deb :o)

Click on the above button to get your own free Comet Cursor. Many themes to choose from.

The Dove of Peace flies from site to site, through as many countries as possible. It does not belong to ANY belief system. Please help it make a line around the globe by taking it with you to your site, by giving it to someone for their site, by passing it on to another continent, or to the conflict areas of the world.

E-Mail Me??
Click on the pen and ink to drop me an e-mail...