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Sandy Days~Sheridan and Luis

This story is yet another one by me, with the help of my friend Lindsey! And, as you guessed it is another about Sheridan and Luis, the best couple on Passions…or they’re gonna become a couple, yes, because they’re going to so fall inlove, because those two so belong…and I’m rambling again, okay, Chloë’s gonna stop now…but they are gonna get together!!! So anyway, don’t copy this or anything, ‘cause there will be hell to pay!

Luis was on his usual morning jog along shore of the harmony beach. There he spotted his least favourite person, Sheridan Crane. ‘Oh geez’ he thought to himself. Although it was strange, for she was not jogging, she sat on the beach with her head bent over, it looked as though she were crying. As much as he hated her, he couldn’t bare to see her upset. “Sheridan, what’s wrong?!” Luis took his arm and placed it on her shoulder with concearn.

”Nothing’s wrong, and I don’t need false sympathy from you!” She turned away trying to back up all those tears.

“Hey look, I was only trying to help!” Luis glarred at her, but notice she was Reallyupset. He then sat beside her, almost like a good friend would and whispered, “I can help if you let me.”

As she tried to be bitter, it just wouldn’t work, she caved allowing him to help. “I was just thinking…WHAT am I doing? You wouldn’t under…”

“Let me TRY to understand at least, give me a fair chance Sheridan.”

She couldn’t help but feel good that he was being so sweet to her, but she was confused of the reason why. She then thought about the last time they met up jogging, he almost seemed interested in her, not seemed, almost though. She realized she was attracted to him. She felt their closeness, and with him next to her, she felt all warm and tingly. But the problem was, she couldn’t let him see it, she turned and said, “Why do you all of a sudden care?” She sat there, hoping he’d say something romantic, secretly, because she was starting to fall inlove with him. But she couldn’t allow him to know. What if he didn’t feel the same? What if he’s digging for my past?

Luis interupted her thoughts, “Sheridan, I saw you upset here, and all though I can’t stand much of you, it still breaks my heart to see you sad.”

”You have a heart” She snapped back, but smiling now.

“I do happen to have a heart, just not for Cranes!” He smiled as well.

Why do you hate my family so much!” Sheridan’s smile faded back into tears.

“Well where do you want me to start….” Luis noticed her tears and felt horrible of what he just said, “Well, the truth is I don’t hate you.”

“You really don’t hate me?” A smile crawled back upon her face. That smile made Luis feel wonderful, it made his heart lift, like he used to feel about this other person……….but now he felt it, stronger, with Sheridan.

Luis smiled back at her, “No I don’t hate you!” Luis couldn’t match the feeling he was having to a name, but then his heart totally floated and it told him he was inlove with the all mighty Crane woman. “Infact Sheridan, I happen to be drawn to you”

”Drawn? Wel I know I like you and I think that you are….” Sheridan’s voice fadded as she realized she was starring right into his eyes, beautiful dark brown eyes. With this her hand naturally moved over to his leg; his hand went from her shoulder to behind her back. Now both, alone on the sandy beach, they shared their first kiss. Not a big open mouth kiss, not a small butterfly kiss, the perfect kiss. The kiss they would share with them for eternity. They looked at eachother in amazement, and said nothing. But just looking, just LOOKING they could tell they both didn’t want to stop. Sheridan started it this time, her hand moving up to his hair, of course he responded by moving his hands to her lower back, and by now they were lying in the sand, side by side.

After a while, they starred at eachother. “You know, I was wondering, Sheridan do you think this counts as Community service?!” He smiled at her. “You know, I guess it could, if it does, I better work my hardest!” She kissed him more.

They sat now, hand in hand. “You know I’ve always wanted this…” Sheridan smiled as she said it she blushed and stared down at their locked hands. “…ever since, you know, we met jogging that first time. I mean, I was hoping that after court, we could go out, but then you dashed out, so mad at me, and I didn’t know why…I mean I still don’t know why! Luis, why were you so mad?”

Just then Luis remembered the Sexual harassment suit, then he unlocked their hands. “You got me introuble for sexual harrassment! Sheridan why did you do that?! You know just as well as I, that it was all a mistake!”

”What sexual….” Sheridan closed her eyes as she remembered Ethan and Julian talking… “I didn’t do it. It was Julian. I despise my brother, and if I weren’t a Crane, and if it was good for publicity he’d have me killed.”

”You’re sure? Don’t worry Sheridan I love…” Luis stopped.

“I know Luis, and I love you too…” Sheridan finished his sentence. She then reaached over to him and wrapped her arms around her and burried her face in his arms. “This is where I belong Luis, with you, forever.”

“of course Sheridan.” He kissed her again.

Together they sat, along the shoreline of the beach, dreaming together of their future together, happy as can be, what would seem like forever. But of course they were ready to fight all obsticles to be together. It was all they ever wanted, true love.

