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In these United States of America, because of our Constitution and our Bill of rights, we have been free to speak; to think; to act; to promote; to choose; to raise our families; to choose our religious affilitations; to choose where to live and where to work; and how to spend what money we have.

That is all changing. In some areas gradually and in other areas very rapidly. That stems from forces within our own government; the unseen government, such as the control from the Council On Foreign Relations, the Bildeburgers, the Club of Rome, and etc; and the One World Government agenda.

As we grow, mature, and assimilate our surroundings; our life; our country and it's government; our families; our history; our culture; and our technological progress; we sometimes need to look beyond the facade that has been erected, to see what really is occurring. It is called history, whether it is yesterday's happenings or 150-200 years ago.

There are outstanding authors and researchers who have delve into the machinations of countries, national and international leadership, and some "seemingly" ordinary people, to reveal that all is not clean, proper, legitimate, or always in our best interest.

Let's look at what I call "Managed Society", entailing about five years of research but just barely scratching the surface.


About 150 years ago, a group of men in Germany, laid out their agenda of how the world ought to function under their control. The group was called the Elders of Zion, led by Agustus Weissman. Prior to this, in 1776 or 223 years ago, the group known as the Illuminati had reared its' ugly head, led by Adam Weisshaupt of Germany. In 1848, or 151 years ago, the Illuminati, then called, the League of Just men, hired Karl Marx and Friedrich Engles to write the Communist Manifesto. In 1928, the Communist International launced the implementation of their plans to conquer the world.

Another group that we have heard little of, is the Skull and Bones Society at Yale University. This group has its' roots again in Germany. Known as Chapter 322 of a German Secret Society, Incorporated as the Russell Trust in 1856. The American Chapter started in 1833 at Yale University by General Wm. Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft. The secret society existing only on the Yale campus is very powerful. Members are the eastern liberal establishment types, inducted in their senior year. These individuals hold or have held many top positions in government and industry. Some names you will recognize: Rockefeller, Harriman, Vanderbilt, Stimson, Weyerhauser, Pillsbury, Davidson, Gundy, Acheson, and at least two Bushs, Prescott and George H.W. According to a Chart in Antony Sutton's book "Americas Secret Establishment", the Skull and Bones Society is in the center core of the secret establishments that rule and reign in these United States. The goal: one world government. Ultimate command, control, wealth, and manipulation for their benefit, not yours and mine. (Author, Antony Sutton, America's Secret Establishment, for further information, write PO Box 40162, Reno NV, 89504; he has written other books.)

When you look at a comparison of the Tenets of the Elders of Zion, the Illuminati, and the Communist Movement, you will find their goals are very similar. COMMAND AND CONTROL!


SOCIALIZE THE ECONOMIES OF THE WORLD, thus bringing the governments into the line and the practice of socialism. Groups, such as the Rhodes Scholars and the Fabian Society, both based in England, have educated and trained many leaders of the world in socialism. Two well known students, President John F. Kennedy with the Fabian Society and President William Jefferson Clinton as a Rhodes Scholar.

ABOLISH LAND OWNERSHIP. Private property ownership, especially land, seems to greatly distress the individuals who want to manage others. It seems to be a sign of wealth and independence to be destroyed or confiscated, including businesses and corporations.

TAXATION, CENTRALIZE CREDIT, CREATE NATIONAL BANKS, AND DESTROY CAPITALISM. Monetary control, in other words! It seems that, in the United States, we have all of the above.

TAXATION: SECTION 8 OF THE CONSTITUTION: "The Congress shall have power to lay and Collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defence and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout he United States...The 16th Amendment, the Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several states, and without regard to any census or enumeration." The ratification of this amendment occurred between 1909 and 1913, just about the same time the bankers and Congress created the Federal Reserve System. Definitelly not a coincidence!

CENTRALIZE CREDIT AND CREATE NATIONAL BANKS: Anyone applying for a credit card, loan or a line of credit knows that credit bureaus and credit history follows an individual or a family from place to place or situation. National banks have a checkered past. All one has to do is read a book, such as "The Creature From Jekyll Island" by G.Edward Griffin, to understand the development of the U.S. Banking System and how we arrived at the Federal Reserve System in 1913. A journey of power, greed, and control that survives to this day. (Author, G.Edward Griffin, The Creature From Jekyll Island, to order call 1-800-282-2873)

DESTROYING CAPITALISM: promoting socialism, fascism. and communism has been an ongoing process, attempting to destroy capitalism. If some new process does not stop these forces, they may well succeed. To quote Henry Lamb of Eco-logic, "The individual freedom enjoyed by Americans is the envy of the world. Individuals who are free to risk their capital and their energy in business enterprise is the impetus of the American economy which drives the world economy. Individual freedom is the power of social progress. Individual freedom can exist only to the extent that individuals control and limit government. Control of Government is accomplished only through the ballot box. When public policy decisions are made by non-elected bureaucrats, individuals lose control of their government." (Henry Lamb, Exe. Vice-President of Eco-logic, POBox 191, Hollow Rock,TN,38342)

AMERICAN BUSINESSES have been over-regulated and taxed; the U.S. trade balance runs in the deficit column; Trade Unions have placed an unequal cost burden on manufacturers, as well as, consumers; and in the decade of the '90s, businesses and corporations have helped this demise by playing the GLOBAL GAME. They have been exporting jobs from the U.S. by the thousands, looking for cheaper wages and bigger profits.

THE LATEST TWIST BEING PUBLIC/PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS BETWEEN GOVERNMENT AND BUSINESS! In the June, 1998 issue of the Free American, Journalist Joan Veon tells how President Cllinton signed a "New Constitution" for the 21st Century, creating a partnership, by-passing congress, to integrate the 34 countries of the Western Hemisphere by 2005. This agreement not only by-passes Congress but the U.S. Constitution to embrace an adherence to the principles of International Law, the purposes and principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter and the Organization of American States or OAS Charter. (Free American, publisher Clayton Douglas, e-mail: )(Also, Joan Veon's books are available through the Free American.)

In this, private partnership, the United States will sign Bilateral Accords with each country, the other countries will do the same. A TOTAL OF 1,089 BILATERAL ACCORDS WILL IN ESSENCE, SET UP A NEW COUNTRY. The 34 countries will integrate the actions of ministries or departments such as trade, education, finance and etc. In other words, it is not just about trade, but about everything. This agreement was signed by Clinton in Chile, in April, 1998. The major news media made little mention of the real purpose of the trip to Chile. THE NEXT STEP in this public/private partnership scheme could be "state owned factories". ALSO KNOWN AS FASCISM! This is where the "Fast Track Trading Authority" idea came to the surface, and Congress has turned it down two times. Congress has heard from the American people.

FORCE ADVANCED COUNTRIES TO POUR OUT PROLONGED FOREIGN AID TO UNDERDEVELOPED COUNTRIES OR THE TRANSFER OF WEALTH FROM DEVELOPED NATIONS TO UNDEVELOPED NATIONS. Often the transferred money, be it directly or through the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, has not reached the people, but seems to maybe end up in the leaders of these countries' foreign bank accounts. This process undermines governments for world control. Recently, the New American included information concerning Foreign Aid in the Year 2000 budget, 12.7 billion dollars has been earmarked. Wow! What could American citizens do with that amount of money to improve our infrastructure, pay down the National Debt, and a mirad of other items!

DIVIDE PEOPLE OF THE NATIONS INTO HOSTILE GROUPS. Externally: wars and rumors of wars. Internally: Divisiveness and infighting or racial and ethnic groups within a country. The breakdown or the political processes within a country, such as the United States. The Illuminati has influenced the world over a 223 year time period. Over a 71 year time period, the Communist International movement has traversed many countries instigating and installing the Communist or socialist form of government, usually by force and violence. In the financial category, the elitist power brokers have the power to manage and manipulate the money system or the haves and the have nots!!!

FURTHER DESTROYING A COUNTRY FROM WITHIN---ABOLISH ALL RIGHTS OF INHERITANCE. Could that mean that a man or woman, having worked all their life, many times with their children helping, have no right to do with their estate what they want?

CONTROL TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATION. Through the years, we have observed control of travel to and from socialist based countries. It has been controlled and managed. Many individuals have lost their life, attempting to reach freedom from the tyranny of a "MANAGED SOCIETY". THESE COUNTRIES HAVE CONTROLLED OR CENSORED COMMUNICATION, SUCH AS RADIO, TELEVISION, NEWSPAPERS, AND MAGAZINES. Internal and external news and information is managed so that the populace knows only what the powers in control wants them to know. In September, 1998, we heard about NATO Troops, including our own U.S. Military, going into Bosnia, shutting down television and radio stations to control news and information. According to Joseph Farah, editor of Internet World Net daily and Executive Director of the Western Journalism Center, Bosnia was a "testing ground for forcible social engineering by the Internationalists" or Globalists. (Publisher, Clayton Douglas, The Free American)

EQUAL LIABILITY OF ALL TO LABOR. Let's check the dictionary for this. LIABILITY: the state of being liable. LIABLE: answerable or officially obligated to be available. (Joseph Farah's web site located at

DISTRIBUTION OF THE POPULATION. There are groups who promote population control, such as Zero Population Growth, who want to limit birth rates. Such as the late Jacque Cousteau, who in 1991, wanted to see 350,000 people eliminated per day to stabilize the world population. Others push euthanasia and biological warfare to reduce the world population. Could that be what is behind the "Chem-trails" spraying at high altitudes, not only in the United States but across the world? Then there are the environmentalists who want redistribution or relocation of the population according to their plan.

In areas, described or defined by the environmental movement and the United Nations, the environmentalists want and are implementing plans even though the U.S. Senate has not ratified these treaties. These areas or categories include:

Notice the descriptive terms, new terms that have been coined in the last 20-30 years, basically designed to make a person think what a good idea that is, until the whole story comes out! Then the design and intent of control and manipulation of people becomes very apparent! The plan seems to be to herd the human population into predetermined or designated areas. Again: Command and Control.

In the next group, I have incorporated several Tenets that appear designed to cause governments and countries to implode.

ENCOURAGE GOVERNMENT EXTRAVAGANCE, DESTROY CREDIT, AND CAUSE INFLATION. We Americans have been watching various stages of this happen in our own country and with our own government! Just the category of Foreign Aid alone is mind boggling! The Federal Reserve and the Banking System work hand in hand producing Fiat Money that facilitates the above statement. With the Fractional-Reserve Banking Formula to produce fiat money, inflation is built in!

FOMENT STRIKES, BRING ABOUT LENIENT ATTITUDE OF GOVERNMENT TOWARDS DISORDERS. The History of American Unions, strikes, and the violence that often accompanies strikes would fill two or three web sites. This activity really established a foothold in the 1930s.

BREAKDOWN MORAL VIRTUES. Any of us that were around in the 1960s, observed the Hippie Movement that virtually turned our society on it's head. Moral values, ethics, the Judeo-Christian Values that this nation was founded on and the way our society views itself has never recovered!

DESTROY FAITH IN lEADERS. In this category, we have had a lot of help from the leaders of the United States. Again, one only has to study the real history of this country to realize how much damage the leaders have done to destroy themselves and effect our society.

REGISTER FIREARMS, CONFISCATE AT ALL COSTS. Amendment 2 of the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution says, "A WELL REGULATED MILITIA, BEING NECESSARY TO THE SECURITY OF A FREE STATE, THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED." Who knows how many Citizens or Do-Gooders are working to take away our right to keep and bear arms. It is part of destroying a country, a society, a civilization from within! Unfortunately, unlawful seizure of firearms has already begun. It is also unfortunate that a segment of our population seems to be, possibly being brain washed through mind control. Mind Control or Brainwashing is a very pervasive issue. Often an individual, child or adult, can be brainwashed without being aware of it. Those who use Mind Control count on the process being undetected to accomplish their goal. Often times, other forms of control, such as, intimidation, rigid rules and regulations, propaganda, and bribery can accomplish the same results.

I AM SURE THAT EVERONE OF YOU CAN PICTURE IN YOUR MIND AN EXAMPLE OF AT LEAST ONE OR TWO OF THESE STATEMENTS, IF NOT ALL OF THEM. Just watch the evening news, local and national and there will be one or more examples presented. FOLLOW THE PATTERN!

FORM REGIONAL GOVERNMENTS. The Club of Rome or COR, organized in 1968 by a group of global planners, was established. The members are rich elitist individuals. The purpose: to promote the concept of world government and to regionalize the Americas. Representatives of ten countries assembled in Rome. Under the direction of Aurelio Peccei, an Italian Industrialist. The group was to promote world government at the expense of National sovereignty. Regionalization and unification of the world are the ultimate purpose. According to Gary Kah, author of En Route To Global Occupation, "The Document reveals that the Club has divided the world into ten political/economic regions, which it refers to as Kingdoms. This sounds to me like a fulfillment of Daniel 7:15-28 and Revelation 13 in the making." (Author, Gary Kah, En Route To Global Occupation, Hunting House, PO Box 53788, La Fayette, La, 70505) A very brief summary of these Bible verses would be: the Antichrist, the Tribulation, and God's deliverance. The document referred to in Gary Kah's quotation is the report by COR, entitled Regionalized And Adaptive Model Of The Global World System. Another quote, "What is particularly disturbing about all of this is that the Club of Rome is being spiritually driven, as in occultism." or pantheistic/new age beliefs. The Regionalization of the world system map shows ten regions. An example would be the Western Hemisphere: Canada and the United States are indicated as Region 1; and Mexico, Central and South America are Region 6.

PREACH DEMOCRACY, BUT SEIZE POWER. As citizens of the United States, we have an entirely different view of democracy than the Socialist/Communist movements do. The dictionary states: Democracy is a form of government in which political power resides in all the people and is exercised by them directly or is given to elected representatives, with each citizen sharing equally in political privilege and duty and with his right to do so protected by free elections and other guarantees (i.e. The U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights).

WHAT IS THE DESIRED END RESULT OF THESE SEVEN STATEMENTS? "BRING THE NATIONS INTO A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT". REMEMBER FOLKS, THESE TENETS WERE WRITTEN 71-223 YEARS AGO! (A very valuable chart, developed by Rev. James Patrick, Pastor of the Victory Baptist Church, 900-46th St.,East Moline, Illinois 61244, lists these tenets plus a great deal more!)

OH YES, THERE IS ONE MORE. FREE EDUCATION FOR ALL IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Now you know where John Dewey and John D. Rockefeller Sr. came up with the idea of PULIC SCHOOLS AND FREE EDUCATION.

FIRST OF ALL, NOTHING IS FREE! The taxpayers, from day one of Public Education, have been footing the bill. Also, Public Education is not free, in that it has been controlled and manipulated, a hidden agenda, a deliberate outcome has been the goal and purpose. From teacher training, to methods used, the doctrine promoted, and the type of curriculum used. Shaping and molding students into the One World Order thinking process. It has taken years to progress to the desired outcome or results. Goals 2000 and the School To Work Programs are two prime examples of the BOTTOM OF THE BARREL approaches that are dumbing down America. For those of you, who are not familiar with the School To Work Program, schools would provide a certificate to deem a student employable. A real tidy way to close out anyone having been home schooled or possibly private school graduates. One of the ideas of School To Work, is for students to "shadow" or supposedly learn a job by watching someone doing their work. People learn by the hands on approach, not by standing around watching! Not to mention, that the Federal Government has big dollar amounts with strings attached to this type of program. Also, this could well transfer to adults, to make certain only cooperative and politically correct individuals have employment.

ANOTHER QUESTION COMES TO MIND: EDUCATION-WHATEVER HAPPENED TO TEACHING AMERICAN STUDENTS TO READ, WRITE, AND THINK?!? TO USE THEIR GOD-GIVEN TALENT! These self-appointed managers have attempted to put in place a curriculum to brainwash students, indirectly effect their families, to undermine our rights and the U.S. Constitution, and to subvert parental rights and authority. All the while, using U.S.TAXPAYER DOLLARS to attach the strings to choke our society. Since God and discipline have been neatly squeezed out of the school systems, crime and violence have increased many times over. Drug peddling, drive-by shootings, gang rapes, school house shootings and other such incidents are the picture of to many areas of this country. No one section or area of the United States has a monopoly on these incidents.


They are groups of people, who are highly organized and well financed. These groups all have one agenda even though their names or titles are different. The agenda is to bring Socialism to the nations of the world, including the United States! From that Socialism process, to institute One World Government, to rule and reign over all of us, to control the world's wealth, and to control all territory or land. These individuals, functioning as part of a group or independently, have no allegiance to anyone but themselves and their agenda. They have been often referred to as elitists, which many are rich and powerful to begin with. Also, what they want others to do and sacrifice couldn't possibly pertain to them. They assimilate many others into their plans. Who knows what promises are being made to the less powerful and ordinary people, that the One Worlders are controlling and using to do their biding. The elitists will use and abuse their followers, until the followers have served their purpose, then they will be discarded. All one has to do is read World History, be it 1500 years ago or today, to realize how many people have been sacrificed on the mountain Of someone else's schemes and desires. If you do choose to read World History, be sure it is not the sanitized versions that the revisionists are producing today.

WHO ARE SOME OF THESE GROUPS THAT HAVE INFLUENCED OUR COUNTRY AND THE WORLD FOR THE LAST 223 YEARS? The Illuminati/Illuminized Freemasonry; The Skull and Bones Society of Yale University; The Federal Reserve System/The Wall Street Investment Houses/The Bankers; The League of Nations (forerunner to the United Nations); The International Monetary Fund or IMF; The World Bank; The United Nations; The Aspen Institute; The Bilderbergers; The Club Of Rome; The Trilateral Commission; The Council on Foreign Relations; The Atlantic Council; The Bohemian Club; The Pilgrim Society; The World Council of Churches; and the many segments of the Environmental Movement. Believe me, that's not a complete listing. When you look at a listing of these individuals, there are many familiar names in history, both past and present. I will not go over the list at this time, but many of the names and their affiliations you would recognize. (For a current listing, check with the Fund to Restore an Educated Electorate or FREE, PO Box 33339, Kerrville,TX 78029)


First, some definitions. My teachers of years past, would never believe how well acquainted I have become with the Dictionary. (All Dictionary references come from Webster's New World Dictionary-1988 or The Reader's Digest Great Encyclopedic Dictionary-1975).

THESE SELF-APPOINTED MANAGERS OR ELITISTS HAVE A VERY LONG AND DETAILED AGENDA, PROGRAM, AND PURPOSE. LET'S LOOK AT BASIC NECESSITIES, SUCH AS LAND OR HOUSING; FUEL; FOOD AND WATER; AND HEALTH CARE. According to Thomas Jefferson, "The right to own property is an inalienable right." Our founding fathers held private ownership of land co-equal to freedom of speech and freedom to worship. Thus ending centuries of serfdom and subservience. To own land, gives the individual or family the power to control the use of the land.

In 1785, the Northwest ordinance; In 1862, the Homestead Act; and in 1873, the Timber Culture Act set up the transfer of land to private individuals, some free or for as little as $1.00 per acre. In 1871, by the Forest Reserve Act, Congress set aside forest land. In 1908, that amounted to 132 million acres. In 1934, the Taylor Grazing Act ended the transfer of land by the U.S. Government to private individuals. In 1976, the Federal Land Policy and Management Act set the policy for "Public Domain Lands".

First the policy was promotion of private land ownership, then protecting remaining land for "Public Domain". Today, the policy has dramatically shifted to absolute Federal Government control of lands, both public and private. Folks, that smacks of socialism. The question remains in limbo, by whose authority is this done? Surely not the peoples' authority!

In the August, 1997 New American magazine, Michael Coffman's article was featured, entitled "Globalized Grizzlies".


HOUSING WILL, IN THE FUTURE, if bizarre ideas are implemented, may become tents or maybe dugouts, or maybe high rises, that would not tie up to much earth area, or maybe they can just ship us all in space ships to the moon, that way the human population would be out of the way! I am not trying to be facetious, just countering with something about as logical as the Earth First and associated groups are being. Owning our own home and land has been part of the American Dream since day one of this great country. DON'T GIVE UP ON IT OR YOUR RIGHTS, GIVEN TO ALL OF US BY OUR CONSTITUTION AND BILL OF RIGHTS! WE ARE AMERICANS, NOT CITIZENS OF SOME FAR-FETCHED GLOBAL COMMUNITY. Currently, we American citizens are pursuing an issue with the USDA-Forest Service. This government agency, at the apparent direction of the Administration, is purposing the closure of access by American Citizens to 50 million plus acres of AMERICAN FOREST LAND. Supposed reasons, to large an area to manage and underfunded. Could it be if, the government ceased to send millions or billions of dollars of "aid" to other countries, we could manage to use some of the money for our own needs. Then, I am sure the argument would be, oh we must share and help others. Yes, we are going to share and help others and ourselves right into a hole!!! The old addage about charity begins at home has legitimacy! No, I am not saying isolationism, not at all! What I am saying is moderation. We the people of the United States of America are not the be all to end all to everyone in the world!!!

AS FOR FOSSIL FUELS AND GLOBAL WARMING, in 1992, the Kyoto Protocols or Climate Change Conventions first surfaced as part of the Biological Diversity treaty. President Clinton signed this treaty in 1993, but THE SENATE DID NOT RATIFY IT.

In 1995, the "Berlin Mandate"(another U.N. conference) directed the delegates to convert this voluntary treaty to binding international law, paving the way for the Kyoto Protocols addressed in Japan in 1997, Buenos Aries in 1998, and Bonn, Germany in 1999. Since the Clinton Administration knew Congress would not ratify these Protocols or treaty, they put their stealth plan into action. In 1997, the Clean Air Act, the EPA or Environmental Protection Agency put regulatory measures into effect. The EPA changed the air quality standards and affected 700 counties in the United States, previously in compliance. 39 new programs were launched and a 50 cents per gallon gas tax added. About then, Congress woke up and cancelled the gas tax but let all the rest ride. According to my information, the Clinton Administration had planned educational conferences around the country to convince us of the need to endorse the Kyoto Protocols or the Climate Control Treaty. I am not sure any of these conferences have developed. Apparently they are to busy promoting roadless forests! It is a plan to further bankrupt the United States, not to control global warming, which cannot be substantiated with fact!

FOOD AND WATER: Part of the United States Government is the Food and Drug Administration or the FDA, that regulates and approves medications and food supplies. The story seems to include how much money the Pharmaceutical companies want to shell out to get medications on the market.

What about the never-ending excuse that the FDA or the Agriculture Department does not have enough resources to pay inspectors of food supplies. Tainted food comes across the Mexican-U.S. border but no one stops it. How many Americans have to be seriously ill or die, so that Mexico, Central and South America, and NAFTA can reign supreme?

Water: Is the ultimate control mechanism on any continent in the world. The overabundance or the lack there of! Water-call laws were established in the United States, 200 or so years ago by law and by the six shooter. Water, the control there of, has become the next area of attack by the United Nations treaties and the environmentalists. The Heritage Rivers Initatives by Executive Order has shown that. When I say attacked, I mean, these treaties, conventions, and protocols are an attack in the sense of changing, controlling and managing them. This is one of those areas that the "consensus con" as described by Henry Lamb, is used very effectively to turn the outcome the way the "Managers" want it to be. Another game is, the Flouride additives. If you really knew the real Flouride story, you would probably refuse to drink flouride-treated water and throw out the toothpaste containing it(but that is another story for another time). Also, the quiet campaign to eliminate chlorine from water treatment. We in the United States have the safest drinking water in the world, due to chlorine treatment to eliminate bacteria!

HEALTH CARE: Well folks, I think you well remember Hilary Clinton and her Health Care Task Force. Their purpose was to socialize medical care in the United States. BUT, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE SAID, WAIT A MINUTE!! WE WANT NO PART OF THAT PLAN!! Unfortunately, that was not the end of the Clinton Administration's "Managed" agenda. In the meantime, they are attempting to re-route their socialized health care plan through the Military, the Public School Systems, and Medicare. Also the HMO's have jumped on the Clinton bandwagon and are promoting a similar agenda. Again, the American consumers are voicing their opinion. Command and control are not acceptable to Americans. The horror stories that patients and their families have endured would fill volumes.

The Federal Government Health and Human Services Department has designed what is referred to as a Health Care Identifier or another number to be assigned to each and every one of us to electronically tag, track and monitor our personal medical records and history. According to Sheryl G. Stolberg and I quote, "Proponents, including insurance companies and public health researchers, say the benefits would be vast. Doctors and hospitals would be able to monitor the health of patients as they switch from one insurance plan to the next...A national disease database could be created, offering unlimited opportunities for scientific study. But, opponents, including privacy advocates and some doctors' groups, say the code smacks of big brother...The Congress, in 1996, tucked this part into the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act." (Author, Sheryl G. Stolberg, "Health Identifier For All Americans Runs Into Hurdles", page 54-55, September,1998, The Free American Magazine.) It's amazing how they like the backdoor approach on certain legislation. Also, the proposed National or Federal I.D. Card would carry all of your medical history, available to anyone with a scanner!

THE U.S. MILITARY: Down sizing, base closures, decaying morale and forcing U.S.Military men and women to serve under the flag of the U.N., has just about put the screws to our military capabilities. The plan is already underway for sending United States forces out of this country to play the meals on wheels and the peace keeping games, while we hear of more and more foreign troops "training" in these United States. (Last estimate of foreign troops in the U.S. that I heard on radio, ONE MILLION!) There is no valid reason on GOD's green earth to have foreign military on United States soil!!! At the current time, the reports include Russian, German, Communist Mainland Chinese, Japanese, and several other nationalities (who are in and out of the country) "training". NATO has been used as a smoke screen for this activity. At one time, the Taiwanese were training, until the Mainland Chinese applied enough pressure to have the agreement cancelled.

UNLESS YOU HAVE RESEARCHED THE MILITARY AND DISARMAMENT, you might not be aware where the current games began. In 1947, a U.S. State Department Bulletin #442A-Arming the United Nations gives a clear indication of the pathway that our government intended to follow. In 1961, at the close of the Eisenhower Administration and the beginning of the Kennedy Administration, State Department Publication #7277-Freedom from War: The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World laid out plans for where we find ourselves today-1999. The Arms Control and Disarmament Act was passed by the 87th Congress, September 26, 1961. An interesting comparison is the State Department Publication #7277 and Article 43 of the United Nations' Charter. Definitely not a coincidence! The question that begs an answer is why have so many of our leaders of the United States worked so diligently to undermine our Country , our Constitution, and our Bill of Rights??? Many of these leaders are dead and buried, but the program that they were a part of rolls on destroying the United States of America!


Attitudes, Religious Freedom, moral values, and the Freedom of Speech have come more and more under attack in the last 10-15 years. The current category of "politically correct" seems to override almost anything, including logic, good sense, and freedoms. On January 12, 1999, I heard on shortwave radio that Mark Skousen of Idaho, had been harassed and materials seized. What was the excuse? Promoting and teaching about the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights!!! Not agreeing with the "politically correct" crowd, automatically brands an individual with a title of troublemaker, radical, or worse.

In 1998, Joseph Farah, Editor of Internet World Net Daily wrote an article entitled, "The New World Information Order". Western officials were organizing speech police units to monitor news organizations to determine if they meet "INTERNATIONALLY ACCEPTED STANDARDS". Excuse me, but who authorized someone to set up these standards? Telling the truth and Freedom of Speech works quite well, thank you very much! Oh, by the way, these standards were to be in place by the 1998 U.S. election campaigns and the U.S. taxpayers were to pick up the tab for 2.7 million dollars! Apparently the apparatus was not in place as planned, but that does not mean the idea has gone away!!! Currently, the latest craze is "hate speech" or "hate crimes". Number One: Our Bill of Rights of the Constitution gives us Freedom of Speech. We may not like what someone is saying, but as far as I know, we still have the 1st Amendment saying we have the right to say it!!! Number Two: If someone has severely injured or killed a person, does the title of "hate crime" make them more guilty or the victum more dead??? I don't think so, it just gives the news medias and officials more fuel to inflame the situation. It does not serve anyone's justice!

THREE CATEGORIES I FIND TROUBLING, are the ever increasing Government rules and regulations affecting Americans, mostly instituted by Government bureaucrats; control or bias of the major news medias, printed matter or television, be it disinformation or propaganda; and the Federal Government bias. Apparently Of, By, And For The People, The American People, is not considered a valid statement by many individuals in our Federal Government. There are those who think they need to tell and direct the citizens of this great country, how and what to think, work, act, and live!

There is one category remaining that, we the people have not heard proposed restrictions or re-structuring mentioned, as yet. But, by all chances someone somewhere is working on this. The category is uninhibited travel, as in plane, train, bus, car, or truck. Be it from one city or county to another, or one state or coast to another, or one country to another. We have heard, tht the transportation department has already been instructed by insertion in unrelated areas of legislation, to set up a National I.D. system using Biometric Drivers License Identification. States failing to participate will see their citizens penalized in many areas. Is this another coercive, unfunded mandate proposal or just Big Brother's game?

THE BIGGEST THREAT TO ALL CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES AND THE WORLD IS THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT OR THE ICC. Cliff Kincaid, a special investigative reporter and author, wrote "A Survey Of Justice for the World or Global Terror?" United Nations complicity in communist human rights violations. Communist governments have killed at least 100 million people in the 20th Century, but the U.N. Human Rights Commission refuses to even issue resolutions against communist countries. The United Nations overlooked the fact that Kurt Waldeim, a Nazi war criminal, who served as Secretary General of the U.N., now reired with a substantial pension, part of which is paid by the United States Taxpayers. Then there is the possibility of U.N. complicity in murder and torture during U.N. peace keeping missions. Also, the U.N. Officials did not attempt to stop genocide in Rowanda, Africa, where at least 500,000 people died.

The International Criminal Court or ICC could or will: imprison Americans in foreign jails, prosecute before judges from terrorist and communist countries; and charges could be crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide. Even American Military could be prosecuted for "War Crimes".

For Cliff Kincaid's Web Site: usasurvival

THE PURPOSE OF THE JUNE,1998 MEETING IN ROME, to establish this International Criminal Court. Purpose: to bring justice to the world. Question: Whose justice? This proposal is a threat to the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and Sovereign American Citizens. There will be no right to a trial by jury, no right to confront witnesses, in other words witnesses can be anonymous. I think it is called a Kangaroo Court or guilty until proven innocent!!! It certainly is not part of my birthright as an American Citizen. Can you believe, our U.S. Senate voted in 1994 to encourage establishment of this ICC, or that the head of the American Bar Association is one of those orchestrating this horrendous plan! As far as I know, the United States has not signed onto the ICC, but that does not mean that we are necessarily exempt from it!

"A nation can survive its' fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the galleys, heard in the very hall of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor--He speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and wears their face and their garment, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation--he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city--he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared." Signed: CICERO, 42 B.C., A ROMAN STATEMAN, ORATOR, AND AUTHOR. (page 85, Foundations of Libery, published by The East Moline Christian School/Victory Baptist Church/900-46th Avenue, East Moline, Il 61244/ Editor: Rev. James R. Patrick)

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