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True Love

This is my first story i Ever wrote! I hope u like it, Email me with what u think! Part 1 This takes place after New Years Eve, when Luis chooses to save Sheridan Crane wrather than her own father. Sheridan is very greatful to Luis for saving her life, again. She also feels very bad because she knows he is going through hell right now, blaming his self for his fathers death. After Gwen leaves Sheridan's cottage, she can't stop thinking about what Gwen said. Whoevers arms you are in at midnight on New Year's is the person you will spend the rest of the year with. She keeps playing the moment through her mind again and agian *Luis' arm around her, comforting her. Fireworks going off behind them...* In her heart she was hoping the magazene article would come true and she would be with Luis. *Sheridan what are you thinking!?!?* she said outloud to herself. *You could never be with Luis even if you wanted to, he will never feel the same about you!* She decides to go to bed for the night, after all she had a very long night, but she couldn't sleep all she could think about was Luis. So she decided to go over to his house and see if he was still awake so she could comfort him, like he did with her. She arrived at Luis' house and most of the lights were out, but one downstairs, so she went to the door and knocked quietly. Sure enough Luis answered the door, and was suprised to see her. *What are you doing here Sheridan?* asked Luis. *I came to see if you were alright Luis, and to thank you again.* *I'm fine, you should go home and get some rest, its been a hard night for all of us.* * Luis, I can't sleep, and it's really cold out here so may I please come in?* Yeah come in, sorry. Here you can sit down on the couch. *Thanks Luis, please sit down with me, I really need to talk to you...Actually I want you to talk to me because I know you had to be strong and act like you were alright for your family, but it's not good for you to keep all of your feelings inside. Please talk to me Luis* It's nice of you to come over here Sheridan but I really don't feel like talking... to anyone. * Ok Luis, I understand* ~Sheridan moves closer to Luis and rests her head on his chest, and he puts his arms around her. Sheridan starts to cry a little bit, and so does Luis.~ *I am so sorry Luis... I..* Sheridan don't this wasn't your fault. ~They are both kind of laying on the couch now, Sheridan's head on Luis' chest and her hands rested on him lightly,his arm around her waist, both of them have tears in there eyes....and they fall asleep.~ Pilar wakes up and comes downstairs and notices the light is still on. She is very suprised to find sheridan asleep ontop of Luis, but she figures she came over to comfort him. Pilar puts a blanket ontop of them,turns the light off and kisses both of there foreheads. She stands there and looks for a minute then goes back up to bed. Part 2 Luis and Sheridan are still asleep on the couch, and everyone else is still sleeping too. Luis opens his eyes and sees Sheridan Crane asleep ontop of him! Hes suprised at first but then he remembers how she came to his house last night to comfort him, and how they must have fell asleep. Luis decides to stay still because he doesnt want to wake up Sheridan, after all she had a very long night and it would be best if she slept. He brings his hand up and plays with Sheridans hair, and thinks to himself how beutiful she really is. It was thoughtful of her to come over here to comfort me.... Shes so different than any of the other Cranes. Luis started to remember when they met, and she ran into his car. He was so mad at her... He thought he hated her, but now he knew it would be impossible to hate her. Luis remembered when they did the Tango together...and the fights they use to get into at the Youth Center... Why am I thinking about Sheridan Crane so much lately? She has been so nice around me lately, and I actually like being with her... What are you saying Luis?!? Just then Sheridan woke up and didnt know what was going on, why was she sleeping with Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald? Then she remembered what had happened last night. Sheridan looked at Luis to see if he was awake, and their eyes met. She stared deep into Luis deep brown eyes, either of them moved, they just layed there staring into each others eyes. Oh my god! I..Im sorry Ill leave now! Luis broke the stare as he looked up at Theresa standing there amazed. Sheridan gets off of Luis, and he sits up and explains everything to his stunned sister. Well I have to go get changed and take a shower, I guess Ill see you in a while at the Youth Center Luis, bye Theresa. said Sheridan as she walked out the door. I wonder what would have happened between Luis and I if Theresa wouldnt have walked in... I never felt that way before, in Luis arms. His eyes just make me want to melt...SHERIDAN!!! Jeaze I have to stop thinking this way about Luis! Sheridan thought to herself as she walked up to her cottage door. I never thought I would be spending New Years Eve sleeping with Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald! Back at Luis house he was still trying to explain everything to Theresa, but she wasnt buying it! Luis I saw you two looking at each other, it was almost like you were in love or something! Theresa thats crazy! Im not like you, falling in love with Cranes that could never love me back. Luis, the way she was looking at you....admit it! you have feelings for Sheridan Crane! Like I said Theresa, thats just crazy! Now Im going to get a shower. Are you alright Theresa, I mean with what happened last night and all. Im still shoken up, but I have to be strong for Miguel and Momma, like you are. Theresa, if you want to talk... No, Im going over to Whitneys house so Ill see you later. Luis gets in the shower, and all he can think about is Sheridan Crane. Her eyes are so beutiful. SHE is so beutiful! I wonder what she was thinking when I was staring into her eyes. I know what I was thinking, all I wanted to do was kiss her...What am I thinking!! I cant believe I wanted to kiss a Crane! Part 3 Sheridan Crane pulls up at the Youth Center, and sees Luis police car already parked. Good! Hes here. I really need to talk to Luis. When we were laying there this morning, all I wanted to do is kiss his soft lips....I have to find out what he was thinking. I feel so good when Im with him. Maybe Gwen was right and I am falling in love with Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald! No, no, no!! I have to go talk to Luis!! Sheridan goes into the Youth Center and finds Luis sitting at his desk reading the News Paper. She sits down and says hi, he puts down the paper and looks at her. Luis, we have to talk. About thismorning, I.. Just then Hank walks in Oops, am I interupting something here? No Hank, Sheridan and I are just talking about having another dance this month, a bunch of kids got together and asked. Sheridan gives Luis a wierd look, and then turns to Hank and says Yeah, I think we should have the dance if its important to the kids. Thats a great idea, when are we gonna have it? says Hank. I was thinking next week, what do you think Sheridan? Luis asked her. Next weeks good for me. Hey guys I stopped to see if you guys wanted lunch, Im going to pick up some sandwiches... Sure Hank grab me one, Sheridan? Yeah me too Hank,thank you. Hank walks out and Sheridan looks at Luis. Luis I really want to talk to you, I have to know if... Michael, a kid from the Youth Center walks in and interupts. Luis where are the new basketballs? In the storage closet Mike. Ok thanks Luis, see ya! Hank gets back with the sandwiches, and when there done eating Hank says he has to go do some stuff, and leaves. Sheridan walks over to Luis, grabs his arm and gets him to stand up. Come with me Luis. she says as she drags Luis outside to her car. Where are we going Sheridan? Just get in, I have to talk to you! Both Sheridan and Luis are quiet the whole way to her cottage. Sheridan unlocks the door to her cottage with Luis standing right behind her. She opens the door and walks in motioning to Luis to follow her. She tells Luis to sit down, then she sits next to him and looks into his eyes. She takes his hands in hers... Part 4 “Luis we have to talk.” “About what Sheridan?” “About this morning Luis, I... well” *Why can’t I just tell him that I wanted to kiss him more than anything? I’m such a baby! Come on Sheridan pull yourself together, just tell him you think you have feelings for him! Its not like I never got turned down by a guy before! But he’s so different...* “Well Luis, I just wanted to ask you if you got Theresa to understand we just fell asleep last night, and nothing was going on with us?” “Umm.. yeah Sheridan I told her, don’t tell me you made me come here just to ask me That?” “No, I um, wanted to ask you about the dance too. I want to help you plan it, ok?” “Sure, I could use the help...but I still don’t understand why you drug me all the way over here...” “Well SORRY officer, I didn’t mean to inconvenience you!” Sheridan gets up and walks over to the window. “Sheridan, I’m sorry, I didn’t mind coming over here with you.” Luis says as he walks over behind Sheridan. “It’s alright Luis, I’m sorry for over reacting.” “Don’t worry about it, I’m really thirsty though, can I get a glass of water?” “Sure, I’ll get it for you.” “No, thats ok I’m sure I can find the kitchen!” Luis goes into the kitchen to get water, and Julian barges into Sheridan’s cottage. “Julian, what are you doing here? And knock next time, what if I have compony?” “Ha, YOU have compony, I don’t think so Sheridan!” “Julian! Leave right now, I do have.... Julian cuts her off “Sheridan would you shut up, you know I wouldn’t just come down here for no reason if it’s not important. What, do you think I just dropped by to say hello?!?” “Julian please! I...” “Sheridan SHUT UP I said! Don’t make me repeat myself!” Luis is leaning against the kitchen door listening to everything, he decides not to let Julian know he’s there. “Sheridan, father just informed me that you are becoming too close to a certain officer.” “Officer....Luis? Me and Luis? What are you talking about Julian? And its not you or fathers busineess anyways!” “I’m warning you Sheridan, stay away from him! Whatever feelings you have for him just forget about them.” “Feelings...for Luis? Ok Julian, you’ve lost it now! I’m very greatful to him for saving my life, and thats all. Even if I DID have feelings for him, which I’m not saying that I do, there would be nothing you, or father could about it.” “Sheridan, Luis is trouble! Stay away from him. And father told me you are falling in love with Luis, do you think that I would actually take your word over his? Face it Sheridan, Luis will never love you! In fact NO man will ever love you Sheridan, they will only love your money, not you!” “Julian thats not..” Julian walks out and slams the door. Sheridan starts crying and sits down on the couch, as Luis rushes in from the kitchen to comfort her. Part 5 “Sheridan are you alright?” Luis asked her as he wipes tears off of her face. “Oh Luis, Julian and father are right... No man will ever love me!” “Thats not true Sheridan! You’re a good person. You will find happiness, I promice.” “Luis, I’m sorry, I don’t normally fall apart like this. I don’t usually let that bastard get to me.” Sheridan stops crying and wipes her face off. “Sheridan, I had no idea it was like this for you. How could your brother and your father be so cruel to you?” “I’m use to it, thats just how it is in my family. I would do anything to have a loving family...just like yours. I wish I wasn’t a Crane!” “Don’t worry Sheridan, one day you’ll have a loving husband and buetaful children..” “I want that more than anything Luis!” “Come on, let me take you out for dinner.” “Ok, that sounds great! Let me go get ready quick.””Ok, but keep it casual, I’m just gonna wear this.” “Alright Luis, I’ll be out in a minute.” Sheridan goes into her room and franticly searches her closet for the perfect outfit. Sher pulls out a beutiful sparkley dress. “This is...Oh yeah, casual!” She finally decides on a pair of jeans, and a white, tight fitting shirt. She quickley puts on make up and does her hair. Luis is sitting on a chair waiting, he looks at his watch. “Jeaze, I thought she said a minute... It’s been almost half an hour!” Just then Sheridan walks out of her bed room “Ok I’m ready!” “It was worth it!” Luis whispers under his breath, while staring at Sheridan. “What did you say Luis?” “Umm, I said you look great... lets go!” “Thanks. Oh yeah, where are we going?” “Well I was thinking the Lobster Shack, but it’s up to you.” “That sounds great, lets go!” They get in the car and start driving to the Lobster Shack. Sheridan’s driving because Luis’ car was still at the Youth Center. Luis can’t stop looking over at her. Sheridan looks over and sees Luis looking at her smiling. Luis looks away when she looks at him, still smiling. “Is something funny officer?” “’s just...” “What? my driving? I thought I got better!” “No Sheridan, your driving is fine...I’m just happy I guess.” “Oh yeah, about what?” “Well...about going on a date with you miss Crane!” “A date? I thought this was just a friendly dinner” “Well if you want it to be..” Sheridan cuts him off “No Luis, I’d love to go on a date with you!” Part 6 Sheridan and Luis arrive at the Lobster Shack, and they get their table and sit down. “So Sheridan....about what Julian said...your father thinks you have ‘feelings’ for me? Whats that all about?” “I really don’t know Luis, thats just silly! Why would he think that I would have ‘feelings’ for you?” Sheridan thinks she sees disapointment in Luis eyes. “Well, I mean, your a nice guy, and I can see why my father would think I have feelings for you...but I know it could never work between us anyways because you hate my family so much.” “I don’t like your family, but your different then the rest of them...I think we could be friends Sheridan, what do you say?” “I thought we already were friends, I mean we’re on a date!” “Yeah...well anyways about the dance...I got Chad to DJ, so thats covered. I just gotta decorate and stuff like that.” “Well I can help you Luis, I don’t really have anything better to do tonite.” “Ok then we can stop by the Youth Center after dinner.” The waiter comes, and takes there orders. “ are things with you and Beth?” “Me and Beth? Ohh, me and Beth...yeah well theres nothing really going on between us, I don’t like her in that way anymore but she’s a great friend. “Oh, I just thought, from what Hank says, that you and her were together.” “Nope, not since school. Speaking of Hank, are things heating up between you two?” “Umm... Well I know your Hanks best friend, and I really think he’s a nice guy. I don’t want to hurt him, but I just don’t have feelings for him like he has for me.” Just then the song ‘Back At One’ by Brian McNight came on, and couples were getting up to dance. “May I have this dance Miss Crane?” “Sure Luis!” Luis walks over and pulls out her chair. He takes her hand and leads her to the dance floor. Sheridan starts to giggle a little bit as they take hands and start to dance. “Whats so funny?” “It’s just I bet no one would believe that Sheridan Crane and Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald would be dancing together!” “Yeah, I think your right Sheridan, but I guess its not so bad...” Sheridan leans a little closer to Luis, and rests her head against him. They stay scilent through the rest of the song. Then the song ended, and people started clearing the dance floor. Sheridan and Luis were still in there own little world, standing on the dance floor together bearly even moving. Then Sheridan lifted her head up as she realized that the song was over. Luis and Sheridan both smile and start blushing as they make their way back to the table. They already finished their dinner, and were getting into Luis’ car. “Sheridan, it’s getting kind of late, maybe we shouldn’t go to the Youth Center tonite. Unless your not tired yet.” “No, no I want to go to the Youth Center.” “Ok, then I guess we’ll go decorate!” They arive at the Youth Center and get some decorations out of the closet. “I’ll hang up some streamers, wheres the ladder at Luis?” Sheridan asked. “Hold on I’ll get it for you.” Luis brings the ladder over to Sheridan. “I’ll hold it, it’s pretty old and shaky!” “Ok, thanks.” Sheridan climbs up the ladder and stands on her tippy toes to put a streamer up at the doorway. Her heel catches on the ladder and she slips off. “Oh s#!%! Ahh!” “Don’t worry I got ya!” Luis catches Sheridan in his arms. They stare into each others eyes for a long time. Part 7 “Thank you.” Sheridan whispers to Luis, who realizes what he’s doing and lets go of Sheridan. “Yeah, no problem.” Luis says looking away from her. “Well I think we better get goin, we can finish tommorow morning.” “Yeah, I think your right Luis.” They drive most of the way to Sheridan’s cottage in scilence. They get there, and Luis parks his car. They walk over to Sheridans doorway. “So...I guess this is goodbye.” Sheridan says to Luis. Luis takes Sheridan’s hands in his. “I had a really great time with you tonite Sheridan.” “Me too Luis.” They stare deep into each others eyes. Luis moves closer to Sheridan, and she leans her head up to meet his. Luis’ arms move from holding her hands, to around her waist. Sheridan can’t take it any longer, she brings her hands up to his head, her fingers in his soft hair. Their lips meet, and Luis slowly slips his tounge into Sheridan’s mouth. They feel their tounges touching, and start kissing very intensly and passionately. Sheridan leans back against her door and turns the door knob, still kissing Luis. They stumble in the door, and make their way over to the couch. Sheridan and Luis sit down on the couch, still kissing very passionatly. Sheridan lied down pulling Luis down on top of her. Luis pulls off Sheridan’s shirt, and stares at her amazing body. Just then it hits him. “My God!” Luis says to himself outloud. “What the hell am I doing?!? Sheridan I’m so sorry, I really have to go.” “Luis wait!” It was too late, he was already on his way out the door. Luis walks outside and shuts the door behind him. “Man, what was I thinking?” He said, leaning against the door. Then he walks to his car, gets in, and drives home. Sheridan sat inside her cottage on her couch still in shock about what just happened. “Wow, that was great!” Sheridan said outloud. But then she realized that Luis had just left her there, half naked. How could he do that to me? Didn’t that mean anything to him? We almost made love! Sheridan thought to herself. Tears started pouring down Sheridan’s face. “No man will ever love me! I’m pathetic!” Sheridan said to herself, while laying down and hugging a pillow. That night Sheridan cried herself to sleep. At the Lopez-Fitzgerald house, Luis took a shower and went to bed thinking about Sheridan the whole time. He didn't sleep very well. All that Luis could think about was Sheridan. *What was I thinking? What's going to happen tommorrow morning when we see eachother at the Youth Center? What if she hates me?* Luis couldn't stop asking himself all these questions. Part 8 The next morning Sheridan woke up, and immediatly remembered everything that had happened the night before. "Why does my last name have to be Crane?" Sheridan asked herself angrily. Then she looked at the clock, it was 9am. "Damn, I have to be at the Youth Center at 10." Sheridan was about to pick up the phone and leave a message to Luis that she wasn't feeling well and couldn't make it in today. Then she remembered taht she had promiced the kids there would be a dance. Sher couldn't leave Luis alone to do all the work, no matter how mad she was at him. Sheridan got a shower, got dressed, and was on her way to the Youth Center. Luis had just arrived at the Youth Center, and noone else was there yet. He unlocked the door, and went into his office. "I wonder if Sheridan will show up. What will I say to her if she does?" Luis thought to himself. Sheridan parked her car, and stood at the door of the Youth Center. She took a deep breath and walked in. She went to Luis' office, and knocked on the slightly opened door. "come in." "Hi Luis, I just wanted to ask you where you put the streamers so I can finish decorating." "They're in the storage closet on the top shelf. I'll go get them for you." "No thats ok, I can get them myself. "I don't think you can reach the shelf, just let me get the streamers!" Sheridan agreed and followed Luis to the closet. "I can't quite reach the top, can you get me a chair or something Sheridan?" "Umm, yeah, where at?" "Nevermind, just come here and I'll lift you up." Luis lifts Sheridan high enough to reach the streamers. When she grabs them boxes and decorations fall down causing Luis and Sheridan to fall on top of each other. Sheridan looks at Luis, then quickly gets up. She grabs his hand and helps him up too. Luis looks in her eyes, and sees that she is holding back tears. She quickly truns away from him and Luis puts his hand on her shoulder. "Sheridan, I don't want things to be weird between us." Sheridan spins around to face him. "Luis, can I ask you something?" She continues without giving him time to answer. "If my name wasn't Sheridan Crane would you still have stopped what we were doing last night and left?" This question took Luis by suprize, and he didn't really know what to say because he hadn't thought about it. After about a minute of standing there in silence Sheridan said "Yeah, thats what I thought Luis." As she ran out of the Youth Center in tears. She got in her car, and just sat there crying. She knew she was too upset to drive. Sheridan didn't notice Luis walking out to her car. Luis aproached her car and opened the passangers door. He got in, and closed the door. "What do you want Luis, can't you just leave me alone?" "Sheridan look, I'm really sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I swear!" "I thought you were different Luis, but your just like every other guy that could care less about me or my feelings." To be Continued...

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