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Eighty Proof Punk-mfp

A punk/ska outfit from Homer City, PA...

"mfp is all about teaching the kids..."-tom lawson

if you would like to hear more words of wisdom from tommy, click here....


Songs      Pictures

Hey everybody, I'm Joe Stango from the band mfp. We are a small punk/ska outfit out of Homer City, Pa. (it's near Indiana) We probably have been playing together for maybe a year, I don't know.  If you have never been to a mfp show, you're missing out.  We have a lot of fun on stage so the crowd also has a good time.  I guess sobriety, or I should say "lack there of" plays a part in that, but it doesn't matter. 

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Other local bands, thanks, and stuff we support

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
OKWORD-high energy rock band from our area
Lycos - Search the Web
Mfp would like to thank the following...