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What We Did...And WHY

Ok, when I'm having mental anguish I do something to my body...whether it be pierce something, dye my hair, get it cut, whatever. I have not mentioned this to but one person(well til now) but my mental anguish had been running high since January....well actually October. I have my own theory on why, but whatever. Anyway, Tina, Heather and I got tattoos on June 14. I was stressing beyond belief for the simple fact that I had no clue what I was gonna get...or where I was gonna get it. Heather made it worse because for 2 weeks she was bugging me to draw designs for her too! And just like the big pussgut that she is, I spent too much time designing shit for her, only to have her come up with her own anyway. Tina walked into the place, and picked one.(although Heather forbid Tina to get her first choice of tweety with a gun)

I will say that CHAD from MACHINE HEAD TATTOOS in Lemoyne is nothing like we expected. We were there for over 3 hours and it was a lot of fun. And extremely clean, too. The guys were VACUUMING the carpet when we got there. We "bonded" with Chad, his pal Porpoise, who happens to be the body piercing guy, and 2 other guys I forget their names. But they were really cool.... they talked to us a lot, telling lots of stories, I think it was to take our minds off the fact that we were being jabbed with a needle. They even allowed me to take pictures...I'll be posting them as soon as I get them. Chad posed with me before starting on my design. My design, by the way, came to me at 4:15am, exactly 9 hours before we went to get inked. But I will say that it has a special significance to me, and I don't care that I'll still have it when I'm 90 years old.
Interesting things....
*We saw Heather's buttcrack WAY too many times that day.
*at one point, there were NINE people in the room when Heather was being inked.
*it doesn't hurt
*for some unknown reason, whoever was in the chair automatically became the target for the other 2 to tell Chad a story about that person....example...Tina in the telling him how she suffered a sunburn so bad a few weeks ago that she got 2nd degree burns.Me in the chair...Heather telling him that I am almost a full-blown stalker because I have a thing for someone really bad....Heather in the chair...Tina and I telling him that it was the first in a long time that she was wearing underwear.
*people are sick. as we were looking thru tattoo magazines with pictures of tattoos, we saw some SICK stuff. My personal favorite was a tattoo of The Pilsbury Doughboy ass-raping Lil Debbie on top of a chocolate cupcake. what the hell would make someone
A. even think of something like that.
B.draw it
C.then have it tattooed on themselves.
*you really are putting your trust in a total stranger when you do this.....

*if you ever though about getting it done, DO IT!! and go to CHAD at MACHINEHEAD TATTOOS in Lemoyne!!

It all started when Heather told us that she suffers regulary from a "chafed butthole" not to be confused with a SHAVED butthole. (my thought is that if she'd wear underwear on occasion, you wouldn't have these problems.) Anyway, we were laughing at that when Tina looked at the table next to us and casually mentioned that it looked like the guy sitting there had galded balls...well I about busted a gut, Tina had to get up and leave cuz she was laughing so hard. Ok its not funny now but it was at the time.


Pussgut had to go first, otherwise she would have pussed out. She didn't cry, although the kid DID make some weird faces and shrieked every now and again.


Tina didn't think it hurt at all, as a matter of fact, she asked Chad if he was done outlining, and in reality, he was almost done with the whole thing!!

Chad posed with me before he starting working on mine...notice how I'm actually watching the needle!!
As soon as they heal a little more, I'll post pics of our tattoos.