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Welcome to our DRAGON Kids Fun Stuff Page

This WEB SITE belongs to
2 Andrews and a Justin

Some of the stuff you will find on our page is things that we like and have fun doing.
We had a lot to add to this site so come back soon
and see all our new fun stuff !!

Our Favorite Jokes
Here are some of our favorite kid's jokes...

Poke'mon Suff
Different things about Poke'mon...

This page is fun stuff we like to do...

We all are wrestling fans Andrew K-likes WCW ---- Andrew M-likes WWF----
and Justin likes them both...

ANDREW M'S Page...

ANDREW K'S Page...

JUSTIN K'S Page...

Thanks Kaithynne Nicole for this gift
Please visit her site

WOW!! This nice lady named Sondra send us an really
cool award for our site !!! THANK YOU SONDRA !!
She has a very nice site please drop in and say hello to her.
Just click on our award and it will take you to her site.

We like getting E-mail!!


Guestbook by GuestWorld