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The nurse heard a piercing noise coming from one of the patient’s room. It sounded like a scream. The nurse walked outside of her office and into the hallway. She wandered through the halls opening all of the doors to check on the patients. They all seemed to be asleep. Puzzled, she went back to her office to finish her paperwork for the night. It was two o’clock in the morning, and Margaret, the nurse, had been working since nine and had to continue working for four more hours. She hated her everything about her job: the patients, the working conditions, and even the salary was low. The problem was that her father owned the institution, so she couldn’t quit her job. At three o’clock, she heard a patient scream again. This time she was almost certain it came from the third floor, so she ran into the hall and walked to the elevator. The elevator was old and decrepit, and there were no lights inside of it. Margaret was always terrified by this elevator. She had no other choice, though, so she pressed the up button and snuck into the open doors. It was pitch black inside of the elevator, so she was surprisingly pleased when the doors opened on the third floor. She walked out of the elevator, and then she heard the scream again. It was coming from room 313. She walked to this room and warily opened the door. There was no one inside the bed. She walked into the room and turned on the light switch, but the lights didn’t turn on. The only illumination in the room was the dim moonlight shining through the window. There was a crying noise coming from the bathroom. Margaret glanced into the bathroom and saw the silhouette of a man sitting in the shower. She ran in and opened the shower curtain and saw patient number 8, Benjamin Remhad, sitting there, weeping. “Is everything alright?” she questioned. “I didn’t do anything,” Benjamin replied. “I don’t deserve to be here.” “Well, I’m sure that there is some reason that you are in this institution, and it doesn’t necessarily mean that you had done something wrong.” “But everything I say is true. The doctor won’t believe me. Do you believe me?” “I haven’t heard your story before, Ben.” “Would you like to?” It was October 26th, 1976. Sixteen year old Benjamin was sitting at his kitchen table, eating dinner. It was only four in the afternoon, but he didn’t eat anything for lunch that day because he was feeling sick. His mom and sister were sitting at the table with him, but they had already finished eating. Ever since his dad left for the war, Benjamin had eaten dinner at his kitchen table instead of the dining room, so that he could be closer to the phone. His dad was listed M.I.A. after the war, and Benjamin thought that someday they would call to say that he was found alive. It has been a couple of years since then he left, but Ben was waiting ever since. Suddenly, the phone rang. This startled Ben and his sister. His sister picked up the phone. “Hello?” She then handed the phone to her mom. “This is Emily Remhad speaking.” Ben stared at her, hoping it would be someone calling about his father. As he stared into his mom’s eyes, he began to notice she was crying. She then hung up the phone and ran to the other room to lie down on the couch. Ben knew who it was. Five months passed, and Ben still couldn’t accept the fact that his father was dead. He had to see him to believe him, but his body was flown to Washington D.C., while Benjamin was in Berkeley, California. For the past couple of months Ben has been planning to drive out to the other side of the country to visit his father’s grave because he wanted proof that it really existed. The only trouble with this is that his mom didn’t want him to go there, and he can rarely ever get passed her. But he had an idea. He was going to tell his mom that he was going to Washington with a group of friends to see a concert. He new she wouldn’t like the idea, but there was a better chance of that working then if he told her the truth. It was July 19th, and today he was going to start his travels to Washington D.C. He has waited for this day for about half of the year. He couldn’t believe it was finally time for him to go. Luckily, Ben’s mom was at her friend Stephanie’s wedding today, so he could leave without her knowing. He knew that he would be in a bit of a quandary when he returned and she didn’t know where he was, but right now he didn’t care. He was too excited to think of anything else. He clutched onto his car keys and marched out to his car he opened the door, sat down, and started the car. He was supposed to use the car to go pick up his sister from play practice, but he didn’t care the least about her. He backed the car out of the driveway, and drove to the highway. He was so excited about his journey that he didn’t notice that the main road he had to take to get to Washington was closed do to a 16-car pile up. “Great. This is just great,” he exclaimed. He realized that it would probably take a couple of hours for all of the cars to be cleaned up, so he took his keys out of the car, went out the door, and sat on the hood to pass the time. He suddenly came up with an idea. He got back into his car, pulled the door shut, and put the key back into the ignition. He then put his car into drive, and slammed his foot on the gas pedal. He didn’t pay attention to the other cars; all he cared about was driving to Washington. His car rammed the car in front of him, but he just kept trying to drive forward. He eventually swerved around the first couple of cars in the traffic, and then he curved onto the grassy area on the side of the road. He only had to drive for a couple minutes going seventy miles per hour during on the side of the road until he passed the accident.