• I had the pleasure speaking with Lance from the band SKITZO
  • On October 15/2000
  • (Eddie):Where did you get your band name from and who came up with it?

    (Lance):My old drummer did, back in 1981,i first called the band VEMON.But we had to change it..So SKITZO was it.

    (Eddie):Tell us a little history of how the band formed?

    (Lance):I started playing in 1979 ( i was 13) in this weird drug induced punk band called GODAWFUL, influences:Misfits,Birthday Party,Nina Hagan...Then i saw a Motorhead video,and i quit the GODAWFUL & formed Skitzo in 1981.I needed more aggression in the music,coz at that time i was starting high school and it was hell...I wanted to kill people and the only way to do this was in my lyrics.Like Love Butcher,Insane Empire.We still do these songs today.

    (Eddie):Where can we purchase your CD,and how much?

    (Lance):Our web site has a store....
    CD NOW
    Some Tower Records in California.It ranges in price $9 - $11 only.

    (Eddie):What was your most memorable experience making the cd or playing a gig or both?

    (Lance):As for the CD? having Jim Martin (ex faith no more), stop by & laying these great leads down & Steve from Testament come in too, it was awsome to see these guys rip!If you want to check out what i done on the side with Steve we did a Ozzy tribute band called SWEETLEAF,wich is Below.
    Well as for live shows???
    Their are 2 decades worth of gigs & im trying to think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahh-July 20th 1987 Marin civic metal festival...We headlined and we went over cerfew-so the police were there to shut it down....500 kids,were there! We asked the cops for just one more!!!!yes....okay...thats the song WASTELAND were i vomit on stage and all the kids ran up up to the puke and were making it extra gross coz the cops were there to shut it down-i mean kids were eating it, licking it up, i was vomiting in there hands & they were rinsing there hair in it...Made some cops ran out...And shut it down!!-great show!

    (Eddie):What are the bands influences?

    (Lance):Motorhead,Venom, Fate, Kreator, Cromags,Destruction, Kiss, Nugent,Aerosmith, Misfits,Blue Oyster Cult ,Alice Cooper, Minor Threat, Slayer, Hellhammer Bathory.

    (Eddie):How would you describe your bands sound?

    (Lance):Very 80's,Thrash metal feel...Not just noise,but a certian feel...Maybe of ill feeling?? ha ha.

    (Eddie):If we were to come see you live,what can we expect to see?

    (Lance):Tits, Vomit,Blood,Metal, Moshing, Loose WOMEN...Thats what makes the metal world go round.

    (Eddie):Who produced the cd and where?

    (Lance):Kurt Houser & I prouduced it, at Grizzly studios in Petaluma ca.MOURNINGSTAR RECORDS is our label (thanks to nick scratch-long time friend & true Skitzo head & metal friend...He puts out our records for the last 6 years, and before that was TOMAKAZI & JONAS Locals Only records.

    (Eddie):What made you become a musician and who if a band or individual?

    (Lance):Pure Hate...Hate for the city i grew up in , hate for the shit i have taken all the years...Hate for the hate i stand for,the shitty government,trends and phony people.All that use & abuse, whores, sluts that fuck you over and should die by the fucking love butcher!!!!

    (Eddie):Any new information for your fans or future fans?

    (Lance):Watch for our next Jerry Springer show, and Ripley's B.T.O.N.,We have a NEW cd recording in December 2000 entitled "Assembly Of God".And a 80's demo's double cd packet/Barf Bag Box set.All our old songs out of print demos,radio interviews, commercials etc.....All this should be ready in Feb 2001...Thanks for the best 2 decades of metal from SKITZO, puke or die!!!!! keep in touch!!!! Lance...

    (Eddie):Thanks Lance for the Informative Interview and we here at KrazyEddie Promotions wish you the best of success in the future.

    (Lance):Thanks Eddie for spreading the good word of Skitzo,and we will get back together sometime and do this again....

    (Eddie)You can check out the bands website by clicking below.

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