• I Had The Pleasure Talking To
  • Lead Vocalist Of The Band
  • On Aug 20/99
  • (EDDIE):Tell us how ROLEN got started up?

    (ROLEN):Brian (The guitarist) had heard some of my vocals on tape, and was in dire need of a vocalist. He REALLY wanted to get in touch with me but had no idea how. He only new I lived in a town about 40 miles away. He drove there and put up little business cards in all the music stores that would let him. A few days later, yup you guessed it..I saw one of them and said to myself, what the hell, and called. We set up a time and date to meet at his place and I listened to some of his recordings. I was blown away. I did'nt show it of course, LOL, but I was! He told me months later, that he felt like a little kid before the board of enquiries. Needless to say, we hooked up and formed ROLEN.

    (EDDIE):Where is each member from and their history ?

    (ROLEN):Brian (Guitars), Jason (Drums), and Tim (Bass) are from Chattanooga, TN David, is from Orlando, FLorida. Brian, Tim and Jason has had their share of the "Road Warrior" styled tourcher tours for years. Each playing with various bands through-out the USA and Canada. David Rolen is the former vocalist for CBS records' MadamX. Dave took the place of Sabastain Bach when he left the band to join 'Skid Row'. MadamX has had it's share of the spotlight, sharing the stage with the likes of Bon Jovi, Moter Head, and the list goes on and on. Video on MTV, the parties, booze, women, etc. The drummer for MadamX went on to join Vixen. Dave left the band to persue his own career, and rejoined ROLEN and the best guitarist he's 'EVER' shared the stage with.

    (EDDIE):Where can everyone find out how to get a copy of your cd ?

    (ROLEN):Through the ROLEN web site. A direct link to the order page is here

    We accept nearly every major credit card, checks and money orders.

    (EDDIE):What was your most memorable experience making the cd and or playing gig ?

    (ROLEN):Brian and I are the ultimate perfectionist, so EVERY mistake is memorable. I mostly laugh at them, but DAMN....they chap my ass, hehe. Believe it or not, the majority of the stuff you hear on the CDs are done in 1 take. We own the freeking studio, so it's not a matter of time of course. Hell, we could and do accationaly spend the night in it for christs' sake. But we practice so hard, that we know the songs as we know our own name.

    (EDDIE):Who produced the cd, and where was it produced etc..?

    (ROLEN):All recording,engineering,burning,mixing,writting and any other "ing" thing you can think of was executed by ROLEN. As I said, no brag...just fact, we own the studio,CD burners, etc.

    (EDDIE):What is rolen major influences ?

    (ROLEN):Wow! Now that's a hard question. You would think after all these years and as many times as it's been asked, we could provide a reasonable answer, LOL. I guess it depends on who you ask. Jason is going mention several JAZZ greats right along with the Neal Perts,Aldridges and the like. Tim would mention several bassist and so on. As a group though (Bands) I can give you a few, but it's only going to scratch the serface. Older: RAINBOW, DIO, OZZY with Randy (If you don't know Randy's last name...GET OUT OF MUSIC! At least Metal, hehe), JUDAS PRIEST,DOKKEN.. you get the pic. Newer stuff: DREAM THEATRE, METALLICA, HAMMERFALL, BLIND GUARDIAN, you now, power/progressive rock.

    (EDDIE):What musical style does rolen consider themselfs ?

    (ROLEN):First and foremost: METAL! Now, you can tag on any sub titles you like i.e., progressive,power,goth,heavy...whatever. Give it a listen...YOU DECIDE.

    (EDDIE):For people who never saw rolen live what can they expect ?

    (ROLEN):PRODUCTION. A lot of equipment is an understatement. You will see quite possibly the LARGEST production for an "Un-Signed" band EVER. Over 150,000 watts of lights, lazers,flash pots,dry ice,and smoke machines...over 100,000 watts of POWER (70,000 to the house), (30,000 to the monitors). Brian plays through 5 Marshal stacks "3" high, Tim 8 monster cabinets, etc. PROFESSIONALISM. The show works like clockwork. Everything on cue. Timming is important, BUT...spontanious combustion is certainly innevitable,LOL. THE TUNES. Nuff said.

    (EDDIE):Where can we see rolen next, and where are you playing in the future?

    (ROLEN):Rolen is in the studio at the moment, so live performances are on hold :(

    (EDDIE):Anything to add, current news or information you would want the people to know about?

    (ROLEN):We keep the site pretty updated. But at the moment, I guess the biggest news is the release of our newest album "The Unexplained". It was released in June and we are pounding out our 4th album as we speak.

    Well Thanks ROLEN For The Iinterview,We Wish You Much Success On Your CD And Your Tour And Career.Your More Then Welcome Anytime To Come Back And We Will Do This Again.

    (ROLEN):Eddie it was a pleasure,looking forward to doing this again with you,take care.

    You Can View ROLEN'S Website By Clicking Below.

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