Things to ponder upon.

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There has been much discussion lately upon the topic of Pope Pacelli (Pius XII) of Rome and Adolf Hitler. There have been many books written on this subject that either states that Pope Pius XII of Rome was in compliance with Hitler, or he was not. These things I will leave for historians to deal with, the truth will rise to the surface upon examination. The questions I want to deal with here, are the one's that we can examine together. So let us examine some of those questions.

Pacelli became Pope in 1939, as is well known. We also know that he did not openly denounced Nazi anti-Semitism. Though he did condemned Nazi racism in general terms. We also know that he had not explicitly spoke against the Final Solution as it was being unfolded, even though he was one of the first leaders outside German-controlled Europe to be informed of its full dimensions. We know that on October 16, 1943, more than 1,200 Jews were arrested by German forces in the Jewish district of Rome, not far from the Vatican. Within a week, more than a thousand of these Jews who had been arrested were taken to Auschwitz and gassed. Critics of Pius XII's silence have pointed to this event as emblematic of his failure to prevent this from happening. Defenders of Pius XII's silence, give equal emphasis to it, but insisting that had it not been for the Pope's urgent behind the scenes intervention, by dispatching his Secretary of State, Cardinal Luigi Maglione, to protest to the German ambassador to the Vatican, Ernst von Weizacker, and a German bishop resident in Rome conveyed the Pope's concern to German military authorities, thousands more Roman Jews would have been killed. It is said that the Vatican offered shelter to hundreds of Jewish fugitives, within the Vatican City and in other Church institutions under Vatican control. Upon examination of relevant documents, many people conclude that the papal defenders have exaggerate the significance of measures taken on behalf of the Jews. This is what the whole argument is about in the canonization of Pope Pacelli (Pius XII). There is no doubt that there were some Christians who had not bought into the lie that it was the Jews who had killed their fictitious, phantom, Jesus Christ. These people were the exceptions to the general rule. These people have not run along blindly with the general tide of thinking that prevailed at the time and had helped Jews during that awful era. This may be the reason why we get contradictory views on the whole question about Pope Pius XII of Rome and Adolf Hitler.

Let us examine what is already well known through historians to get at the truth.

Fact No.1; We know that during the time that Adolf Hitler came into power, all of Europe was dominated by Christianity and the vast majority of people who lived at the time were Christians, be they Protestants or Catholics. True or False?

Fact No.2; We also know that during the time that Adolf Hitler came into power, the majority of the people who lived in Europe, America or Canada were anti- Semitic towards the Jews because of their long held theoretician views that it was the Jews who had killed their Jesus Christ. True or False?

Fact No.3; We also know that most Christians, be they Protestant or Catholic, had harbored these anti-Semitic feelings towards the Jews over the centuries because Christians had been taught and brainwashed for centuries by their local priests or pastors by their Christian religion, in that it was claimed that the Jews had killed their Jesus Christ. True or False?

How is it that the majority of Christians, be they Protestant or Catholic had allowed Hitler to ever come into power? Did Hitler not espouse to their religious beliefs and goals? History shows us that Hitler had indeed espouse to the German people Christian beliefs and goals. He had great support by the majority of the German people who were Christians.

Was not the parents of Hitler, Christians? Was not Hitler brought up as a Christian? The answer is yes to both of these questions. Hitler as well as his parents and grand-parents had been Roman Catholics and believed that the Jews were evil and had killed their Jesus Christ.

How is it that the majority of Catholics and Protestants approved of Hitler's goals and were determined to be both good Christians and good Nazis? I can see from old newsreels, and what I read in history books how the church and the people had supported Hitler during those early years of his regime.

How is it that the majority of Christians, be they Protestant or Catholic had allowed Hitler to continue to remain in power during all of those early war years? Even Britain, Canada and the USA made no move to stop the expansion of Hitler's regime across Contenental Europe.

How is it that the Pope of Rome did not denounce Hitler during the first half of Adolf Hitler's regime? Was there some sort of secret deal, a pact that they had made between themselves? One in which the Pope would lend its support to Adolf Hitler, if Hitler would give a decree to have only Catholic schools established in Germany so that it would solidify Vatican authority within Germany and the lands it would occupy? Was it only when Adolf Hitler broke this secret pact with the Vatican, did the Church of Rome spoke and went against Hitler's regime?

How is it that the majority of Christians, be they Protestant or Catholic went along with the experiments on people that was carried out by Hitler's regime upon people who were mentally retarded, deformed, homosexuals or people of different races?

How is it that the majority of Christians, be they Protestant or Catholic went along with aborting babies that were deemed not perfect?

How is it that the majority of Christians, be they Protestant or Catholic had allowed Hitler to bring people into prison camps and send people into the gas chambers to be killed?

Did not the German people, along with the rest of the people in Europe, America, Britain and Canada celebrate Christmas? I believe they did. The vast majority of the German people also believed in the same fictitious god-man they call Jesus Christ as other Christians who lived in Britain, Europe, America and Canada.

Have you noticed that it was Christians who had brought on that terrible era into our world? That it was the majority of people who were Christians, who had supported Adolf Hitler that had allowed his regime to become a reality. That it was also the majority of Christian people who had turned a blind eye to what went on during Hitler's regime. During the war against Hitler, German Christians had been fighting against other Christians. But that is not so strange a thing for them to do. After all, is that not part of their historical record where Protestant Christians fought against Catholic Christians and visa-versa? Then people of other races and religion, including Christians, to bring Hitlers regime to an end. But then, you find that kind of thing a common tread throughout the entire history of Christianity.

Last and not least of the questions I would like to examine here, is where was the Holy Spirit in all of this? The truth of the matter is that the Holy Spirit was nowhere to be found with those churches or with those people who call themselves Christians. Those people that have perverted upon the true GOD of Heaven with their fictitious false god, "Jesus Christ" who is their man made god-man that they worship and claim to be their god had not the Holy Spirit with them. One can not help but think that this horrendous regime came about because the German people had been brainwashed into that perverted Christian religion with their stupid corrupt theoretician views which had led to, and had a great part in, the death of so many innocent people. I truly hope that Christians today reflect upon the religion they espouse to and give great consideration as to what they are resting their faith upon.

Let us examine the question of who really did kill Jesus Christ? The answer is no one. No one had killed Jesus Christ because he is a fictitious, man-made creation. But the Roman Empire had indeed killed the real person of Yeshua the Anointed which had truly existed. Yes, the Roman Empire had put to death our Beloved Brother Yeshua with their decree of execution by crucifiction. The same Yeshua whom the Christians used as a model in order to create their fictitious god-man they claim to be their god and call Jesus Christ. It was easy to blame the Jews for killing their Jesus Christ after the pagan Christians had separated from the true fold. In creating their fictitious god-man, they had changed the name of the real person of Yeshua into that phantom they call Jesus Christ. The early "church fathers" like Jerome, and others had changed and added some text to the pages of the "Gospel" text that were on hand during the translations of those text that would later become the New Testament for this new found religion of Christianity. It was easy to blame the Jews rather than the Romans for wanting to kill their fictitious Jesus Christ. After all, they did not want to offend or blame the Roman Empire for the killing of their fictitious, god-man, who by now had become their god. This is the reason why Christians, be they Protestant or Catholic can continue to claim to this day, that it was the Jews who had killed their fictitious Jesus Christ whom Christians have made to be their god.


I am deeply sadden in what I am hearing on many of the Christian broadcasts, be they on the radio or television. I hear of Catholics boasting of how great their church is and how their religion is pure, honest, truthful and faithful to GOD, when in truth, they are not. While Protestant preachers are bragging that their religion has the truth and that they are being guided by the Holy Spirit, when in truth, they are not. The truth of the matter is that none of the Protestant churches have the truth and were never guided by the Holy Spirit, just as the Roman Catholic church had not the truth and was never guided by the Holy Spirit, but by man, by their own spirit. The Holy Spirit was always absent in their worship to their fictitious god. Even their sacramental rite that they call their Eucharist, amounted to nothing more than a sorcerers hocus-pocus rite in their belief that they can evoke at their command this god, and transform their god into their little wafer by their incantations so that they may consume him. Then there are Protestants who believed that the Holy Spirit was among them and was present in their great revivals. The truth of the matter is that these people were really running on their own emotions that gave them the false impression that the Holy Spirit was among them. One can plainly see and understand this, that the Holy Spirit was absent in their worship when you examine their religion through its history. This is why I keep reminding these people of their illustrious past while they continue in their boasting of how great their religion is and their false claim that they are the only true church and have the truth. How quickly these people hide the truth or try to downplay their past history of the killing of innocent people, the burning people on the stakes, the horrendous crimes committed to women and children, the torture that people had suffered under their rule. Not to mention the crimes committed on Christian farms and plantations during the days of slavery and their participation in the above mentioned Hitler era. To my mind, these Christians who are touting their lies have little to brag about their Christian religion. Those people who are followers of present Christianity, that represents this fictitious person they call Jesus Christ whom they have made into their god are also tainted with those crimes against GOD and humanity by association. I really wounder if these people who claim to be Christians really want to be involved with a religion with such a horrendous past? They should leave that perverted religion while they still can and return to, and worship the one and only true GOD, the Heavenly Father, and honour the real Yeshua the Anointed by being a brother or sister to him and being son's or daughter's of the Most High. If for no other reason, at least to save their soul/spirit from eternal death. They owe that much to themselves and to their loved ones. I truly hope for their sake, that they consider my humble advice before it is too late to do so. Seek your Heavenly Father, through your Beloved Brother Yeshua, if need be. Speak to Father and receive His Mercy in your repentance.


To those people who are found to be righteous onto our Heavenly Father, let them sing a new song. For the words of our Heavenly Father is right and true. By the words that He has spoken, all of His Heavenly Domain was created. All that is within His Heavenly Domain was made by the breath and words that came out from His mouth. GOD had Created the Holy Spirit and Yeshua, all of the Heavenly Angels. The whole of the universe was made by His spoken words. All of the extraterrestrial beings that exist, He had created them. All of the living things He had fashioned by His words. All of humanity He had created by the words which He had spoken. Father had made the Earth with all of the goodness that one can see, feel, hear and taste. All of these were made by the words that came out from His mouth. Let all of humanity have a gentle fear of GOD, our Heavenly Father, and of His righteousness and judgment. Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. See how Father has brought the counsel of those who would pervert His anointed to have no substance? Their teachings are made of no effect. Must Father also allow great calamity to come upon the people of the world in order to prove His point? Blessed will be the nation who's God is the Heavenly Father and the people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance. From His Heavenly Domain, Father sees all of humanity and knows all that is in their thoughts. He knows what is in their hearts and all of their works. Father sees and knows all things and is aware of those people who love and have a gentle fear of Him, and of those who neither fear or respect Him. Depart from the religion of Christianity and their perverted teachings that speak of this fathom, man-made Jesus Christ, whom they have fashioned and created from their own mind. This fa;se man-made god-man, they worship as their god. Depart from these workers of iniquity, for they shall be cast down. Father will show great mercy to those people who love Him. He shall deliver their soul/spirit from eternal death to those who trust in Him. To those people who pervert the teachings that I bring, and plot against it, they shall suffer mightly and their soul/spirit will be cast into everlasting death.


I have been hearing many Christian protestant pastors speak about being a true or a false Christian. In reality, there is no such thing as a true or false Christian. For Christianity itself is false to the true and only GOD, who is our Heavenly Father. Those who claim to be Christians are worshipping a false god of their own making. They have elevated their false god to the hight of GOD's Throne in order to replace the one true GOD, our Heavenly Father, who is the Creator. This is the great deception that was to come which was spoken by Yeshua and his Apostels, and also by the ancient prophets of GOD. There are millions upon millions of people who have been decieved by that perverted religion of Christianity. Therefore; Do not be fooled into believing that there is such a thing as a true or false Christian. For Christianity itself is a false, pagan religion.


The sample copy of the Holy Testament has now been corrected of its spelling mistakes and its text had been re-worked where its message may not have been made clear. You may copy or down load this book onto your computer. May this book help you in your quest to come to know the one and only true GOD, and in time, help you become a son or daughter of the Most High, who is your Heavenly Father . May this book also help you come to know the real Yeshua, and in time, allow him to become your Beloved Brother. Blessed are you who believe.


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