Things to ponder upon.

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Insanity of Christianity

When Yeshua said become one, as the Father and I are one, this is not what you find in the religion of Christianity. It is pure insanity. They are so divided that each of the various churches are acting like they are competing with one another in an effort to boast who among them is the greatest. One group will invade another of their kind where its people already believe in the same perverted man made creature god-man and ask these people if they are born again? How foolish that is to any outsider of this religion! That should give anybody the clue of how phony their religion is. Do they not realize that they are suppose to be working towards the same goal? Of course not... because they do not know what the goal is since they have not understood what our Beloved Brother Yeshua had instructed, not knowing what the true gospel message was. These people will scrap with anyone who may come among them, to enlighten them on the truth in order to protect their precious little turf of rule. You see them going off in every different directions in their theology, claiming that they only, have the truth, when in reality, one is no better than the other. The blind leading the blind until one day, they will all fall into the same ditch. It is no wonder that people who are outside of the Christian religion, to them it is like the big joke of the year. As for me, I will not partake nor join in their turf wars. I will just carry the knowledge that was given to me to those who have an ear to hear. Those people who have already given up on the insanity of Christianity.



As you all well know, there are many Christians, mainly from the protestant camp who believe that before the Great Tribulations, they will be ruptured up and be saved from this terrible time that is to come. They believe that they will just vanish in a blink of an eye as they go up into the heavens to meet their invented man/god Jesus Christ. Can you imagine the look on their faces when our extraterrestrial brothers and sisters come for us in their star ships as we get aboard them and then take off for the new earth? I would like to see their faces when they come to realize that they are standing there with the feeling that they have been left behind? Yes; There are many Christians who are laughing at and ridiculing us right now. They falsely believe that they have the full truth and therefore believe that we are a big joke. There is an old saying that goes like this... Those who are being laughed at will have the last laugh. We will remember this at the time of our boarding the star ships. We will also remember what those people who are left behind will have to cope with while they struggle to survive on planet earth. We will not have to see or hear their cries of anguish during the day of the great destruction. Yes; One day, it will be our turn to do the laughing. We will remember how these people have dealt with us. Those who spoke against me, have not only spoken against me, but have also spoken against the Holy Spirit. Because of their foul mouth and evil heart, these have already condemned their soul/spirit to everlasting death. So go on in your perverted belief of your man made god-man that you call Je-Zeus Christ and see if your phantom will save you from the wrath of a very angry GOD, who is our Heavenly Father, the one and only Creator in Heaven. Brother Jean


Here is something for Christians or non-Christians to ponder upon... Christians claim that their Je-Zeus Christ is GOD. They claim that it was their Je-Zeus Christ who created the universe and all that is in it, including humanity. They claim that GOD became a mortal man. This belief is totally wrong. Now let me take you to the place where their god (Je-Zeus Christ) washed the feet of his disciples. Here Yeshua , excuse me, this god-man Je-Zeus Christ was making himself as an example, to make a point, a teaching, that a leader must be a servant to those who he would lead. So what Christians would have you believe is that GOD came down to earth to become the servant of man? How noble of these Christians to think that man has GOD as their servant. That GOD would allow Himself to be beat up by mere mortals so that He may be humble. Then let man crucify GOD of Heaven so that man may be redeemed to who? to Himself? Christians would have you believe that man has power over GOD. That man is greater than GOD. I wonder who sits at the Throne in Heaven, man or GOD? I know that Yeshua sits at the right hand side of our Heavenly Father. The more one thinks about this Christian man-god being GOD, the more ridiculous it becomes. Who was the Christian god praying to while he was on earth? To Himself? Or did GOD split Himself in two so that one half of Himself remained in Heaven while the other was on earth? When the Christian god was baptized in the Jordan river by John. Did GOD split Himself into three parts? One part being GOD , who was in Heaven, while the other part became the Holy Spirit who was on Earth, and the other part as a mortal man in the form of their Je-Zeus? Do Christians forget what Yeshua, I mean the Christian god had said to his disciples..." What I have spoken to you is what my Heavenly Father has revealed to me..." Is that suppose to mean that GOD had to reveal the words to Himself to teach his disciples? It is, according to what Christians would have you believe. My, what a tangled web these Pastors and Priests must weave in order to make their man made Je-Zeus Christ, their GOD. As I have said in the Holy Testament... They have built one lie upon another lie upon another until one day, it all breaks down into a great heap! Something to really think about. These are just some of the questions that Christians really need to ask themselves. Beware of these spiders (priests and pastors) that entrap the unwise into their web. For they will use these that are caught and slowly milk them through out the years of their hard earned money. Some of these spiders will just quickly suck all the money that they can get from their victims and leave them high and dry. Don't you become the fly that get caught in their web. Jean


One of the greatest miss-interpretation that Christians have made throughout the centuries is the meaning in Yeshua saying... "No one comes onto the Father but by through me. " Christians have always maintained that this text meant that no other religious pathway would lead to God, meaning that Christianity is the only valid religion. But that is not what Yeshua was trying to tell his people. What Yeshua meant for you to understand, was that only by through him, will you be able to fully understand how one may come to know GOD, and develop a personal, loving relationship with GOD. To know GOD as a Loving Father. So that you may know in your heart and soul that GOD is indeed your Heavenly Father and thus you are able to call onto GOD as your..." Father ". To look onto God as your Heavenly Father by Yeshua's own example and teachings. Thus becoming True son's or daughter's of GOD. For Father loves all those who come onto Him. Yeshua in no way implied that other religions are invalid or that people cannot know GOD in any other way. All Yeshua was saying was that his way was the best way to come to know and love GOD. To come to know and Love GOD as your Heavenly Father. Another miss-interpretation that Christians make, is when they say that GOD loves you, no matter what. But that is not the case, for GOD does not love those who would shun Him, who would willingly go against His Laws or against His Will. I have shown you all this so that you may know the difference between my teachings and those of the Christians who have miss-interpret many of Yeshua sayings and meanings. I hope that this will help you understand more fully why the Holy Testament is so important to you. As I have said in the Holy Testament... That it was Yeshua who truly put a heart into the Faith, into religion, in how people look upon their GOD. Brother Jean _______________________________________________________________________________


Dearly Beloved Brothers and Sisters; Here is an example of a trap that is laid by those who are outside our group. First I was invited by e-mail to join a discussion group called Christianity-Exposed. Once I registered, then accepted by the moderator and set up our non-member web site and profile... It was not very long when the attack took place. I began to get spammed like e-mail's to our web site. Then the assault to what was on our web pages. So I felt that there was nothing else to do but to put a quick end to this little game of theirs. Those people who belong to this "Christianity Exposed" Jewish group that had miss-took me for a Christian.


To the group of Christianity-Exposed; I do not understand why Jewish people do not want to believe that Yeshua had ever existed. I find it strange since it was "Jews" in the first place that had written about Yeshua. Did some Jewish scribes just wrote papers on Yeshua because he had nothing better to do? Hardly. What we know from text is that a small band of Jewish people in Israel wrote about Yeshua and his teachings carried on even to today, regardless how corrupt it became along the way. But in the final analysis, If the Jewish people keep on rejecting Yeshua and his teachings... (I do not mean the perversion that Christians teach) they will be loosing a great part of themselves, their history and will continue to make the very same error as the Temple priests in Yeshua's time. To try to find historical proof from a small Jewish band is really a red herring. Yeshua and his group were a small band of people who's leader only lived for a very short span of time during the beginning of his mission until his death. During that time frame, Yeshua or his group never built Temples, statues or had text written on clay tablets to leave behind. He never won great battles that would make him famous, let alone to be made aware of his existence by those of "High Nobility". Yeshua to most people in his time was looked upon as a nobody. Very few, if any people of great nobility knew him or would have cause to mention Yeshua in their text. So to focus only on historical proofs is fruitless. We know that many of the teachings and customs that Yeshua and his disciples had, came from the Essean's that was another Jewish sect. This we only came to know within the last fifty years. But people are quick to forget that there are also many of Yeshua's teachings that were original. The real question that the Jewish people need to place their focus on is... Was Yeshua anointed by GOD to reveal additional knowledge that our Heavenly Father wanted His people to know? Was Yeshua the Redeemer not only for the Jewish people, but for all of humanity? Was Yeshua's new Covenant that was made meant to replace the sacrificial offerings in the Temple? Did our Heavenly Father allow the destruction of the Temple? Was that His way to tell the people that He wanted to put an end to it the animal sacrificial offerings ? Was Yeshua truly a son of GOD? To all of these of questions I can tell you is... yes. By placing so much focus on looking for historical proofs, you will miss the truly important element of this whole agenda... and that is.... What had our Heavenly Father wanted his people to know... What direction was our Heavenly Father trying to lead His people? These are the real questions that need to be focused upon. Everything else is meaningless. Of course, this is only my opinion and my way to say...stop and think. I hope if anything... it is food for thought. Shalom... May our Heavenly Father bring upon His Holy Spirit upon you and bless you. Sincerely Yours; Brother Jean

Then I get this e-mail from the moderator of the group Christianity-Exposed....

Actually sir, you are 1 a liar or 2 Grossly uninformed and lacking in Biblical knowledge. In a future article, I will show how your Je-Zeus stole/borrowed most of what he said from the Tanakh and Extra Biblical works. You should at least attempt to have your story to at least resemble truth, because here on this list there are those of us whom are superior in knowledge and wisdom compared with pagans and heathens. Shalom!

So I wrote back to Rav. Shalom Yedidiyah, who must be the leader and moderator for this group. I wrote... Dear Rav. Shalom Yedidiyah; You state that "You should at least attempt to have your story to at least resemble truth, because here on this list there are those of us whom are superior in knowledge and wisdom compared with pagans and heathens. Shalom!" You may think that I am a pagan or heathen, this we will see soon enough who is in fact the pagan or heathen. You also claim that here on your list there are those of you whom are superior in knowledge and wisdom. Really....? We shall see. I have only one thing to say to your group. I will not put up with your nonsense just as I would not put up with the nonsense from those Christian groups. I would suggest not to puff up your heads with this "superior in knowledge and wisdom" crap with me. I can also just as easily expose what is contained in the Old Testament and show where many of the text therein that did not come from our Heavenly Father but was borrowed from ancient works of pagans and heathens. Then we shall see who is the liar and who of us are superior in knowledge and wisdom. When it comes to being a people who is suppose to be following the Will of our Heavenly Father... I for one would not try to boast too much given the sad performance of the Jewish people with GOD. And now, in this day and age... what do you see? The vast majority of Jewish people do not want much to do with GOD. So do not try to get snotty with me with your high and mighty attitude... That do not impress me at all. So stick that in your mouth and chew on it... In the meantime, I shall delete my membership from your site. Shalom; Brother Jean

To our members of the; People of the Holy Testament

As you can see why I had set up our Member Site in the manner that I did so it will protect our members from exposure. I had felt on the outset, that it is important not to expose ourselves so openly on the internet. Why I had made it a point to safeguard your privacy. This security will be maintained so that you will not be exposed or subject to such abuse by various "religious" groups or people. It is enough, that I, as your Spiritual leader, be exposed to take the attacks on the chin, so to speak, be they from Christians, Moslems or Jews. Now you know what is going on at the front door of our web site... . I will keep you fully informed on what is going on, at our privet web site. Your Brother in Yeshua; Brother Jean

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