Things to ponder upon.

Page 11


When reflecting upon this religion of Christianity, which they claim is the part of the branch, an offshoot of the root that came from the people of the Old Testament (Judaism), I have to really wounder about that. In their religion, they had incorporated parts of the ancient Canaanite religion where these Christians who pervert the truth have a god that demanded or required a human sacrifice in order to absolve original sin. They have also incorporated parts of the ancient Canaanite theology where these Christians believe that they are eating the actual flesh and drinking the actual blood of their god-man who was used as a human sacrificial victim. They have also incorporated great parts of the ancient religion of the god of Mithras and its theology that is part of Zoroastrianism. They have also incorporated parts of pagan mythology in their "Mother of god" theology of the ancient pagan religions that worship Inanna, who later became known as Ishtar, who is a mother goddess, and they have incorporated the idea of a man being a god as some late Roman Emperor had claimed to be. So what do we have here? We have a religion that is made up from a hodge podge of many heathen beliefs systems to make Christianity what it is today. And these Christians who pervert the truth have the gull to say that I am the one that is at fault? Really! I would suggest that these Christians had better re-examine their own religion first before they cast the first stone as they have already done to me. This is not a religion that flowed out from the branch of Yeshua, but one that flowed out from many pagan beliefs. Just because these Christians who pervert the truth have taken Yeshua and his teachings and remoulded, reconstructed him into their man made god, and blotted out the name of Yeshua from text they had on hand that would become the writings of the New Testament, and replaced it with the name of Jesus Christ do not make this religion the True one which was of Yeshua and his original Apostles had at the start. What we have here is a poor imitation of what Yeshua had represented to his original Apostles. This god of the Christians who pervert the truth is not the true GOD of Heaven, our Heavenly Father. This god that these Christians have is a fake, a counterfeit. No wounder Father had said that He will cut that false branch that has the name of Christianity written on it that had pervert the truth and entwined itself around the true vine, GOD will cast it away to be burned. I am amazed at the great numbers of Christians who read and quote from the New Testament that pervert the truth and do not even realize that they are in fact reading and quoting from a corrupted book in which its Gospels have been greatly tampered with by the altering of its passages during the era of 200-300 AD by the early pagan, heretical Christian church fathers. We shall retsore the New Testament to its original understanding and replace Yeshua's name within its pages. Why should anybody settle for a fake god? When people can come to know and become a son or daughter of the real living GOD, who is the Heavenly Father, The Creator. Who can become a true brother or sister of our Beloved Brother Yeshua, the Anointed. Christians can keep their fake god and the corrupted version of the New Testament to themselves.


How often have I heard false prophets and preachers speak about the Gospel of the Kingdom of GOD. But that is as far as they can go because they themselves do not have a clear understanding what the Kingdom of GOD entails and how it was to be fulfilled. This is because there was no Gospel of the Kingdom of GOD that was written within the pages of the New Testament. All you will find within its pages is just the mention of it. Why? Because the Gospel of the Kingdom of GOD had not been revealed or written until recently. So you may ask, where is the Gospel of the Kingdom of GOD? The Holy Testament is the Gospel of the Kingdom of GOD that the Christians who pervert the truth have rejected. It was rejected in the same way as the Jewish people had rejected Yeshua. I can well remember Christians accuse the Jewish people for not knowing who Yeshua was in his time, while these Christians who pervert the truth were at the same time rejecting the Gospel of the Kingdom of GOD that was written within the pages of the Holy Testament. Knowing this, I was able to see that the vast majority of Christians were no better than the Jewish people for missing the boat, so to speak. They were just as blind as the Jewish people were in Yeshua's time. But now, it do not really matter anymore. For the promise of the Kingdom of GOD that was to be established here upon this Earth by the Covenant that Father had made through our Beloved Brother Yeshua, will not now be fulfilled here upon this Earth, but on a new Earth because those people whom it was given to fulfil that original mandate, had broken the Covenant when they had created their own fictitious god whom they claim is their Jesus Christ. Those people in our present age had also made up their choice by rejecting the Holy Testament like those who had corrupted that original Covenant by hanging onto their fictitious man made god that they have created for themselves. We, of the Elect, will not bow down to the Christian fictitious false god whom they claim is Jesus Christ. When you hear these Christians who pervert the truth speak of GOD, do not let them fool you by any means, for they are really speaking about their fictitious god, Jesus Christ, and not the true GOD that is the Heavenly Father. Now that I have done what I can to help people see the truth, by relating all of these things to you, I care very little what Christians who pervert the truth have to say about me now. For I had already given up on these Christians who preach their perverted gospel since last year of 2002. While I wait for all the events to unfold to its fulfilment, my only concern now is to try to help as many people as possible to find that truth in order to help them on their Spiritual Journey. Know that those who mock and speak against me, in due time, these people will come to realize their folly. They who had hated me and are mocking and speaking against me, have also mocked and spoken against the Holy Testament. By mocking and speaking against the Holy Testament, they had also mocked and spoken against the Holy Spirit. When people do that, they have condemned their soul/spirit to everlasting death when they come upon their physical death. Therefore; Those people will have no part in the Kingdom of GOD on the new earth or in Heaven. Those people can ponder upon their quick mouth and reflect upon the things they had spoken. What was said was the reflection of their spirit that had caused their tongue and quick mouth to speak against me, that had defiled them and caused their abandonment from the true GOD of Heaven, the Heavenly Father. People have asked me, can these people ever be forgiven? I have tried to warn these people who pervert the truth but they would not listen to me. There is nothing I can do now to help them for thay have taken that path that will lead to their damnation. This they have done by their own free will. In that it was their own choice in what they had choosen to do and say. Now, I have nothing to say in this matter for it is written, that those who speak against GOD our Heavenly Father, their sin will be forgiven. Those who speak against Yeshua, their sin will also be forgiven. But those who speak against the Holy Spirit, their sin will not be forgiven. Therefore; For those people who have spoken against me, I can only feel sorry for their situation, for their soul/spirit are already lost and damned. But while they yet live, they are still being used by GOD, our Heavenly Father for they will, unknowingly, help play a part in the great separation of those who will be elected and granted an afterlife in the form of a re-incarnation, from those who will be damned. Those people who have a like manner of spirit as those who have spoken against me will flock with the damned. Those who have believed me will flock to the Holy Testament and will be saved to establish the Kingdom of GOD on the new Earth. Those who have not spoken against me, or have not heard about the Holy Testament, these people will have an afterlife in the form of a re-incarnation, depending upon the positive power that is within their spirit. All little children will be re-incarnated, for Yeshua had said, let all these little ones come onto me for theirs is the Kingdom of GOD. Their re-incarnation will be on that planet where the Kingdom of GOD will be established on the new Earth. In what category will you be? Will you become part of those of the lost and the damned, or those who will be granted an afterlife in the form of a re-incarnation? This is something every person needs to ponder upon.


Note: The full, compleat text of the Kingdom of GOD within the Holy Testament had not been given out in the book samples. It was given only to those people who belong to the Elect group who will be delivered up from this planet Earth to be taken to the new Earth where the Kingdom of GOD will be established.


Some people had wondered why I seem to have focused so much on Christianity rather than focusing upon other religions. The reason for this is because I believe that other religions will find the ultimate truth in their own way, in their own time. In Judaism, these people will also have to come to that truth that Yeshua had spoken about in their own way and in their own time. Unfortunately for them, they would have come to that ultimate truth much sooner had not those heathen gentiles who call themselves Christians, had not strayed from that truth that was given to them through Yeshua the Anointed. What I am saying is that all of these religions will have to arrive and come to that ultimate truth, each in their own way as they walk along their Spiritual paths. There is only one ultimate Truth and all roads will lead to that truth. Eventually, all of the religions will arrive to that ultimate truth on their own, and in their own manner. One can lead a horse to water, but you cannot force the horse to drink it. So it is in the sphere of religion. But in the case of Christianity, it is quite a different matter altogether. For in the beginning, these people had received that ultimate truth. But along the way, they had corrupt it and were lead astray by people who had not fully understood that truth whom the original Apostels had given. They had instead created another god, a strange god that was not in keeping to that truth which Yeshua and the original Apostels had spoken about. Christians have had a free reign for the past two thousand years in spreading their perversion to the people of the whole world with very little counter-balance to what the truth really is. This web site, along with others, will give that counter-balance to people so that they may be informed on the corrupt teachings of Christianity in order for truth to prevail. It is for this reason why I have focused on Christianity. I had hoped that these people may rediscover that ultimate truth that Yeshua had spoken about. There has never been any other ulterior motives in this ministry, contrary to what other people may think as to the reason why I had picked on Christianity the way I do. This web site is open to all people, and they may take from it anything that they may feel is helpful and worthwhile to them that will allow them to arrive to that ultimate truth. But what had upset me at the beginning of this ministry, was when these truths were offered to Christians who pervert the truth , and took from it what they wanted while at the same time spoke against me. This they had done while they continued to deceive people with their perverted teachings of their corrupt gospel with their strange god that they had created for themselves. As I have already stated, I had resolved to let them go since January of 2002 when it was clear that they insisted on continuing with their perversion. Since then, I had not focused on these Christians who pervert the truth. They are on their own to follow the corrupt path that they have chosen for themselves, and they will have to take the consequence that go with it. They have no one to blame but themselves for what they have done. During the year of 2002, I had continued to focus only on those people who had already given up on Christianity or other traditional religions. As then and now, it is to these people, and those who are looking for the truth whom I am only speaking to. They may freely take what they will from this web site to help them in their understanding of GOD, the one and only GOD who is the Heavenly Father. I have nothing to gain from this nor do I ask anything from anybody in order to bring any benefits to myself. What I am doing is not costing me a cent. I only use what is available to me to do this task. Unlike those people who clamour for hundreds, thousands or even millions of dollars of peoples money in the guise of spreading their perverted truths to the world. My only motive is to help people find that truth that they are seeking. This web site will also warn people concerning the religion of Christianity and what its theology is really all about, in order that people may make a valued jugement and evaluate that religion for what it is. Given the era we are living in, it is something that people need to consider and ponder upon.


Let no person decieve you.

I am being informed that there are many Christians groups who are now starting to use the name of Yeshua, along with the name of Jesus Christ in order to deceive people into their perverted, heathen religion. It is not strange that these people will do that since we have revealed the Christian deception concerning their fictitious Jesus Christ. These people must think that by using the name of Yeshua, now, they will try to muddy the water, so to speak, in order to confuse people into their perverted, heathen religion. These are the very same people or Christian groups who are claiming that their Jesus or Jesus Christ, and now, Yeshua, is their fictitious god. It is plain to see what these people are doing. These Christians will go to any lengths in order to deceive people into their perverted, heathen religion. I tell you this so that you will not fall prey into their perverted deception. These Christian groups are afraid that their followers are beginning to realize the deception that is being preached to them by their Priests and Pastors. People are being informed of this deception by reading our , and other peoples web pages who are striving for the truth. So now these Christian groups are using this tactic to decive their people from the truth. I can only sugguest that you be careful when you hear their preaching.


The History Behind Christmas

Soon, the thoughts of Christmas will be in the air and people all over the world will be celebrating Christmas on December the 25th. I feel sorry for those people who are Christians, for they have been fed a lie, a fictitious teaching. For I believe that the majority of Christians do not realize where their festival of Christmas had really come from. I am sure that there are some people who may know its birth while other people will explain that they just had Christianized a pagan holiday. But the true origin of Christmas goes a little deeper than that. Of course you know that Christmas, which Christians celebrate the birthday of their phantom man made god, Jesus Christ, who is said to have been born in a manger, among shepherds, along with the custom of giving gifts on this day, has its real origin from the religion of Zoroastrianism. You remember our old friend Zarathustra? With their idea of Satan and its hell fire. Well, this god Mithras is said to have been born in a manger, among shepherds on December 25th during the winter solstice, that was considered the rebirth of the sun's light. It is also interesting that their day of worship is also on Sunday. Remember the birth story of Jesus Christ in the New Testament? Of course their are two conflicting story of that same birth in the New Testament, but the one that Christians had chosen to focus and follow is the one of Mitras. Remember also the Magi's in that is mentioned in that same birth story? The ones who came to honour and bring gifts to the Christians fictitious god, the baby Jesus Christ? Well those Migi's just happen to be the temple priests to the god of Mithras. It is strange that your Priests or Pastors had never told you that. It was these Magi's that are/were mentioned and written about in the New Testament who had visited the Christian man made god, Jesus Christ. (I think that Christians have switched the Migi's story for them to now become Kings, instead of Temple Priests.) You see, this Mithras god really got around a lot. In around 390 BC, the religion of Zarathustra, had made its way as far west to the Danube River (where Hungary is located) and as far east into India. In India, this god Mithras, remember, was believed to be the god that followed the sun every day looking down to earth with his thousand eyes to see who had obeyed his words and who had not. He was also known as the bright and unconquerable light, or, the unquenchable light. But this story of the god Mithras does not end here. Mithras was also known even to Paul, the one spoken of in the New Testament, had lived in Tarsus, Greece. I am talking about the very same Paul who became the apostle for the heathen Christians. That Paul was born in the city of Tarsus. That is where he grew up and had become very familiar with the theology of Apollo (Phoebus - Mitras) in that land that was located on the northern side of the Mediterranean, in what is now Turkey. Tarsus was a bustling seaport, already 2000 years old at the time when Paul was born. This big, cosmopolitan city was a mixture of many cultures, and the ancient religion of the god Mithras was prominent among them. Shrines and images of Mithras abound there. Just keep that in mind as we continue this little examination. Remember also Emperor Constantine? He was the guy in the fourth century AD, who had become the first Roman Emperor that became sort of a Christian that the early church fathers had sold their souls to in order to gain Constantine's favour. Well, he had believed in the god of Apollo (Phoebus - Bright One). Apollo's origin was not Greek, but came by from the east, India to be more exact, that had originally been known as our good friend, Mithras which of course had originally come from the religion of Zoroastrianism. Did you know that the sign that Constantine saw in he heavens that he had seen before the battle in Gaul was to him? Surprise! It was that of Apollo (Phoebus - Mitras) and not the cross as some people have lead you to believe. The cross thing came much later in time when some early church fathers had convinced Constantine that what he had in fact saw, was the cross of their fictitious god, Jesus Christ, as shown by the rays of the sun's light. Constantine bought that idea while still maintaining much of his own Apollo (Phoebus - Mitras) theology that these early church fathers had come to adopt from Constantine. You know the concept of "give and take" compromise theology? This is what we have here. Even during Constantine's reagin, his coins had the symbol of Apollo (Phoebus - Mitras) and the cross on it, side by side stamped on them. It is also strange, that the day of worship for this Roman Emperor Constantine happened to be on Sunday, the same day that the early, now heretical, church fathers had picked as their day of worship. Looking at all of these things, one can not help but wounder and reflect on it and ask the question, Do all of this happens to be just a strange coincidence between the likeness of theologies of these two religions, between Zoroastrianism and Christianity? I think not. It is from these sources where the Christmas story was originally fabricated and was incorporated into the New Testament and became part of the Christian fictitious birth story of their fictitious god, Jesus Christ, that was born in a manger, among the shepherds, with the Magi's who came to honour and bring gifts to the Christians fictitious god, Jesus Christ, on December 25th. And some of these Christians have the gull to say that I do not know the scriptures? Like I have said before, Christians read line upon line, lies upon lies in the writings of the New Testament. Looking back at what has been covered in pages 10 and 11, of "Things to ponder upon", myaby Christians should claim that the root of their religion is of Zoroastrianism rather than Judaism. It would be closer to the telling of the truth. I truly hope that this will cause Christians something to ponder upon during their Christmas season and during their Christmas Eve worship.

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