Welcome to the

People of the Holy Testament

web site

The People of the Holy Testament web site was established in 1996 to let people know that the religions and the gods that people worship through their religious teachings is not quite correct or is totally false. This web site is meant to guide people to the truth about GOD, and His Heavenly Domain. About a person's soul/spirit, about reincarnation and the afterlife, and about the destiny of humanity. We are quite aware that there is a great amount of perversity that is rampant throughout the many religions of the world which has deceived a great many people. Our None-Member web pages will try to reveal to the reader the religious perversity that is rampant among those religions which exist today, so you may know the truth. For the sake of truth, through these pages, we hope that people may come to a better understanding of who GOD is, and what He expects from people. What you decide to do, after having read through our web pages, is entirely up to you.

Ever since 1996, we had patiently answered many questions through our Question and Answer page about the contents on this web site. For many years we had tolerated a great amount of verbal abuse, mostly from Christians who had e-mailed us. Then on August 14th, 2007 to Feb 28th, 2009, our religious leader had put out a challenge to any highly regarded Christian theologian, Rabbi or Imam (a'imma) who wished to take up the challenge to defend their religion on an open public debate on a secular network, they were quite welcome to do so. But none had the guts to take on our religious leader in a public debate. Not even from those Christians priests and preachers whom we had taken so much verbal abuse. None of the Christian priests or pastors, be they Catholic or Protestant, had the courage to come out to defend their Christian bible and religion and prove our religious leader wrong in what had been stated on this web site. They were too cowardly to defend their Christian bible and religion during all that time. Therefore; As of Feb 28th, 2009 we no longer answer e-mails from none members. We feel there is more than enough material and information on this web site for those people who are seeking the truth and want to re-connect with the true GOD of Heaven.

You are welcome to check out our material.

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