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One evening when I was relaxing, reading my journal, I reflected upon a conversation I had with a person while on a canoe trip from Mattawa to Toronto during the month of August in 1998. I was just finishing a long journey that I had made across Canada from the east to the west coast. I was heading back to Toronto after I had left the west coast in late May, 1998. When I had reached North Bay, I had decided to make the rest of the trip to Toronto, by canoe. This was the continuation of the mission that Father had called me out to do in 1996. I was still wearing the vestment that looked to be from ancient times. Father had revealed its pattern for me to make. The purpose for this garment was to attrack those people whom I was ment to meet. It was because of these strange vestments I had on, that this person had come to me and inquired of me on who I was and what religious group was I representing. I explained to the person that I was sent on a mission to gather those people who will be chosen by GOD to be part of the gathering of the Very Elect. That these people who were selected by our Heavenly Father, were to be set apart from the rest of humanity. Many who were identified as being in service to GOD were called during the early stages of the mission, and they had choosen not to come forward. I was then sent out across Canada to gather those people who would become the Very Elect. While this task was being done, I was also given the added task to give a copy of the Holy Testament to those people who would recive it. I explained the purpose and duty of the Very Elect. I also explained the reason why, while awaiting for the time when we will be transported to a new Earth, that we are to observe and write in our individual journals our observertions and life experience upon these days. This was being done for life lessons for those people who would proceed after us. Another task they have is being Keepers of the Book, which is the Holy Testament. Each person of the Very Elect has an exact copy of the three books that make up the compleat set of text of the Holy Testament. Then this person had asked me, right out of the blue, how can a person become a son or daughter of GOD? So I explained to this person that one has to begin with honesty. In being able to be totally honest with oneself. On the surface, this may seem like it is a simple matter to do, but in reality, it is one of the most difficult thing for a person to do or face. For one may have acquired many deep seated prejudices that had been learned or taught during a persons personal life that need to be overcome. Once a person has overcome their prejudices and are able to be totally honest with themselves, only then is a person able to find truth. Once a person has found truth, then one can trust. Once a person can trust, that person will be able to develop a friendship with GOD that will eventually blossom into love. Once one has that love with GOD, (Not the phony god of the Christians), the kind of love where a person loves GOD with all their heart, mind and spirit, they will have reached the ultimate goal in their Spiritual Journey. And this is when a person will have become a son or daughter of GOD where they will enter into Father's Heavenly Domain. I had asked this person if he belonged to any particular religion? He had told me that he was once a Christian, but that he had no longer believed in it. He told me that he would like to believe that there is really a GOD up there somewhere. We talked about this for some length of time. Then I gave this person a sample copy of the Holy Testament, (like the one you can download at our web site), and told the man to read it. I also told him that he could reach me through this web site. I told him that the Holy Testament would lead his Spiritual path to the ultimate destination of knowing GOD. Once he had a clear understanding of the Holy Testament, he can, if he wanted to expand his Spiritual insights by reading other text that we have that pertain to Spiritual matters on a deeper level. I had to explain to this person that it was up to each individual as to how far they are willing to go to reach that ultimate goal. For each person has to walk on their Spiritual journey at their own pace. I remember explaining to this person about sin and what it does to the soul/spirit. The person had asked me where was our church? I explained that Yeshua was against these organized Temple or Church systems with its Pastors or Priests and their hocus-pocus rituals. This is the reason we have no such thing as a physical Church or Temple. What we have is a Spiritual Temple that reside within us. We also have, one can say, a Spiritual Temple which is in ciber space, in our privet secret place, on our web site on the Internet. The person asked me if we do tithing and how much tithe money do people have to give for a Temple offering? I explained to the person that we do not have any Temple tithe offerings. We do not have any required tithe offerings in order to appease GOD in our Faith. I explained that GOD would rather receive from a person their honesty, truth, trust, friendship and love than any amount of tithe money or things that a person may care to offer up to GOD as an offering. I explained that GOD no longer required a burnt offering of an animal or of any kind of tithe in the form of money since the New Covenant of GOD had been established during Yeshua's last Passover meal. Then I gave this person a Spiritual lesson why GOD no longer required any kind of tithe or sin offering. Before we departed, the person wanted to give me some money. But I kindly refused it. I explained that I really had no real need for his money because I had enough of my own. That I had more than enough provisions to sustain myself during my canoe trip to Toronto. Anyway, in the end, this person was so insistent on me accepting his money that I finally accepted it with blessing and thanksgiving. He became a member of the Very Elect a year later.

Have you ever wondered how is it that all of these Preachers and so called prophets of GOD, who claim that their god speaks to them, yet they have not a clue as to when their god will come back down to planet earth? Have you ever noticed that when people ask their Preachers and their prophets, when will their god, Je-Zeus Christ come back to earth, they will always say... Well; According to scripture in Chapter #; and verse #; Hummmmmm. How is it that they have to refer to their Bible to try to figure out when might their fake god come back when they are supposed to be in direct communication with this god of theirs? One would think that if these Preachers and so-called prophets, who claim to be in direct communication with their god, would surely be able to tell their people exactly the year, month, day and even the very hour when they can expect to see their god. Those who do give a set date and hour, you will notice, always manage to fall flat on their face. The next time you hear any of these Preachers or prophets who claim that their god speaks to them and they have to refer to their Bible to try to give some approximation of when their god will return, and these people can not give you the exact year, month, day and the very hour when he will return, then you will know that these people are full of bluff. They are phony, just as their god is phony. After all, we are supposed to be in the very last days of his coming, are we not?

It has come to my attention that the word plagiarizer was being made about me by a certin Gene Scott of University Faith Cathedral. In essense, the word plagiarizer means, stealing someone eles work and claiming it to be your own. I would like to take up the issue of what this man has to say about me being a plagiarizer. Scott is a good one to talk about me being a plagiarizer. I have heard Scott's dissertation on the resurrection of Je-Zeus Christ. It reads almost word-for-word from a book written by a person that had written about this topic, a hundred years ago. The book I remember was about a detective or a lawyer who wanted to debunk or find the truth about the Christian story of the resurrection by using the theory of deduction. I have no doubt that Scott had plagiarize that book to write his dissertation. He turned his papers in, and with that he obtained his doctorate degree. The arguments to prove the resurrection of Christ, according to this plagiarizer, which is on one of my audio tapes I have of Scott's dissertation talk, I found them as flimsily as the book I had read. I can find that many holes in those arguments he provides as proof in that dissertation paper, that it would make Scotts pages look like Swiss cheese. This moron is the last person to be talking about being a plagiarizer. Frankly, I find nothing wrong using some other peoples material on early Christianity that follow along the same thoughts as mine. The point is that I had not stolen their ideas, but that their data reflected my own and they were able to express these facts in a far more superior manner than what I am capable of doing. So I use their wording or data with my text where it reflects my own views in order to express what I am trying to say. I had been fully aware since 1960 as to what really had happened during the developement of early Christianity. It was for this very reason why I had never become a Christian. As to the question of using other people's data or text, I would find it a compliment that someone would find my material that good that they would want to use it in their text. For a man who talks so much about some of my writings as works of plagiarizing, I would suggest that Scott take a good second look at his precious Bible or stacks of Bibles he admires so much and see what its pages contain. He will notice that whole sections and segments of passages that have been truly plagiarized from other peoples works, from other cultures and religions which are found throughout the Bible. The Old and New Testament. Yet this deceptive man says nothing about these facts in his preaching about the Bible that he rely on for his belief in his perverted religion of Christianity. Personally, I do not mind anyone who use the insights, passages or text from this web site. Nor do I mind people using my material with their own text or put or use these material on their web pages or their web site. I take it as a compliment that someone would want to use them. I am delighted that something on this web site has helped someone that would further their understanding of GOD and bring a person closer to that ultimate destination to Father's Heavenly Domain. But what I find most despicable and repugnant are Christians who take the insights and material from this web site that pertain to GOD and His Heavenly Domain and apply these text to their fictitious sun god Je-Zeus Christ in their writings or sermons, then turn around and verbally attack me or this web site. This I find as being the worst sort of hypocrite. These people have stooped so low to the level of a cheat and deceiver in my books. Such people may claim that they believe in GOD and that they see themselves as being a people of GOD to the people of the whole world, but the real question will always remain... Does GOD, the Heavenly Father believe them?

Here is another notation I had made in my journal in 2000 CE. This entry was made during the time I was reading the Christian Bible (Authorized King James Version) which had been given to me while I was in town that day. I remember that I had been reading the story about Moses and the Ten Commandments and these thoughts came flooding into my mind. That entry reads as followers... How often have I heard many Protestant preachers say during their sermons that it is impossible for any person to be able to keep all of the Laws of GOD, as it is found in the Ten Commandments. Impossible? Really? Let's have a look at these laws again and see what is so impossible for any person to keep all of the laws of GOD in the Ten Commandments. The first law I read in the Ten Commandments is;

Law No.1; Have no other gods before me. What is so hard about that law? Of course for a great many Christians, that one would be very hard or just impossible to keep because of their determination to worship a false god.

Law No.2; Do not take the name of GOD in vain. In other words, do not take GOD in vain, or the name you use to identify GOD with. This is not hard to do, unless you are a Christian. For they have not only replaced the true GOD of Heaven with another god, but they have given a name to it and they curse by. I personally had heard a great many Christians do that.

Law No.3; Keep the Sabbath day and sanctify it. What is so hard about that law? Is it really that hard to take a certain day off that GOD had sanctify from your labour so you can relax and think about GOD and enjoy being with your family or friends? That do not seem such an impossible command, unless you are one of those Christian who constantly pervert the seventh day every week by their Sun-day worship. It seems that these Christians had told GOD what He can do with His seventh day Sabbath. They have decided to make their Sabbath day on Sunday, in honour of their Sun god Je-Zeus Christ.

Law No.4; Honour your father and mother. Now that one is not difficult to keep if you have loving parents. It might prove to be difficult if you have parents who constantly beat you up for the smallest infraction or provocation. Under such circumstance, this law might prove to be very difficult for a person who had endured such treatment. I have come to know a lot of Christian parents during my lifetime who beat their children until they are covered with black and blue welts, cut lips and black eyes.

Law No.5; Do not murder. This is not such a hard command, unless you are an evil person. This law has nothing to do with self-defence of one's own life, or the self-defence of a nation. But I notice that in the Christian Bible, this command reads as, Do not kill. I see that Christians can not even translate a text correctly. There is a very big difference between the word, murder and kill, though the end result is the same. So what do that command.. Do not kill, suppose to mean in the Christian Bible? Do it mean that you can not kill an animal for food? Or maby swat and kill a fly or mosquito? Or kill a person in self-defence because he/she is trying to kill you? Do that mean that you cannot kill people who are wagering a war against your nation? Do this mean that you cannot protect your family or your nation? Do it also mean that you cannot even have vegetables, wheat or herbs for food and medicine? After all, do you not kill these plants when you cut off its life force? It appears that all Christians are breaking this one law as it is written in their Christian Authorized King James Version Bible that they claim is the inerrant Word of GOD.

Law No.6; Do not commit adultery. How hard is this command to keep if you truly love the person you bind yourself with? Having an adulteress affair can only mean that you really do not truly love the person you have bond with. That marriage vow you made proves to have been a lie. This brings us to the next Law.

Law No.7; Do not lie. I must admit that this law might prove to be very difficult for most people to keep. But it is still not an impossible command. But I have found that Christians do not hesitate to lie when they are trying to prove their point when it comes to defending their perverted religion.

Law No.8; Do not steal. So what is so really hard to keep this law? What belongs to you is yours and what belongs to another person is theirs. Simple.

Law No.9; Do not bear false witness against your neighbour. It simply means that you do not accuse a person for something they have not done or said. What is so hard about that? I must admit through my own personal experience on this issue, that a great many Christians seem to have a very hard time keeping this command when they accuse me of doing or saying something I had not done or said, while verbaly attacking me and this web site.

Law No.10; Do not covert or desire your neighbours wife, house, land, servants, animals, or anything that would cause wrong against a person. Now how hard or impossible is this commandment to keep? This is only a common-sense commandment to give respect to what another persons has. All this commandment is saying is not to crave for what another person has to such an extent that it would cause you to do something wrong against that other person in order to acquire what belongs to him. In other words, do not do to others, what you would not want done to you. That's simple enough. Christians should have remembered this commandment before they had attacked me when I began on the mission I was set out to do that had led me to the establishment of this web site. Looking back on all of what has transpired over the years, I can remember how hard I had tried to help both Jews and Christians while I was on this mission. I even accepted the possibility that they may choose to ignore the message that I brought to them. But when those Christians came out and publicly began their verbal assaults on me, and the Holy Testament, they had left me no choice but to defend the Holy Testament and the mission I was on and expose their error in their understanding of GOD's Will. In their erroneous understanding of Yeshua teachings and what was his true purpose that had led hin to come to planet earth. These Christians gave me no slack during all of these years that it forced me to expose their hypocracy and the delusion that they were under by their false teachings of their fictitious man-made sun god Je-Zeus Christ, that had perverted most everything pertaining to our Heavenly Father and our Beloved Brother Yeshua. Anyway, getting back to the original topic, all of these commandments of GOD are simple, straightforward, common-sense type of commandments. Simply put, these laws of GOD teaches us how to live in harmoney with one another. By understanding and observing these laws, we are respecting GOD of who He is. These laws will enable an individual or a soceity to funtion in harmoney in order to minnumize strife. By respecting GOD and His Laws, we as people will become better hunan beings because of it. By observing these laws, especially the first one, will greatly help a person attain a personal relationship with GOD that will allow them to become son's and daughters of the true GOD, their Heavenly Father. So what is so impossible about keeping all of these ten commandments for those people who truly love GOD? What a ridiculous thing for any preacher to say that it is impossible for anyone to keep all of GOD's Laws that are found in the Ten Commandments. Of course, if these Preachers are saying that these laws, for a Christian perhaps, are impossible to keep, then maby they may have a point there. But then again, not everyone is a Christian, Thank GOD.

This man Eugene W. Scott of Faith Cathedral, has been lambasting me for a very long time, so I have been informed. I am not surprised by that because these fine Christian Pastors and people have been lambasting me and the Holy Testament for the past five years without letup. So there is not much Scott can say that I have not already heard by his fellow Christians. But out of curiosity, I decided to see just who or what this man Scott is all about. Eugene W. Scott likes everyone to call him Gene Scott. Scott has a TV and radio ministry and has done very well with his ministry as a business. Scott was indoctrinated into that perverted Christian religion as a child. His dad was a Pentecostal Protestant preacher. So he grew up surrounded in that paganized religion all through his young teenage years. Scott may have even followed in the footsteps of his dad all through his collage years. During all this time, Scott must have read a great amount of books on this Je-Zeus Christ from a long list of Christian writers. By the time he was in his late teens, He was so indoctrinated into this religion, that at least in his own mind, he had a strong faith in his fictitious sun-god, Je-Zeus Christ. With this confidence under his belt, he was now able to continue on into a career as a Pentecostal Protestant pastor. During his young years he must have rubbed shoulders with most of the great preachers during that era. As a young man, Scott was mesmerized at the great success of these Christian preachers like Jimmy Swaggart, Jerry Falwell, Jim Bakker. He also got to meet some movie stars and big wigs in Los Angeles and across America. But somewhere along the way, Scott became aware of the great hypocracy, deception, lies and double-dealing that was going on among his fellow preachers that he began to loose his faith in the religion he was involved in. It may have been during this time in his life that he may have come across some history books on Christianity that were unbias in their writing of this particular religion. No doubt that these history books would have shown Scott the true face of Christianity. What a shock this must have been to him and to his religious belief when he discovered the truth about the perverted religion he had believed in. This must have caused Scott to have such a total religious breakdown to find out that the religion he was brought up with was not all that it was crack-up to be. Once Scott got over that first major shock, and his head had shrunk to normal size because he knew now that he was not as smart as he thought he was. So disgusted he was with the Christian religion that he might have left home and his preacher career and turned into a hippie. No doubt he gave it the good old collage try at it. So Scott tied his good tie around his head to look the part and he swelled in the free love that was happening at the time and all the hippie junk that went along with it that he nearly caused his dad's ministry to go bankrupt with the money his dad or mother was sending him while he played the hippie scene. A day came when Scott was given the choice that he get his act together or that he would be cut-off from his funding. Somehow Scott managed to float or drift his way into university, studying who knows what, because everything was like a dream world in his present state. While in that dream world state, Scott figured out that Christianity was a great way to make easy money due to the many suckers that were out there in la-la land. Despite the horrendous history Christianity had, he figure a way on how to get back into his father's good graces and get back into Christianity. Scott decided to see if the resurrection of his Je-Zeus Christ could be true or not. So he dug through all the books that he could get his hands on that subject at the university he had attended. Then Scott came across a book that was written a hundred years ago about a detective who wanted to find the truth about this Christian story of the resurrection by using the theory of deduction. Well; Scott was so impressed with this work that he decided to write his dissertation on the resurrection of Je-Zeus Christ. He turned his papers in, and with that he obtained his doctorate degree. He had now satisfied himself, at least in his own mind, that he had regained his faith in his god, Je-Zeus Christ. Now he was able to go back home and continue on as a Pentecostal minister. During his years at it, he began to realize that he needed something new that would bring him into the spotlight, for he has a big ego to quench. This led him down the path of perversion that soon money and wealth became the most important factor in his life. He knew that there were enough suckers around America to accomplish his cherish goal. To get rich! He got his big break when he came to Faith Cathedral, which was an old movie house and started his own ministry. Given the smarts that Scott has, it was easy to be a deceiver and a fraud. So to Scott, Christianity was his way to making his fortune. It's a lot of hooey, said Scott straight-faced to his wife. But I will be a mouthpiece for my new brand of Christianity. All you have to do is to pretend to know all the facts. Scott is a man everybody had encountered at one time or another riffling through their pockets. He has a nasty bad habit of wanting your money in order to obtain the same lifestyle as those of his ex-preacher buddies, like Jimmy Swaggart, Jerry Falwell and Jim Bakker enjoyed during their hay-day. On Scott's TV program, his face looms ever so large, with all that hot air that is in his head, that it turns blue against the Ultimata blue background, that he appears headless on the TV screen. With his unique invented string of tithe offering that he lays upon his flock, his lovely dumb sheep that are in his pasture, where he fleeces them so regularly that now he feels like he is the richest televangelist star in world history, so he would like people to believe, and he figures that he could easily hold a Guinness record for spending the most time picking the pockets of his congregation during his live, on air shows, and do this in front of millions of people who are watching his disappearing money act. "You ever meet Christians", Scott asked? "You wish you could shove a pipe in their mouth. Anything to shut them up." he once said during a broadcast. It is plain to see that Scott is totally unaware that he is also a Christian. You know, what with all that hot air that is swelling up in his big head. Other people say that Scott is unpredictable, entertaining, ridiculous and dementialy inspired. There he is again: puffing a cigar, harassing a visibly shaken staff to get more money from those dumb sheep that he has. He delivers hateful missives against the FCC who also want a cut of the pie on the volumes of money Scott rakes in daily. People say that he is the best phony preacher there is, cracking jokes with impeccable timing and delivery. Everything about him is laughable, and there's no denying he's smart as a (bleeping) ass. His tightfisted, thin-lipped sneer and shocked look in his blue eyes make you wonder if you personally aren't his next target to fleece. Few can manage to turn themselves away from under his hypnotic power. Gene Scott suite of programs are broadcast in eight languages, in 180 countries, over radio and television stations twenty four hours a day throughout the world. There's even a live Internet video stream. While other pastors denounce homosexuality, abortion, adultery, profanity and drinking, Scott refuses to condemn such behaviour because he likes to dabble in these things from time to time. He claims that he leaves worshippers free to make their own choice without coercion, and that he don't ask you to change when you come here," is one of his famous Big Lies. Scott instructs the congregation. "I take you for whatever you have, money, house, car, boats, fur coats, your diamonds, jewels, gold bracelets, everything that you have that is worth of value for the teaching that I give you." First lesson class, "See how easy it is to fleece my sheep by being so bold". His personal enterprises runs the gamut, like Gene Scott Corporation, Gene Scott Incorporated, Gene Scott Consultants Incorporated, Gene Scott Travel Incorporated, W. Eugene Scott, Ph.D. Incorporated, the Gene Scott Evangelistic Association, the Wescott Christian Centre, the Los Angeles University Cathedral, Faith Centre, the Faith Broadcasting Network, and the University Network - among others. So much for the theory of "Give all to the poor, and follow me, that Scott's god, Je-Zeus Christ had said and taught. Eugene Scott, kinda-sort-of resembleds Arnold Murray of Shepherd's Chapel with that hound dog look on his face. Over time, his appearance changed before our eyes his congregation said. His hair grew longer, his beard fluffed out, his voice developed an insistent gravel that we all thought that he was turning into a goat. These days, with a Costa Rican cigar wedged in his big mouth and a necktie bandana wrapped 'round his head' , in order to keep his head from swelling any bigger, (You know, what with all that hot air in his head). Scott is beginning to look a bit more like old Scrooge each passing day. Only he do not know how to give up all that wealth he had gathered from the fold, so that he can follow his Lord and god, Je-Zeus Christ. After tucking away all of his business enterprises in safe, hidden ventures, he goes to his god Je-Zeus Christ, all the while playing his saxophone, taking time out now and then to call his friends on his cell phone. This god, Je-Zeus Christ dumped a huge wooden cross on Scott and told him to carry it. After Scott had gotten the cross on his shoulder, he got on the cell phone again to call his buddies at his Los Angeles University Cathedral to come and help him carry this heavy cross that my god, Je-Zeus Christ had laid upon me. This is what I get for all that wealth I was foolish to give up. No one came to help Scott. So he promptly dropped that cross and said he had enough of this. This was too much like work. So Scott turned around in a huff and a puff and took the first ride he could get to get back to his Faith Cathedral and his dear precious flock of sheeps he had left behind. Now that Eugene Scott is back at his Faith Cathedral, he wants all his people to get on the telephone and tell the dumb sheep to hand over ten percent of their weekly income. The average member's contribution is reportedly $350.00 a month. "I want 300 people to give $1,000 by June 30 to humiliate Satan's efforts to destroy us," Scott commanded in a Web site missive. "I also want 700 to commit to $10,000 by Christmas. I've been trying to lighten the staff load for five years! But I got to make up for lost time since I had left my god, Je-Zeus Christ carry his own #!@ cross and had got the first bus back to Faith Cathedral, to my lovely money making machine. I won't take responsibility for things I have no assurance off! The price of membership is now going to be steep, and measured in what he calls first fruits: returns on any form of income (an investment, a pay raise, a second job, a tax refund, Lotto winnings). If you're out of work, you give the first week's unemployment check. For non-givers, Scott warns: "If you get too smart with my God, he might let you live this time next year without him so you can see the difference in your lives." All of the sudden, those people who were foolish enough to be sucked-in into giving to Scott's ministry, they realized that those who have not given, had more money on hand than ever before. All of a sudden, these people saw themselves as a big lollypop. Would you believe that those people in Scotts congregation are that dumb that they actually listen and obey this man to the tune of uncounted millions each year? During the Festival of Faith, at one point, some of Scott's sheeps had got wise to Scott's little schemes and left the coop, or maby I should say, left the sheep pens. Now these guys sit around together as a group watching Scott, from a very safe distance away, and then call the number on the screen, saying, you can't fleece us now, bahaaa, bahaaa, bahaaa! Other sheep in the flock were so enthused by this. This was unlike anything they'd ever seen before. Some of Scott's sheeps had actually managed to break his spell on them and escape. All this on Scott's own television program, and Scott, the host, was having an assmatic fit as they left the Cathedral. "In every way possible within the boundaries of God's word," Scott says, "I have tried to separate myself from the television evangelists' image, but I just can't, cried Scott, as he blew his big nose on his sleeve. Television evangelism has become a phrase that can only become analogized to nigger, kike, beaner and other epithets designed to demean and create a perceptual set of a lesser-quality being." Such is the situation I am in. To lighten his load for his work for the Lord, Scott uses his chauffeured limousines and his Lear jet for all the travelling that he does. His humble dwelling is just a mansion in Pasadena. He also has a fleet of racing-horses on nearby ranches, and Scott has round-the-clock bodyguard protection. Better them than rely on my god, Je-Zeus Christ. Scott is without question the sleaziest living minister and religious instructor on television by far, but nothing infuriates him more than to be lumped alongside his old ex- preacher buddies like Jerry Falwell, Jim Bakker or Jimmy Swaggart. In fact, he sued Time magazine for referring to him as a televangelist when he was. In 1980, a celebrated German director Werner Herzog was so taken with Scott that he made him the subject of a TV comedy. God's Angry Man showcases Scott's ability to collect several hundred thousand dollars in less than half an hour from people too stupid to know any better. It was a film slanted toward monomania and American malaise, and largely a piece about greed and currency. Werner Herzog knew his man that he picked for the part. Scott was born to it. Greed and currency is Scott's middle name. Talking quietly about his personal and professional life, Scott seems to be a genuine carpet bagger, or one of those shysters that you see on the street corners peddling their wears under their coat. But on television, Scott becomes Mr. Hyde, coaxing, cajoling, exhorting, pleading and even whining to get every last penny from his flock. When he reads off the dollar amounts phoned into the Festival of Faith, not one contribution is less than three figures, or he will get into a fit. Then watch how Scott's head begins to start to swell up again. (You know, all that hot air that is in his head). During a particularly slow night, Scott will become so angry he chooses to punish his audience by refusing to say another word. It must have been Heavenly Bliss for them while it lasted. The tension among the pledge-break phone volunteers in the blue-hued broadcast studio is palpable. "A skinflint may get to Heaven, but what awaits him are a rusty old halo, a skinny old cloud, and a robe so worn it scratches. First-class salvation costs money." Scott bellows out to his dumb sheeps, so cough-up that dough. One minute he's quoting scriptures, the next he's blasting the Russians. "Nuke all of the men, women, babies, little children, grandmothers and grandfathers, Nuke'em all in the name of Jesus!" he bellowed at viewers during the Gulf War. You must forgive Scott, he do not realize that it was Sadam and his Moslems henchmen who the USA was fighting during the Gulf War. OK, so forget the war! Scott spends weeks and months at a time on marvellously conspiratorial topics: the Pyramids, The Ten Lost Tribes, Atlantis, Roswell UFO's, Stonehenge, the Amityville poltergeists - even the Philadelphia Experiment. All these wonderful things instead of preaching about what he is suppose to be preaching, that is about his god, and saviour, Je-Zeus Christ! During Scott's Sunday sermons, Scott admonishes his congregation once again not to seek God's blessing from a priest, the Pope or any other place of worship. "I'm not selling forty-pound Bibles, or water from Jordan, or 'healing cloths' or tear up my shirt. I say: what's what I've done worth? Whatever the meal I've fed you is worth, pay up. Now how much can a meal from a garbage dumpster that is behind a slaughter house cost? I'm not trying to save anybody., I just want your money! Money, money, moooooneeeeeeeey! I want it allllllllll! Scott says to his sheeps, "I think if you reject Christianity, you should do it intelligently." Yes, like maby quit while you still have a house, a car, a bankroll, a dog, a cat, or even your babies lollipop. He won't let anyone know exactly what he is worth in cash and assets. After all, is he not suppose to at least emulate his god, Je-Zeus Christ? He's defeated repeated attempts by the federal government to examine his church's operations simply by directing contributors to sign pledge slips which specifically state Scott can spend the money however he likes. No expense has been spared in restoring his theatre. When the curtain begins to rise, congregation members have been told to leap to their feet and cheer wildly. Before them appears their master, Captain Scott Blowhard. His lectures are a mind-numbing blur that become nearly impossible to follow, which virtually forces his audience to accept his ecclesiastical monopoly without question. When the donation plates come out, Scott doesn't have to remind them what to do. They'll tithe, or they can all look forward to "sliding down the slimy chute straight to Hell", he contantly reminds them. Don't let that pained indignation look with that aloof Mona Liza facial expression fool you, he put's on that look when he has discoverered that he had just defecated in his drawers while he was preaching. Now for my serious assessment and final comments on this man. Given everything that I had spoken about Eugene W. Scott of Faith Cathedral, my original assessment has not changed. Here is just one example of how this man Scott deceives people during his preaching. On one of his lectures Scott was explaining to his congregation that there are manuscripts of the original Apostles that exist that date around 30-70 CE. The way Scott explains it, he would have you believe that these manuscripts are half or full size sheets that he uses as his argument as his proof that these text reflect the gospels found in the New Testament. The truth of the matter is that, the oldest surviving text date back to the second century. Of these, they are only fragments of little pieces that contain a few words on each of the fragmentsts. By the way, all of these texts were written in Greek, not in the Aramaic language one would expect these texts would have been written by the original Apostles of Yeshua. So this is hardly proof or evidence that these surviving fragments actually reflect the original teachings of Yeshua, or the text that is now found in the various versions of the New Testament. This I know presents a few disturbing problems for Christians, be they Roman Catholic or Protestants. The oldest surviving complete text of the New Testament is found in the Codex Sinaiticus, which date back to the middle of the fourth century CE. Three hundred years after the fact is a long time span for any religion to have made a Codex, especially from those who make the false claim that they have direct Apostolic succession, do you not think so? The reason that it took so long for a Codex to develop was because during the first to the forth century CE, there had been hundreds of scattered small groups of Christian cells each with their own version or ideas of what their fictitious god, Je-Zeus Christ had said and done. This false god, Je-Zeus Christ had originally been based upon the real life of Yeshua, who was a true son of GOD. But as time wore on, these expressions took unrealistic claims about their now invented god-man. This haphazard trend continued until the middle of the fourth century CE. Until these scattered groups of paganized Christians were forced under pressure by Constantine to draw up a Codex in order to stop the infighting and bickering about dogmas and religious beliefs. A good many of these Codex were drawn up by these various Christian cells or sects which caused even more fighting among themselves as to which one of the Codex would prevail and set the standard. Then in desperation and frustration, Constantine picked one to settle the whole matter. From that time onward, the Codex that Constantine had picked would stand as the Christian Cannon. All Christian were then required or forced to believe that Cannon and no other. This is what really happened. Scott tends to shy away from that truth. Consider also this, Yeshua's native tongue was Aramaic, and even if he knew Greek, he certainly did not speak it to his apostles, many of them were uneducated fishermen. Without any surviving Aramaic texts, the actual words of Yeshua are lost forever, mired in a sea of subjective translation by these perverted, paganized Christian scribes. Secondly, people are faced with a gap as much as three hundred years between the composition of a text and any surviving copies. While the text of the New Testament was written in Koine Greek and was widely translated into other languages, mostly in Latin, Coptic and Syriac. Many of the early "church fathers" of Christianity claim that Matthew was originally written in the Hebrew language and contend that Paul wrote the text of Hebrews in the New Testament in Hebrew, which was later translated into Greek by Luke. These views do not hold much support among modern scholars, since the Greek of Matthew and especially the text in Hebrews is considered much too good to be original translations. The Christian traditional belief is that all the books found in the New Testament were written by the original Apostles or by their followers. We now know that the New Testament was written by many different people during a great span of time. The question is, how had the similarities between the synoptic gospels arose? The dominant view amongst scholars is that both Matthew and Luke drew upon the Gospel of Mark. In addition, they also had one other common source, which has since been lost. This source scholars believe had focused on the teachings of Jesus. It is referred to as the "Q Source". Among the early "church fathers", there was much controversy about the authorship of the book of Hebrews, since it is the only anonymous epistle. The prevailing view by scholars is that this text was written by Paul and later translated by Luke. I believe that Origen had much to do with the tampering of text by adding and changing the text from any source documents. This may explain and be the reason why there are no longer any surviving documents from the original Apostles. Speaking about Origen, in the midst of this whole controversy, he once proclaimed that "God only knows" who the authors really were. As I said, This man Gene Scott had wasted his life deceiving people and himself when he could have acquired the truth with all the knowledge that was at his disposal. Scott had choose to ignore it, by his own free will, and pursued that path which has led him to continue in the paganized religion of Christianity with its false, man-made Sun god Je-Zeus Christ, and its perverted theology. This he has done while he built his ministry and claimed that GOD speaks to him directly and that his church was the apple of GOD's Eye, despite the fact that he teaches the same perverted paganized religion as those of other Protestant denominations. He just does a better job perverting and hiding the truth than his fellow Protestant counterparts. He has managed to wrestle millions of dollars from the pockets and wallets of his church members because they are too stupid to recondnize when they are being had, decieved. His aim was to make his church more wealthier than the Vatican, the mother of this perverted paganized religion. This man is intelligent as a wheeler and dealer, a sort-of a modern day version of a flim-flam-man. Scott had to be cagy to be this type of a person and there is no doubt he is good at it. Scott is also so full of himself that he thinks that there is no one else like him in the study of history or theology. He is just one of many millions of people who believe that the myth of the devil (Satan), is very real, that this is a live being that really exists who cause people to be evil. Yet in our present modern day, Moslems and Christians alike actualy believe in this fictitoius Satan and his demons to be real, live beings that cause people to be evil and cause everything that goes bad in nature. Some ancient pagan cultures had believed that evil spirits had caused earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or hurricanes and tornadoes. I am truly surprised that Scott had not figured it out by now, even at his present age, that this mythical figure was never meant to be taken literary, as a real live being, that actually exists. This Satan myth was only meant to represent evil in an abstract theological manner. This lack of understanding coming from a man of age, who had university education, received university degrees and training in religious studies. But such people will have no problem to believe that a god had actually come down to humanity and had allowed itself to be killed by mere mortal beings. These people have lagged behind in any advance understanding of GOD and His Heavenly Domain. Their belief system stem from ancient times when people believed that they had to make human or animal sacrificial sin offerings to appease their pagan gods. People like Scott are vain in their imaginings of these pagan myths that are far removed from truth and of the one and only true GOD of Heaven. Given this man,s intelligence, personality and what he actually had done in his life, leading people astray from the one, true GOD, shows him to be nothing more than a fraud, a deliberate deceiver and a money hungry manipulator. What this moron says impress me very little. To me, he is nothing more than a loud mouth blow-hard. As to Scott's claim that he is representing the true GOD of Heaven, or even his fictitious god, only amount to be a very sick joke.

As I have said before; In vain do these Baal worshippers Christians pray to their fictitious god Je-Zeus Christ. For they have been condemned by the true GOD of Heaven, who have turned these people over to a reprobate mind. For Father has cursed these people who have fashoned and pray to a false god whom they have named Je-Zeus Christ. These people have transgressed the Conenant that Father had made through Yeshua, to the people of GOD. That name Je-Zeus Christ is an affront to GOD and also to my Beloved Brother, Yeshua. This Je-Zeus Christ is a false god, with a man-made false doctrine that is nothing more than Baal worship. Father had made this known to me. The name Je-Zeus Christ will forever be known in the hearts of the people of GOD as being a Jezebel. As it is akin to the pagan gods of Baal or Moab whom people have blaspheme the Heavenly Father by their false gods. Only to those people who cry out to the true GOD of Heaven, will Father hear their prayers and show mercy.

I have been informed that this loud mouth blow-hard, Eugene Scott of Faith Cathedral, has kicked the bucket on Feb. 21/ 2005. Now Scott will find out for himself, the fate of his soul-spirit. He will be shocked and surprised to find out what I had been saying all along, was the truth when his soul-spirit will face Father at the Hall of Balance, the Hall of Judgement and be cast-off to eternal death. I had tried to warn Scott that Father has cursed those people who have perverted His Word and fashioned and pray to a false god whom they call Je-Zeus Christ, but he choose not to heed that warning. Scott thought that he knew it all, but now he will find out just how little he really had known about the real GOD, the Heavenly Father, and come to learn the hard facts of his error. Despite this, Scott will not be able to plead for his eternal life of his soul-spirit on the bases of ignorance, for he had been warned. So much for all that effort that Scott had used to gather wealth for himself during his lifetime. Where will that get him now? Nowhere. Just like his unfounded faith in the healing power of Scott's fictitious man-made god which he had depended upon during his last days of life. Scott really went out of his way to lambast me while he was preaching to his congregation and to people around the world through his radio and TV ministry about his false doctrine and his man-made fictitious god that amounted to nothing more than Baal worshipping, which has condemned his soul-spirit to everlasting death. He has no one to blame but himself for the fate of his soul-spirit. I just wounder how many people within Scott's congregation and those who follow that perverted religion called Christianity will follow in Scott's footsteps and end up in eternal death?

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