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Animals Used as Subjects in Research

For the animals, it is an eternal Treblinka
Isaac Bashevis Singer

Estimates of the number of animals, other than humans, that are used in experiments every year range from 17 million to 22 million. These animals are subjected to experiments in which they are made ill, in which they are inflicted with pain, in which limbs, nerves, and muscles are damaged, in which they are burned while conscious, and in which they are exposed to chemicals and cosmetics. Their lives end as they are "sacrificed", perfused, autopsied and their brains are sectioned for histological studies. Most people would never consider doing these things to an animal, but rarely reflect on the carnage that goes on when the laboratory door is closed. Witness some current research conducted under the support of National Institutes of Health grants. The research is being conducted at Barrow Neurological Institute of St. Joseph's Hospital in Phoenix, Arizona.


Principal Investigator: Michael Berens

Subjects: Dogs (female beagles and their unborn puppies)
Funding agency: NIH through NINDS (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke)

Objectives of research: 1) To implement a procedure for injecting cancer cells (glioma cells) into unborn puppies at a time when their undeveloped immune systems will not reject the cells. 2) To use this procedure for developing an animal model that will develop malignant brain tumors. 3) To study the course of these brain tumors in dogs. 4) To study different courses of therapy on the dogs including irradiation, chemotherapy and surgical excision. 5) To sell the patented procedure for injecting the cancer cells into fetal puppies and "tricking" their immune systems into accepting the cancer cells. 6)To use the dogs and puppies with brain tumors in toxicity testing for cancer treatments.

Method: The fetuses of pregnant female beagles are injected with glioma cells at a point in development when a puppy's immune system will not reject the cells. The cells cause the development of small tumors under the skin of the puppies. At four to six months of age, the tumors are excised from under the skin of the puppies. The puppies are put into a stereotaxic instrument, a hole is bored into the parietal lobe of the brain, the excised tumor is planted in the brain. The implanted tumors develop into large malignant brain tumors in the puppies. The course of the brain tumors and treatments are followed. The treatments include irradiation, chemotherapy, and surgery. At between nine and twelve months of age, the puppies are destroyed and histologies are performed.

The cost in lives of this failed research: From 1990 to 2000, Michael Berens has performed hundreds of fetal implants in developing beagle puppies. These implants have resulted in aborted puppies, still born puppies, puppies born with serious birth defects such as hydrocephalus or missing limbs, and healthy puppies born without the predicted tumors. Most of these healthy puppies have been destroyed. Only two documented cases of the predicted subcutaneous tumor being implanted in the brain of a puppy have been documented. This means that the failure rate of this project is more than 98%. How many dogs and puppies have participated and lost their lives in this failed research? During the ten year period during which this research has continued, Michael Berens has been approved to work with 470 female dogs and their puppies. Most of the puppies are now dead. Michael Berens continues to conduct this research in the face of strong criticism by his peers in the scientific community and continuing failure of this project.

What can I do to stop the research currently being conducted by Michael Berens on female dogs and their puppies at Barrow Neurological Institute? Write letters, send emails, and make phone calls to the following officials: Ask them to stop the research currently being conducted by Michael Berens on beagle mothers and their puppies at Barrow Neurological Institute of St. Joseph's Hospital. Address your letters to:

Bishop Thomas O'Brien
Catholic Diocese
400 East Monroe
Phoenix, Arizona 85004
Telephone: 602-257-0030

Lattie Coor
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona
Contact information for Lattie Coor, President of Arizona State University

The Arizona Republic Newspaper
200 East Van Buren
Phoenix, Arizona 85004

Arizona Congressional Representatives

NAME: Matthew Salmon, (R)
PHONE: 1-202-225-2635
FAX: 1-202-225-3405

NAME: Ed Pastor (D)
PHONE: 1-202-225-4065
FAX: 1-202-225-1655

NAME: Robert Stump (R)
PHONE: 1-202-225-4576
FAX: 1-202-225-6328
E-MAIL: none
WEB: none

NAME: John Shadegg (R)
PHONE: 1-202-225-3361
FAX: 1-202-225-3462

NAME: James T. Kolbe (R)
PHONE: 1-202-225-2542
FAX: none

NAME: John Hayworth (R)
PHONE: 1-202-225-2190
FAX: 1-202-225-3263

Arizona Senators

NAME: Jon Kyl (R)
PHONE: 1-202-224-4521
FAX: 1-202-228-1239

NAME: John McCain, (R)
PHONE: 1-202-224-2235
FAX: 1-202-228-2862

Who are my representatives in Congress?

Click here to find your representatives in Congress


1. Dr. Berens is using an in vivo canine model. Cancer research in this area has moved from in vivo models to in vitro models.

2. There is no evidence that this model will directly apply anymore relevantly than other models to humans.

3. Puppies are being subjected to procedures that a human cancer patient could not ethically be subjected to.

4. Dr. Berens and others successfully have grown cell lines from human brain tumors and should continue to use human cell lines.

5. You are aware that Dr. Berens has patented the procedure for injecting the glioma cells into the fetal puppies. Basic research funded by National Institutes of Health with your tax dollars should not support the patenting of procedures to be marketed for profit.

6. You are aware that this canine model has been published only twice by Dr. Berens in the literature and presented only three times as a paper.

7. You are aware that this research has been cited very infrequently in the cancer literature.

8. You are aware that NIH uses the publication process as an index of the value of research and you wonder why research that has been published and cited so little is being supported.

9. One species cannot suffer at the expense of another. You are aware that the failure rate on this project is more than 95% and that healthy puppies are being euthanized simply because they do not develop the predicted tumor. You also are aware that this project has received serious criticism from members of the scientific community.

10. You will not continue to support St. Joseph's Hospital and Barrow Neurological Institute as long as these experiments continue.

11. Tell Lattie Coor, President of Arizona State University, that you want Michael Berens removed as an adjunct faculty member at ASU until these studies on the puppies are stopped at Barrow Neurological Institute.

12. Any other points that you would like to make.

What else can I do to stop the use of animals in research? Go to the excellent sites below to learn more about the use of nonhuman animals in research, your rights to inquire about the welfare of animals used in research, and the lack of protection for animals under the Animal Welfare Act.

National Organizations

The Ark Trust

Animal Legal Defense Fund

Animal Rights Resource Site

The Greyhound Protection League

In Defense of Animals

The Humane Society of the United States

Last Chance for Animals

Medical Research Modernization Committee

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

Psychologists for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

Arizona Organizations

Animal Defense League of Arizona

Greyhound Network News--Newsletter of the Greyhound Protection League published in Arizona

LEARN THE LAWS. Read the Animal Welfare Act, the National Institutes of Health guidelines and procedures for animal welfare assurances, and the duties of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. Answer this question,"Is there protection for animals in the laboratory?"

Got to NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare

Go to NIH Crisp Database and read abstracts of the funded research

How to use the Freedom of Information Act to learn about the use of animals in Federally funded laboratories.

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