The Evils of Dubbing----Beware.
I recently went to the pokemon movie website. And they have a section telling how they made the movie. And when I saw the word "americanize", I just started hating 4kids even more. Americanize. Why? I mean, I would be happy if they just subtitled it! It would probably be a whole lot better than the crap they made "Ash, Misty, Brock, Jessie, and James" say. I prefer "Satoshi, Kasumi, Takeshi, Musashi, and Kojiro" much better, thank you very much. When they "americanize" things, they just crap them up and make them stupid kid's shows. I mean, look at the so-called "jelly donuts". THEY ARE NOT JELLY DONUTS, PEOPLE, I'VE GOT NEWS FOR YOU!!!!!!!! THEY ARE FRICKING RICE-BALLS! R-I-C-E-B-A-L-L-S!!!!!!!! Just cause they have something RED in the middle does NOT give you the right to call them JELLY DONUTS! I HATE 4KIDS!!!They CRAPPED up a PERFECTLY GOOD ANIME MOVIE! I mean, I give them credit for matching up to the mouth movements, and MewTwo's voice sound just like the Japanese version, but the still CRAPPPED it UPPPPPP!!! I mean, they called Pidgeot a Pidgeotto, a Sandslash a Sandshrew, and a SCYTHER an ALAKAZAM!! COME ON, PEOPLE!!! I know their silhouettes look similar, but Scyther's japanese name is STRIKE, and Alakazam's is FUDIN! FUDIN, PEOPLE!!! They are NOTHING ALIKE! THE DUBBERS ARE IDIOTS! oK, i nEeD a ReSt.