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Could be Defined

could be...


something suffocating in the din

of a thousand channels backing up

through cables like sewer lines

like radio waves and lasers beams

dimming the sky like caustic smoke

in the battle for media control of

what you should be...

should be-wearing

should be-eating

can't stop-drinking

won't stop -living without

like more channels and more media control

that can't use you if you chose

to be what you



could be an answer

could be a question

could be a blessing

could be a curse

could be......

outside your box,

 your mold

your pre-fab walls

and hollow frame 

is the echo of Gods true first word

dancing off  canyon walls

in a chasm so vast you'd have to

fall through time and self

to find the you that began

when all life could be

that deep




if you ran as hard and as fast as you can  

you will out run the dogs 

that bay at your soul, 

and leap through the fires of all your fears

and stand in the quiet still strength of

your potential.


could be you’ll cower to your 


and freeze at the possibility that you

could stand  at the brink of it

totally alone....  


all this I do not know


it could all be…

a heap of possibilities

potential dementia even so...


I'm still running..

The barking dogs are fading

the wall of fire nears

and I approach the place

I could be...

to leave a candle

Burning for you there!




The bare naked truth bout love is it don't judge

the bare naked truth bout love is it CAN'T judge

the bare naked truth bout love is it don't care    

who is using it or why they are using it

or how they are using it or what color they paint it

or how loud you scream loves name




The bare naked truth IS

: Love is a boulder


You do not find love laying amongst  fragments or tiny stones or shattered shells

You will not pick love up and skip it across a pond in idle





the bare naked truth is when you find the core of

everything you believe in shifted.

and If you find yourself teetering atop the high plateau

that you believed was a rock solid foundation called love,

and you need to hold on to something.

for dear life

and you find no hand held out to steady you


Love will crush you just as easily as

the bare naked fools who cool themselves in it's shadow.

Couldbe (CMW)10/2001


Here's What You Do !

Keep your lips still
your eyes locked
and let your brain run as hard
and as fast as it can
to the end of every word you know
With your lips still
your eyes locked
and your words spent
tell her how much
you want her

couldbe ©1/2000

 Symbiotic Lie

....And the boy said I know what I'm doing

....and the girl said your my first



40 million shares were traded on the NYSE floor

the result of a massive sell off of institutional

positions in light of uncertainties announced by

analysts who once projected that every things

going to be alright


... And the boy said I pulled out in time just wash real good

... and the girl said OK ..because.. Although she suspected that it

    was his first time too, she at that moment had no one else

    to believe.


Meanwhile ....

the plummet of major exchange indexes caused by

the reversal of analysts optimism was blamed

on a modification in accounting reports submitted

These modifications had previously proved effective for

short term economic stimulation. A little lie for the

greater good..



... And in the weeks that followed the boy adjusted his stride to walk as men do

... and the girl reacted to the unexpected reality of motherhood



The SEC investigated the use of modified  reports that

might obscure the true projected health of major corporations

cause evidently little lies gain weight


... and the boy that walked like a man was eventually pleased

    when he read in the Wall street journal that analysts

    predicted that the economic slump would turn around by the time

    of the girls third trimester because prospects in the fast food

    industry were presently BLEAK.............




When Do You Know It’s Love

When every mountain takes her reclined sepia form
And each curve reminds you of daybreak
Before the best lovin' in her bed,
the sheets gone,
the first light sculpting
her hips her breasts her lips her thighs
swelling with the rhythm of
her sleepy breath
with authority I tell you that
this is not Love
when you find yourself Stopped green eyed still
the clouds that roll against her sweet brown hips
the mist that clings to her breasts
the sun that brushes against her rich wide lips
the birdsongs that echo at her thighs
I say with authority
that this is love.
because as you know any man can admire a mountain
but only a crazed man will claim it all his.
and as you know love is crazed.

couldbe ©3/2000



Knock Knock

When Love knocks twice on the same door
 do you stand very still
   and wait for the pounding to subside

        When Love knocks twice on the same door
         do you sneak up on it and peek
          through the narrow glass in awe

         When Love knocks twice on the same door
        do you open it a slice just
       to hear what love has to say

     Or when Love knocks twice on the same door
  are you ready to boldly open it
And step outside for a breath of fresh air

couldbe ©2/2001


Raising Pain


A gray and humid Sunday morn

and you could feel the coming storm

but I ignored that gossip and waited

for the rev to take the pulpit so

I could settle into sleep,

and I only got a nod in

before the storm rolled in like  trains

and in a shotgun second

I woke up to the rage



Sweatin and poundin indignant and enflamed

spittin on the front pews eys cutting all in range

rollin hurt like bowlin balls

right up the center aisle

Like a downpour at a barb-Q

Deacons ducked to protect their plates

hand fans fluttered like baby wings

trying to fly the hell away

YES the Rev was rollin

He’d be turning feet to clay


did'nt sound like

revelations, nor a word from god

thats why  I woke the hell on up

to see what rev had found dead wrong

folks craned around the column

to see the one man holy mob

who dared to wake the  payin out their

weekly sleep and nod



He stopped the organists crescendo

she had started sweet on cue

he grabbed the microphone

he wiped his preachy dew

swept away the choir

and they buckled like ten pins

a big old fluttery tumble as heavy asses

up and sat again

and the preachers mighty rumble shook the

plates from matrons hands

I listening so intently

You’d think the apocolyps began...

He was preachin bout Love

but not of Jesus or of God

He was preachin about gossip and

the good folks that it robs

He was preachin bout a red dress

and him parking late at night

and the folks sat still as statues

not an Amen in the house

And the parson's wife she bolted

draggin all five brats in tow

and the choir almost followed but the

director'd turned to stone


and the grey clouds gave to thunder

on the count of what was next

when the rev took his horn rimmed glasses

and laid them down to rest

then the robe of chapels shepherd

went off with a rip

and from the pulpit echoed

" I'm just sick of all this


*********not a sound*********

*********not a movement******

*********Not a AMEN**********

*********Nor yes sir*********

all the souls were manifest

to red eared grecian urns


and to man from preacher he walked long

up the aisle to the sanctuary door

where we saw the red convertible

and the shapely woman this was for

those who had not fainted

nor given to duress

craned their necks in wonder

whisperin "thought the man was blessed"

Now those who managed boldly to see outside the door

said the true epilogue of this story

happened outside in the storm

cause lightnin flashed across the sky

when the woman slapped the preach

Hopped in her car and drove away

and left him in the breach




 the survivors hobbled out the pews

the organ tried to play

the rain was pounding hard by then

so no one rushed away

The holy congregated and cursed

the Rev undone

while  the payin calculated 

who was gonna give  refunds

And alas the true believers

Prayed up through the haze

as for the preacher he just strolled

God's road

in the down pour

that he raised

If you feel moved enough to hit my Guestbook Click on any moon

I will be rotating poems through this page on a more regular basis so stop back through when the weather permits


Books I recommend Movies I Recommend Don't ask me bout...... Songs I groove on

Superman to Man ...JA Rogers: Read this once every five years...

Invisible Man.... Ralph Ellison: A must for all black men....

Song of Solomon..... Toni Morrison: because even in far reaching fiction Toni is about love and truth.

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy: cause it's there and it makes a lot of sense to me!!!!!


Carmen Jones... Cause Dorothy Dandridge owns 90% of my heart!!!!!

Black Orpheus: cause Hell is universal

Finding Forrester: cause it's Damned GOOD





Anything on commercial TV cause I just don't look at it since they took Homicide off the air....and for that matter any thing on cable cause I can't see paying for more of the crap I'd get on commercial TV.

The Sixer's ....The phillies .. or the Eagles cause I was brooklyn born and raised...

So What! .... Miles Davis

Compared to what.. Eddie Harris Les -M

4 women ...Nina Simone

Red House... Buddy Guy

Let my Baby Ride... R.L Burnside




My Loves.......

My family.. Scrabble.. boats... slow dumb ass horses!!!!! Jazz.... Documentaries... short stories

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