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Bonnie 'n' Jess' Site

Hi! We're Bonnie and Jess! (um, I mean, one of us is Bonnie and the other is Jess. Right. Two separate people here, folks. But you understood that, I think [I hope! Bonnie, help me...there are psychos out there...Eek!])

Just wanted to send an update out there too all our visiters in cyber space. Jess and I aren't going to be roommates during the upcoming school year. I've decided to move of campus and get away from the dorms. I'll miss Jess she was a great roomie! Anyways this page will still exist - its just a matter of us remembering to update it! Anyhow folks enjoy all your readings and please visit again soon!

We're friends at Millersville University in Millersville, Pennsylvania and this is our totally useless page (well, maybe not totally useless, seeing as how Bonnie has her very own club under "Bonnie's World"--check it out! Way to go, girl!). We figured that everyone else is taking up space in cyberspace, so we might as well, too. That's a pretty sound reason, don't you think? Oh! While you're here, you may as well sign our guestbook or mail us with suggestions. Wouldn't that make your day? ::grin::

[Note: December 9th, 2000. The guestbook is dead. I don't know what happened to it, but apparently Miatrade has forgotten that we exist. (-_-;;) Please don't hesitate to drop us an email though, anyway! Thanks!]

Jess forgot to mention one thing and that is this: We both feel that you'll probably find something of interest here on this site if you look hard enough....well have fun!

Email Bonnie

Email Jess

Welcome to Our Worlds...

Bonnie's World Finally Updated on 7-21-01! Hey its Been awhile since I've even looked at this page let alone had time to update it...

[Jess' Niche] Updated December 9th, 2000!

Our Combined World, not since it opened, I don't think...::shrug::

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