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(Telling The Truth Can Be)Dangerous Business

This is actually a "fan-fiction" sequel to the hit (flop) movie "Ishtar." This site is a tribute to these brilliant people: Elaine May, Dustin Hoffman, Warren Beatty, and all the others whose inspiring performances stirred my soul and mind into writing the prequel/sequel. Disclosure: some mild profanity (oxymoron?) is occasionally used to give the characters some realism (oh yeah, right. I'll bet you think I just want an excuse to swear!). This is a comedy about a couple of very bad songwriters and performers (Chuck Clarke and Lyle Rodgers) who, by pure luck (how else?), stumble into the limelight. I’m Bob Helbig and I would appreciate your thoughts, so I have included a link to my email. Thanks for viewing! The files are in Adobe Acrobat Reader (pdf) format. If you don't have the reader already installed, you can get a free and quick download of the latest reader at

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapters 6, 7, and 8 (all in one file)
Link to to download free Acrobat Reader
Beam Me Up, Scotty
If you're now curious about Ishtar, check out this really nice site--Ishtar the Movie dot com