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Sometimes our puppets play in a venue other than Junior Church in our church basement. Here they are at the Crawford County Fair:

This is Pastor Thomas, a.k.a. Charlie the Church Mouse, and his wife, June:

These pictures were taken upstairs in our church sanctuary during our Christmas Cantata (2000), which combined live actor/puppet plays with the music (See our site's Choir page):

Currently, our puppeteers consist of, but are not limited to, Angela and Josh Stearns, and I, your humble church web site builder, Ed DeVore. For the Christmas Cantata, along with Ang and I, they included Pastor Thomas, Kim Stearns (Angie and Josh's mom), and my brother, Dave DeVore. Usually, June Thomas or Kim Stearns take turns out in front of the puppet stage mediating between the kids in the audience and the puppets.


For nine weeks, the children in our church are taught about the fruit of the spirit (love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance...See Galatians 5:22,23). Grown men and women parade around for the kids wearing these giant fruit on their heads, each one representing a particular aspect of the fruit of the spirit. Puppet plays starring Farmer Fred, his wife Mabel, and three puppet children, Bobby, Roscoe, and Betty, amplify each idea about the fruit for the real kids in the audience.

Bible Baptist Church

Pastor Phillip Thomas

11166 Livermore Road
Meadville, PA 16335
(814) 333-4645


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