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Chat Transcripts

Aol Chat 11/23/99

AOLiveMC8: Welcome, Third Eye Blind! Thank you for joining us this evening.

Stephan Jenkins: Thanks for having us. This is Stephan Jenkins. I just finished rehearsing in New York at FIR studios for another round of TV shows launching our new album, "Blue." We spent the last six months hiding out in a recording studio. It is so gratifying to be able to take this music that we worked so hard on and play it for you. So here we are back out in Cyberspace! Again, thanks for having us, and we'll take questions as you wish.

AOLiveMC8: Let's get right to the questions. Our audience has been anxious to ask some questions.

Question: When did you get your start as a group?

Third Eye Blind: Our first gig was in October 1994. We'd been trying to get together for a year before that. We paid every due. We made every sacrifice and slept on every floor. No complaints, though; there's something good about struggling.

Question: Where'd you get the inspiration for“Background,” and are “Wounded” and “Background”related in any way?

Third Eye Blind: “Wounded” and “Background” are related in that they both deal with somebody that's been sexually assaulted. I wouldn't know where to start about the inspiration. Regarding “Background,” sometimes when you know you're with the people you belong with, you live in the foreground. When you lose those people, you move into the background. It's a bummer, but I think it's worth talking about. Oh, look, here comes Brad Hargreaves.

Question: Can we expect to hear “Camouflage” performed live, or any other electronically enhanced songs, for that matter?

Third Eye Blind: “Camouflage” was not electronically enhanced. Brad played all the drum tracks you hear there by himself. Hopefully, live, we will have two drums, and hopefully I'll join him on that track.

Question: What do you do in your free time?

Brad Hargreaves: I haven't had a whole lot of free time but, uh... free time, I do just like to lounge around, play guitar and catch up on sleep.

Stephan Jenkins: I like to ride my motorcycle over the hills of San Francisco and take my precious little doggie, the Boo, down to the ocean, where she goes buckwild in the waves.

Question: I just wanted to say I think you guys are great. I've seen you play live three times already and will go back whenever I can. What's been the best part of all of this for you?

Stephan Jenkins: Playing live.

Brad Hargreaves: I'll agree, playing live, where the real connection is made.

Third Eye Blind: Hey look, here comes Arion.

Question: What song of yours do you feel defines you as a band?

Arion Salazar: None.

Stephan Jenkins: All of them.

Brad Hargreaves: “Stairway to Heaven.”

Question: Okay... I bought the new CD today at 8AM and I listened to it all day. I must say it is amazing. I have to know... when are you all going back on tour?

Stephan Jenkins: Thanks so much for getting up so early and showing us so much love. We'll start touring hopefully in February, and we really look forward to it.

Question: Who helped you get started in the music business?

Stephan Jenkins: Our manager, Eric Godtland.

Question: How did you come up with the band name Third Eye Blind?

Stephan Jenkins: Sorcery. Witchery. Ouija board and Scrabble. It was a Scrabble game gone wrong. Hahaha.

Question: What's the deal with the "secret words never to be printed" part of “Camouflage”?

Stephan Jenkins: If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret anymore!

Question: Friends of mine that know I am a crazy 3EB fan have been asking me about the cover. I have my own idea of what it is, but I want to make sure I am right. What exactly is it, and how does it tie into the name of the CD? Thanks -- I love you guys!!

Brad Hargreaves: It is a NASA photo of the sun. It ties into the name of the CD because it's blue. It's a big sun and it's burning and it's blue. Things that burn aren't usually blue; you think of that as cold. So there we go again, with ideas banging into each other like bumper cars careening across the universe. (All three of us are laughing!)

Question: Who came up with your symbol?

Arion Salazar: This guy named Ro. He used to work at Electra, and he's gone now but not forgotten.

Question: Is this new album a different style from the last album or is it the same old Third Eye Blind?

Third Eye Blind: Why don't you find out for yourselves? It's a question you need to answer yourself, we think. We hope you find the answer you're looking for.

Question: Do you plan to house other artists on your new label, or is it just going to be you all?

Third Eye Blind: We haven't talked about it much, but it's certainly an idea we would entertain.

Question: If you could sing a song or work with anyone (dead or alive), who would it be? Why?

Arion Salazar: I'd say Paul McCartney, because he's the best musician on the planet.

Brad Hargreaves: Hendrix, because like Hendrix, I, too, am a voodoo child.

Stephan Jenkins: Janis Joplin, because, oh my, that rowdy bitch could sing.

Question: Was it harder to record your second album than your first, with the stress of the sophomore jinx and living up to your potential and the success of your first album?

Third Eye Blind: No.

Question: Your first album had songs that changed people's lives, “Jumper” being an example. Does “Blue” have songs like that?

Arion Salazar: I hope so. It was never our intention, but we're very flattered you were moved. We made an album that means a lot to us, and there's a mad girl named Jujanna, and she says she really likes it. She has the coolest red boots on that I've ever seen.

AOLiveMC8: Wow, the time has really flown by. We have time for one last question.

Question: When will your first video from the album be out?

Third Eye Blind: Sometime well into the next year. I just said that to piss off the record label. They're doing the freaky frustration dance right now. Dance, y’all, dance! We don't know exactly when we'll make one. We'll try to make one for you soon!

AOLiveMC8: Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to answer our questions.

Stephan Jenkins: You are very welcome. This is Stephan. Thanks again for having us.

AOLiveMC8: Good luck to all of you on your new release and all your future endeavors.

Third Eye Blind: Rock on, y'all, and walk like kings, every one of you. Thank you very much, and nighty night!

Portions of this transcript may be edited by AOL to correct spelling, punctuation and/or remove any material that violates AOL's Terms of Service.
OnlineHost: Copyright 1999 America Online, Inc.

Sonic Net chat

ThirdEyeBlind: We are talking on the day before the last day of the tour after spending a whole year on the road. "Losing A Whole Year." Its been an amazing experience for everybody. So I am talking to everyone today from the stand point of the tour and thinking about the summer tour which will be called the Bon Fire Tour.

Bretclancy : Why did you play all small venues? Will you be playing an amphitheater tour anytime soon?

ThirdEyeBlind: umm okay the answer is, we played small venues because we didn’t know so many people wanted to come and see us. This summer, yes we will be playing amphitheaters, but we will try and keep it as intimate and intense as the small shows have been.

Starbucks_Coffee : What's the best thing about being in the position you are?

ThirdEyeBlind: I get the opportunity to realize my ideas.

Bretclancy : Why didn't you make a second video for 'Losing A Whole Year?'

ThirdEyeBlind: We felt like making a live video cause we had all 'of this live footage but the label wanted us to do a concept video so we compromised and did both.

NYRManiaguest_238d38004 : When does the band plan to have a new album out?

ThirdEyeBlind: We will tour through the end of this year start working on a new record in February, and have a new record out sometime next year. Thanks for asking.

Disco_Lemooooonade : How did you like being on Road Rules. Did you get a chance to hang out with them and if so who did you think was coolest?

ThirdEyeBlind: ummm I didn’t spend anytime with anyone on Road Rules. If you watch the show, you could see that I was whisking them out of my hotel room as quickly as possible. So I really don’t know anything about them and I have never watched the show.

Starbucks_Coffee : What's your best advice for a person who wants to start a career singing?

ThirdEyeBlind: Sing all the time. Learn how to play the drums and learn how to play the piano.

JohnnyFootballHero : How did you think of the band name Third Eye Blind??

ThirdEyeBlind: We got really drunk on vodka. Brad pulled out a ouwije board and guess what it spelled?

Bretclancy : Will you be on MTV Live?

ThirdEyeBlind: We just did MTV live before we played Saturday Night Live. Carson Daley is a good friend of mine. I knew him when he was a DJ on KROQ so I am sure we will go back there sometime.

Coral1200 : How does it feel to have 2 top 10 hits in one year?

ThirdEyeBlind: I don’t know yet. Its certainly some kind of good. I feel very blessed.

Third_Eye_Blind_fan : Would you ever consider making a blues album?

ThirdEyeBlind: No.

Bretclancy : Why did you write "Jumper?" Were you inspired by a friend or family member committing suicide?

ThirdEyeBlind: A friend of our managers jumped off a bridge and killed himself in highschool because he was gay and thought that he would not be accepted. I never met this guy, but when Eric (our manager) told me the story about it I thought that all of us have a little bit more understanding in ourselves for other people then we give each other credit for. That’s why the refrain of "Jumper" says "I would understand."

Louie_14_98 : When did Third Eye Blind get together for the first time?

ThirdEyeBlind: We played our first show opening for the Counting Crowes at the Fillmore in San Francisco in 1993.

Third_Eye_Blind_fan : When you write does music come 1st or lyrics?

ThirdEyeBlind: They come in all directions. The songs come from all directions.

Sprite6 : How long have you been in the music business?

ThirdEyeBlind: I don’t know what the question means. I have played music since I was 15. If I had done it as a business I would certainly be out of business by now.

Bretclancy : What's up with that red chair you had at your concerts on stage?

ThirdEyeBlind: Uh I have no idea why I put it there. I just wanted a comfy chair on stage.

Third_Eye_Blind_fan : Who did you listen to while growing up?

ThirdEyeBlind: The Police, The Clash, De La Soul, Camper Van Beethoven, Jane’s Addiction and the Cocteau Twins.

SonicNetHost: I understand you contributed the song "Train In Vain" to the upcoming Clash tribute album. What does your version sound like, and in what way was Third Eye Blind influenced by The Clash?

ThirdEyeBlind: How did you know! Where did you hear that?! We haven’t decided yet if we are doing "Train In Vain" Or "Somebody Got Murdered" and our record label hasn’t even decided if they will even let us play. But we hope they do because The Clash is one of our biggest influences. We love the raw quality of their playing and the sense of experimentation and lack of pretense in their music. They are one of the only bands I think successfully combined politics and music.

Third_Eye_Blind_fan : Do you like Howard Stern?

ThirdEyeBlind: I have never listened to Howard Stern’s radio show ever. Somebody told me he liked one of our songs, that is all I know about him.

CIRCUSMIDGET666 : What’s your favorite kind of guitar?

ThirdEyeBlind: Les Paul and PRS Mcarty.

Third_Eye_Blind_fan : What inspired you to write "Semi-Charmed Life?"

ThirdEyeBlind: Being at a Lollapalooza when Primus was playing. Listening to hip hop and living my life in that glorious summer, with all these hopes and fears.

Goddess20_98 : Is "Horror Show" going to be on the new album?

ThirdEyeBlind: No "Horror Show" is the b-side to the single "How’s It Going To Be."

Skilvr98 : Is the song "How's It Gonna Be?" based on a real life experience?

ThirdEyeBlind: Yes.

Katie612 : Do you and everyone in the band get along good all the time, or do you argue?

ThirdEyeBlind: I am not telling.

PSUBrat : What have you found to be the most amazing thing that has happened since you've become famous?

ThirdEyeBlind: I don’t have to sleep on the floor anymore and somebody else carries my gear. The fact that I am staring out the window at a line of fans waiting for the doors to open, is certainly a very gratifying feeling as well.

Miagirl : If you could be an animal, what would it be?

ThirdEyeBlind: A dolphin.

Scarena55 : Do any of you have girlfriends?

ThirdEyeBlind: Maybe.

Rainbowbutterfly0123 : What does you look for in a girl?

ThirdEyeBlind: Long legs, big butt, big brain, good teeth, can tell a joke and can take a punch (kidding).

Scarena55 : No offense, but why do you have to put all those curse words in the songs?

ThirdEyeBlind: I have never sworn once in my songs- there is no profanity in my lyrics. I believe that their is nothing in them that need to be censored that's why when TV shows ask me to I say no.

TerrificLips : Have you ever explored any other types of the performing arts besides music, like acting or art?

ThirdEyeBlind: No but that doesn’t mean that I wont in the future. I studied film and playwriting in college. Maybe I will do that someday but I haven’t done it yet and I have no desire to do it now.

Gingerfish77 : What's your favorite song on the album??

ThirdEyeBlind: "I Want You."

Gingerfish77 : Do you like touring???

ThirdEyeBlind: Yes the personal connection that we have made with the fans has been the most profound thing that has happened to me this year. Also all most every night a little piece of magic happens. I feel very lucky to be a part of that.

Blue882 : HI STEPHEN. I wanna know what your next singe will be??

ThirdEyeBlind: "Losing A Whole Year."

Jkenzie40 : Why are the newer album covers red?

ThirdEyeBlind: We never wanted them to be yellow. Finally we got our way.

Guitar_101 : What is your favorite song to play live?

ThirdEyeBlind: "God Of Wine."

Driewhctib : Who is the person that has influenced you the most?

ThirdEyeBlind: Professor Steven Booth at UC Berkley.

DroidM3 : How you feel about being a sex symbol?

ThirdEyeBlind: I feel like DR. Frankenfurter sometimes from the Rocky Horror Picture show.

Lady_andromeda16 : What are some of the downsides to being as popular as you are right now?

ThirdEyeBlind: I can’t go out into the audience and check out the opening band. Sometimes I go out with my sweatshirt hood up, but I usually get caught. Other than that its not so bad.

SemiCharmedGuy_ : So how was it touring with fellow Eric Valentine vets Smash Mouth?

ThirdEyeBlind: We really enjoyed having them on tour with us.

I_luv_3eb : Are you glad that so many young people look up to you now?

ThirdEyeBlind: I wasn’t aware that they looked up to me.

KennedyRey : What instruments can you play?

ThirdEyeBlind: I play guitar drums with some skill. But I am more studio literate than I am birthed on an instrument.

ThirdEyeBlind101 : Were you really born in Wisconsin?

ThirdEyeBlind: I was born in the hills of Southern CA, and taken to Wisconsin as a baby. So I achieved consciousness in Wisconsin.

Blachowicz : Has your opinion of the music industry changed since you have become famous?

ThirdEyeBlind: Yes. I am not sure that we have changed it though and I am not sure that the industry is aware of how its changing. I don’t care I am really only interested in what Third Eye Blind is doing and what the people who listen to us are doing.

Mystiqueguest_8bc39608: What was it like for you in high school growing up?

ThirdEyeBlind: People thought I was a freak they still do. Freak really y'all! I felt stupid and awkward like everybody else.

_Simkin_ : What do you mean when you say "Like a jazz DJ, you talk me into sleep"

ThirdEyeBlind: If you have ever listened to late night female DJ's, they have this breezy quality to their voice that is very soothing. At least it is to me and that's why I said it.

Xena_120 : Do you like the Spice Girls?

ThirdEyeBlind: I like Posh Spice. But when I met them, I have to say Geri was the coolest.

PeepersTheFunkyRoboticMonkey : What are Third Eye Blind's plans for the future?

ThirdEyeBlind: Hahaha. Let see. We will be making some more videos, planning the Bon Fire Tour, which will begin in July. We will be touring South America, Europe and Asia. Ummm, then I'll go surfing for a month. Then we will make another record.

KennedyRey : What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever done or said?

ThirdEyeBlind: A girl tried to bite my finger off. I pried her jaws off me before she broke the skin.

Mystiqueguest_8bc39608 : Where are you currently?

ThirdEyeBlind: Northern California, the last show of the tour is in San Jose tomorrow. Seven thousand people.

_Green_Day_Girl : Do you feel spoiled sometimes?

ThirdEyeBlind: Yes.

Knights_Paige : Isn’t the fact you enjoy people waiting for you a tad sadistic.

ThirdEyeBlind: NO! Spanking somebody's ass with a leather swatter is sadistic. As far as the fans outside waiting I am just glad that they are here. But I am sorry that they have to wait for the doors to open to get in they seem like they are having a good time though they can’t see me either and its fun to watch them. I guess that makes me a voyeur. That's not a sadist.

Silverangel_5 : How long do plan to keep playing in the band?

ThirdEyeBlind: 2 years. 40 years. I don’t know.

Miagirl : What bands do you listen to now?

ThirdEyeBlind: Sublime, Rancid, Foo Fighters.

Dmggoddess : Where was your favorite place to tour?

ThirdEyeBlind: Spain is pretty damn fun because they are all vampires there. Night people. But the US is probably the easiest. The Japanese fans are the most generous.

BuffySlayer2 : Do you like Hanson?

ThirdEyeBlind: Hell yes!

Stutler5 : What do you think of women who beg to touch your beard??

ThirdEyeBlind: I haven’t thought about that much today.

Sam1414 : Don't you miss your family when you are on tour?? What do you to keep in touch with them??

ThirdEyeBlind: Yes I miss them and yes I try to keep in touch I talk to my mom every Sunday.

O0OLaurenO0o : What has fame/fortune allowed you to do that you couldn't do 4 years ago?

ThirdEyeBlind: Everything anything.

Jinsange : Do you drink, smoke? Or do anything hard core??

ThirdEyeBlind: Since when did drinking and smoking become hard core?

SkaterChic98 : If you could CHANGE any thing what would it be?

ThirdEyeBlind: The general state of the world. Disease, famine, ozone layer. That sort of thing you know the typical beauty pageant stuff.

RenhuK : Do you like/play any sports?

ThirdEyeBlind: I hate watching sports. I would rather stare at a wall which could actually be quite entertaining. Sometime I like to snowboard and I like to surf sometimes I play frisbee.

Dmggoddess : If you could undo one mistake- what would it be?

ThirdEyeBlind: I would have gone to Madrid to meet a girl in 1990 when she asked me to.

Tigereyes_275 : Who's your favorite author? And what else do you do besides music?

ThirdEyeBlind: Kerouac, Shakespeare, Sam Sheppard.

BuffySlayer2 : IF you weren’t touring with Smash Mouth who would you want to tour with?

ThirdEyeBlind: I would like Camper Van Beethoven to reform and come tour with us.

MaD_3 : Stephen, real quick. what do you think of Tooth and Nail Records???

ThirdEyeBlind: Kick ass graphics.

CHRONIK420 : What's your favorite cereal??

ThirdEyeBlind: Count Chockula.

DarkStarRising : Is your life still semi-charmed?

ThirdEyeBlind: Sadly I am forever semi - charmed.

Giraffe_21 : So how do you feel about the obsessed fans?

ThirdEyeBlind: uh hmmm. I don’t know they are probably obsessed over a lot of things, just not me but its hard to tell the difference between some one who is obsessed and someone to whom you just mean a lot to so I just try and give every one the same props that they give me.

Iceywaters : Did you ever have doubts about the band?

ThirdEyeBlind: No.


ThirdEyeBlind: That’s the first time I have heard that one. I am actually straight and have never had an affair with anyone of Mr. Navarro's gender we met I met Dave once. I met Dave during the Foo Fighters set in Japan and he successfully kept his hands to himself funny rumor though

ThirdEyeBlind: Thanks for having me. Thanks for all your questions I really enjoy having the contact with all of you, even if it is only in cyberspace. Hopefully I will see you al at the Bonfire Tour this summer. Cheers! Stephen

CHAT-A-LOG: THIRD EYE BLIND DATE: Wed Dec .1, 1997 -- TIME: 7p.m. PST Earwig ChatCave; ©1997 ElectricVillage, Inc.

Host says, "Welcome to tonight's chat with Third Eye Blind!! Singer Stephan Jenkins and drummer Brad Hargreaves will be joining us tonight. I'm your host, Marlene Goldman, editor of Earwig."

Host says, "You were nominated for a number of Billboard and California Music Awards. What do the nominations mean to you?"

Stephan Jenkins, "We only put this record out in the middle of April. We've been doing really the same thing, making the music, and that's exciting to us. We've been out playing it for the fans -- these are people who come to the shows and sing all the words. It's very much an organic thing, so we were surprised that the critics embraced the record the way that they did. The nominations are made by critics, so we were quite surprised."

Host says, "The critics like your record. How has it changed since the popularity has come your way in the local scene?"

"We didn't think 'Semi-Charmed Life' would get played on the radio at all."

Stephan Jenkins, "We haven't played in the local scene since -- but we want to, we intend to. We hang out in the local scene. We had people who were close to the band and we kept hanging out with them, so nothing has changed. Any scene is like a knitting circle -- there's a lot of gossip about. We've had questions about this, some people in the local scene gossip about us. It happens."

Tebgroupie says, "Stephan and Brad: My friend and I saw you guys play at the Palace in Hollywood. You all ROCKED!!"

Luna440 says, "Stephan -- you said on MuchMusic that it's GREAT if you're music actually "touches" someone ... well, I just wanted to let you know, it's REACHED MY HEART!!!"

Heroes says, "How do you guys feel opening for bands like U2 and the Stones?"

Largeinpants says, "What's it like to run across the stage for the Stones and U2?"

Stephan Jenkins, "Our drummer Brad does not like playing stadiums -- it's a little bit like playing in a mall. We really enjoyed the camaraderie with U2, and the way that we've been received by the fans is really good. U2 has a big, fat plane that is really fun to go flying around on."

Heroes says, "You guys like clubs better than stadiums? It's more personal ... a cooler show in my opinion."

Host says, "Did you get to meet Mick or any of the Stones?"

Stephan Jenkins, "I think we're meeting Mick in Miami."

Alienz50 says, "I was wondering what the song,"Jumper" meant?" "Jumper" was the song that had the most impact on me. I'm assuming that it was one of your more serious songs."

Stephan Jenkins, "Jumper"? All the songs that we like have a special meaning at one time. I probably think the most universal meaning of "Jumper" comes from the chorus, "I would understand." It just comes down to the idea that we should all give each other a break. Beyond that, it's in part inspired by a friend of our manager's who killed himself by jumping off a bridge in high school because he was gay. It was a bridge in San Diego -- so, needless to say, it's a song about understanding."

Jennar says, "3eb -- was it hard for you to write some of the songs on your CD because of personal experiences? Because I have to say, they really have a lot of meaning to me."

Host says, "What inspires you to write the songs?"

Stephan Jenkins, "They come from moods and emotional impulses. And those come from everywhere. But they are about the lives we lead and the lives we see."

Firefish says, "Is San Fran your favorite place?"

Luna440 says, "Stephan, did you guys like it in Vancouver??? There was a MASSIVE buzz over the city when you guys left. You left your mark!!!"

Stephan Jenkins, "Yes, we do like it in Vancouver. When we played there the other night -- I said 'San Francisco, Vancouver -- same city, different place.'"

Host says, "'Semi-Charmed Life' is about addiction. Isn't that ironic that it has been so successful on mainstream radio?"

"Sometimes we're walking around, nobody knows you, and other times you go to a restaurant and they bring us food for free."

Valleygirl says, "I love that song, host!! :)"

Stephan Jenkins, "We didn't think 'Semi-Charmed Life' would get played on the radio at all. There's nothing crypic about the lyrics. It's about snorting speed, and fellatio. Amongst other things. So, it's not something we thought they would play on the radio."

Valleygirl says, "That must be why I like it so much!!! j/k".

Stephan Jenkins, But it's also a song about always wanting things. And that's probably what most non-junkie sex-addicts can relate to."

Luna440 says, "Quote from Stephan: "Although 'Semi-Charmed Life' has a sort of bright sheen to it, it's really about speed junkies and the decline of a relationship due to speed addiction." That is burned in my mind because I watch the interview 500 times a day!!!"

Guest11 says, "Hey, I got a good question for ya, why didn't Brad play the drums on all the songs on the album?"

Stephan Jenkins, "Brad's lazy. We were playing with Michael Urbano before, so we just used some of those tracks."

Valgirl says, "Stephan, what makes you smile : )" Stephan Jenkins, " What makes me smile? Brad, what makes you smile?"

Brad Hargreaves, " Room service!" Stephan Jenkins, (Laughs) "My friends when they're around me, laughing."

Alienz50 says, "I read somewhere that said 'I Want You' is your favorite song. Is that true?"

Luna440 says, "I heard that "God of Wine" is Stephan's favorite!!!"

Caveman says, "How's It Going to Be?" rules!!"

Stephan Jenkins, "I Want You" is my favorite song. Both "God of Wine" and "I Want You" are BOTH my favorite songs!"

Guest11 says, "Hey, "Background" is the greatest song ever. What is it about?"

Stephan Jenkins, "'Background'"? "Background" is about .... Let me put it this way: Have you ever felt like your life was in high gear, and you were right in the moment, and you were happy, and rolling into some glorious unknown future ? And then have that all taken away? And .. then lived in sort of the post-period of that high? That's what it's like to live in the background."

Luna440 says, "Stephan ...You read too much!!!! Just kidding!!!"

Jawbreaker says, "Will you be dead at the age of 27 like most of the greatest musicians of the world?"

Largeinpants says, "Stephan, I think will be alive when he is 27."

Stephan Jenkins, " I lead a healthy life. There's a lot of things I'd like to destroy ...."

Jawbreaker says, "Destroy? Like what? Corporate America's disinterest?"

Stephan Jenkins, "... but none of them include myself. I intend to leave a very old, yet beautiful corpse."

Luna440 says, "Stephan, you ARE beautiful, and I'm POSITIVE your corpse will be, too..."

Jennar says, "How do you guys feel about the press? Have they had a positive effect on you? Negative, or none at all?"

Stephan Jenkins, "The press has ignored us. Everything that's happened with us has happened through word-of-mouth and the personal connection the fans make with the music. We've never been in Spin magazine. And we've had one page in Rolling Stone."

Largeinpants says, "Well, I have seen a lot of great press for you guys in S.F. That Examiner cover? Wow!!!! You look so young and wonderful. Keep working hard. I see the cover of Spin in your future one day!!!!"

Firefish says, "I have to let u know that my friend Cy luvs u guys more than life itself."

Heroes says, "The 'How's It Going To Be' video is really great ... do you have any idea why it's never played?"

Largeinpants says, "Well, if the fans call MTV, they will play it ... you just have to take control, as the fans."

Luna440 says, "Oh, GOD!!! Everytime I look at the TV, there it is ... the video for "How's It GoingtTo Be"... I like it, though!!!"

Stephan Jenkins, "Well, 'How's It Going to Be' is the new single."

Alienz50 says, "Where did the idea for the album cover come from (the girl with the hand over her face)?"

"Everything that's happened with us has happened through word-of-mouth."

Stephan Jenkins, "That came from me. It's intended to be an image that evokes several things at the same time. A tarot card, ecstacy, conflict, sex, and death."

Jawbreaker says, "Why a brown cover and a red cover. What's the difference?"

Stephan Jenkins, "It was our manager's idea. He wants to change the record cover every 500,000 copies. He thinks that kind of thing is cool."

Host says, "The songs are considered darker lyrically. Is that going to change with the next album?"

Stephan Jenkins, "I don't know -- we're certainly not going to make this album all over again. And if you look from song to song, I usually don't write about the same subjects over and over again. But I still have a lot of hopes and fears that get expressed through lyrics. So I wouldn't be surprised if there's at least some dark themes being addressed."

Dannius says, "Hey 3eb waz up you guys makin a new CD soon...."

Luna440 says, "When do you think you'll have a new album out? No pressure!!!"

Stephan Jenkins, "We don't have a timetable yet. We have more than a second record's worth of material we'd love to record, but it looks like we'll be touring this one for a while."

Luna440 says, "If the next album is as good as this one ... it'll SOAR!!!"

Host says, "Are you tired of playing the same songs every night?"

Stephan Jenkins, "It's totally exciting to play them every night. The whole idea is to bring the song alive, the way it felt when we first played it together. And that's pretty much what happens every night. We love to play live."

Heroes says, "You guys are great live."

Host says, "If you had a chance to be or do something different, who or what would you be?"

Brad Hargreaves, "In the words of James Brown, 'The way I like it is the way it is!!'"

Alienz50 says, "There is one Web site ( ) that claims to be the official Web site for the band. Do you have any idea if it's really official?"

Heroes says, "If it is official, it's hardly never updated."

Guest11 says, "Is it true that Brad helped make the offical Web site???"

Brad Hargreaves, "Yes."

Stephan Jenkins, "It's run by Brad's Brother."

Heroes says, "Cool."

Stephan Jenkins, "Ergo, all information issued forth from said Web site is official 3EB policy!!!!"

Firefish says, "Stephan, my friend wanted to let you know that you have really great forearms."

Guest11 says, "Did 'Semi-Charmed Life' win the Billboard song of the year???"

Stephan Jenkins, "Uh, I'm not supposed to tell you. TO rephrase it, we're nominated next week. Hint, hint, hint, wink, wink, wink."

Stoneparasite says, "Cool."

Firefish says, "Do they have a fashion stylist working for them at their video/photo shoots?"

Stephan Jenkins, "Somebody took us shopping yes. However, ... on the first video. For 'Semi-Charmed Life,' we had Jani Nussetter -- on both occasions I ended up wearing my own clothes.""

Jennar says, "Are there any band's or artists that you guys want to tour with?"

Stephan Jenkins and Brad Hargreaves, "Smashing Pumpkins, Tricky ... who else? We'll probably play with U2 again."

Alienz50 says, "I heard a clip from "Tattoo of the Sun." Just wondering why you guys left it off of the album?"

Stephan Jenkins, "Good question! I love that song, those are probably the best lyrics I've ever written in my opinion, but it just didn't seem to fit onto the record. Thanks for asking."

Jennar says, "Do you guys feel like celebrities now or the same as you always did? Have you lost friends, gained friends? Do you appreciate your fans?"

Stephan Jenkins, "It depends on the time of day. Sometimes we're walking around, nobody knows you, and other times you go to a restaurant and they bring us food for free. Which, of course, makes you feel pretty snazzy!"

Heroes says, "Wow ... free food ... you must be huge."

Jawbreaker says, "Is this at McDonalds or Taco Bell?"

Guest11 says, "I gotta go, YOU GUYS KICK @$$!!!! ROCK ON!!!!!"

Firefish says, "I heard a rumor that said that Stephan was dating Shirley Manson from Garbage."

Host says, "Someone else wrote in about you and Winona Rider. So what's the story?"

Jawbreaker says, "Would you pull a Dave Pirner [Soul Asylum]? Dump your girlfriend of 13 years, to go out with Winona Ryder?"

Stephan Jenkins, "Wynonna Ryder: Oh come, come: That story's as old as last summer. Re: Shirley Manson: Yes, it's all true. She and Brad are expecting their twins in the spring. "

Brad Hargreaves, "I would appreciate it if fans would write in with name suggestions...."

Firefish says, "Name one of them Chaos for me."

Brad Hargreaves, "Name one Chaos? Done!"

Heroes says, "Jude and Sadie."

Host says, "And a boy?" Stephan Jenkins, "For a girl, they're thinking Lily .... And for a boy, Shecky."

Jawbreaker says, "Chad."

Jawbreaker says, "Tad!"

Bethany says, "Dimebag."

Jawbreaker says, "Brak."

Heroes says, "I thought Stephan was back with the girl he wrote "Motorcycle Drive By" about."

Stephan Jenkins, "I said that at a show? No, I didn't. I am, as always, alone and lonely in my hotel room."

Heroes says, "Awww...."

Firefish says, "I'm with you in spirit, Stephan."

Heroes says, "I'll come pay a visit..."

Host says, "In a lot of interviews, you have prided yourselves on being independent. Have you made concessions now that you're on a big label?"

Stephan Jenkins, "Yes, we have. Sometimes. The videos, first. We haven't had control over them, and thus we feel they don't really represent what the group is about. We hope to make our own videos in the future."

Firefish says, "That would rock."

Alienz50 says, "That's cool."

Stephan Jenkins, "The other thing is, sometimes I hold my peace rather than totally speaking my mind. I intend to remedy that too, in the future."

Valgirl says, "How do you guys keep your individuality under such pressure to conform?"

"Sometimes I hold my peace rather than totally speaking my mind. I intend to remedy that too, in the future."

Stephan Jenkins, "We wear all black, talk about how we were all sure that we were vampires in past lives, and listen to a lot of Joy Division."

Heroes says, "Joy Division is brilliant."

Jawbreaker says, "Too bad Ian [Curtis] is dead."

Jennar says, "Have you ever had any embarrassing moments on stage??? If so, what happened? :)"

Stephan Jenkins, "Arion fell one night. It was raining on stage in Miami, Florida. "... But later that night, the Edge slipped on his ass in the same place. We commiserated about it and thought it was hilarious."

Stoneparasite says, "Ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh Heavens on Fire."

Host says, "Someone wanted to know what you thought was the worst song of all time."

Stephan Jenkins, "I don't know. We're players, not critics. I will say this, listen to the Carpenter's "We've Only Just Begun" some time. In all sincerity, that song rules !!!!"

Host says, "We're going to have to wrap this up so last question: Are you looking forward to breaking from your touring?"

Stephan Jenkins, "We're going to have a little break over Christmas. Brad and I will be snowboarding in Lake Tahoe. The other two guys will be hibernating ... and then we tour Japan."

Firefish says, "Third eye...come back to Los Angeles soon!!!"

Host says, "Any parting comments to your fans?"

Stephan Jenkins, "Of all the things that have happened to us in the kaleidescope that's made up the last seven months, the most touching .... thing for all of us has been .... the connection that the people have made to our music. We always make an effort to talk to people. And to see them connecting in a real way to the music that we made from a real place is humbling and great at the same time. Thanks to everyone!!!"

Luna440 says, "Stephan: Do you still have the 3eb vead embolum I made for you???? That bead thing took me 15 HOURS to make, buddy ... tons of frustration, and pricked fingers!!!"

Firefish says, "Luv Third Eye Blind!"

Valgirl says, "You guys rock!"

Heroes says, "I love you guys. Stop by Chicago SOON!"

Alienz50 says, "3EB is awesome and it inspires a lot of my own music writing."

Lilcaesar says, "Thanks 3rd Eye Blind!!! Take care, guys!"

Jennar says, "I love you guys!!!!"

Heroes says, "Later Stephan and Brad. I love you guys"

Host says, "Thanks for coming out tonight with Third Eye Blind."

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